FEBRUARY 14, 1989
CALL TO ORDER President Manning called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. Board
AND ROLL CALL members present were Manning, Fraser, Hall, Furlong, Sloan, Hash,
and Robbins. Board members absent were Stephens and Carothers.
David Greer, Senior Planner, represented the Flathead Regional
Development Office.
APPROVAL OF The minutes of the meeting of December 13, 1988 were approved as
MINUTES presented on a motion by Hall, second by Sloan, with all board
members present voting aye.
HERITAGE PLACE Manning introduced a request by Developers Diversified, Ltd. for
REQUEST FOR annexation and zoning of Heritage Place, a five acre parcel of
ANNEXATION land in Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M.,
AND ZONING Flathead County. An RA-1 (Residential Apartment) zoning
classification is requested. Manning asked Greer to give the
staff report.
Greer briefly discussed the petition for annexation and zoning.
The zoning was evaluated using the statutory criteria as set
forth under 76-2-304 M.C.A. The recommendation by Staff was to
recommend that Heritage Place be annexed subject to four
conditions which were: 1) That the sewer main be extended to the
property in accordance to City of Kalispell construction
methods. The engineering design and/or construction costs shall
be borne by the owner and developer of the property; 2) That fire
hydrants be installed in accordance to the Uniform Fire Code and
as otherwise acceptable to the Kalispell Fire Department; 3) That
all utilities be located within recorded easements; and 4) That
the subject parcel be subject to subdivision review. Upon
annexation, Greer said, the Staff reccommends an RA-1 zoning
Public Hearing Manning opened the hearing to public input regarding the
assignment of an RA-1 zoning classification.
Tom Sederstrom of Thomas Dean & Hoskins Inc. stated he
represented Lantis of Montana, who are proposing to buy the
property from Developers Diversified, Ltd. after annexation and
zoning and would answer any questions the Commission might have.
Doug Johns, realtor, stated that he represented Developers
Diversified, Ltd. and would answer any questions the Commission
might have. He indicated that he had no problem with the proposed
zoning classification.
Manning called for other input, either in favor of or opposed to
the zoning as proposed. There being none, he closed the hearing
to public input and opened the matter for Commission discussion.
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axsq qou PTnoM pug gsaaaquT Jo gOTTJuOO s pug aq pGqugs aasuad
Sloan nominated Hash for vice president; Fraser seconded. Hall
moved that nominations be closed; Sloan seconded. All members
present voted aye.
ADJOURNMENT Hall moved for adjournment at 8:20 P.M.; Robbins seconded.
Dorothy Heard, Recording Secretary