05-17-23 Urban Renewal Agency Board MinutesMAY 17, 2023, —4 P.M. CITY HALL— FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM AND VIA ZOOM MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Marc Rold David Girardot Katharine King, Development Services Catherine Potter via Zoom Shannon Freix via Zoom Cara Lemire via Zoom PUBLIC COMMENT Elizabeth Lockwood, A & E Design: Attending, no comment. PREVIOUS MEETING SUMMARY David moved the February 2023 Meeting Summary be accepted; Catherine seconded. All voted in favor. TIF & TEDD Downtown: Staff provided an update on the Parking Garage project and Charles Hotel: Transfer of ownership to Montana Hotel Development Partners is expected in July on both the 3rd & Main and Eagles Lots. Construction to begin spring 2024. Anticipate parking lots to remain available for public use via agreement as long as possible. The city signed the grant agreement for the USDOT Safe Streets and Roads For All (SS4A) planning grant. Next steps include meeting with Montana Department of Transportation District Administrator Bob Vosen to kick- off project, draft a request for proposal (RFP), advertise the RFP and select a consulting firm. Generally, expect the first year of the project to focus on community input with the second year focused on completion of necessary analyses and studies. The city is continuing to work with the Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) and Kalispell Business Improvement District (BID) to draft policy on banners to be displayed over Main Street and on light poles potentially on both Main Street and the Kalispell Parkline. The intent of banners is to promote activities in the city and TIF districts. In the event City Council adopts a policy, the city will then need to address the need for adequate infrastructure for mounting the banners. Infrastructure improvements would likely be eligible uses of Downtown and Westside Core Area TIF funds based on locations. The South Kalispell/Airport TIF Traffic Improvement Project is completed, and final invoices are being processed for payment. Marc indicated some trees in the project area appear to have died. Staff will follow- up and pursue warranty work if needed. BROWNFIELDS EPA Region 8 project manager for the 2016 Brownfields Assessment grant has requested photos be added to the closeout report and this work is underway. The city has requested the following Targeted Brownfields Assessments (TBAs) from the Montana DEQ: • 3rd & Main phase I update in preparation for July transfer of ownership • Eagles Lot phase I update in preparation for July transfer of ownership Wye Track phase I in preparation for July sale. Note: this site will be proposed for annexation into the city and an expansion of the Westside Core Area TIF boundary. Former Rygg Ford site phase II for western portion of site Marc asked if brownfields would be used at former Roy Stanley site. The property owner had approached the city about both brownfields and potential TIF funding, but has since listed the property for sale. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING The Board's next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 4 p.m. Meeting adjourned.