MAY 9, 1989
CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Charles Manning, President, at
AND ROLL CALL 7:02 p.m. Those present were Furlong, Robbins, Manning, Carothers,
Sloan, and Hash. Hall and Stephens arrived a little later. Fraser was
absent due to a sickness in the family. David Greer, Senior Planner,
represented the Flathead Regional Development Office.
APPROVAL OF MIN- Carothers moved to accept the minutes of the meeting held on April
UTES APRIL 11, 11, 1989 as circulated.. Sloan seconded the motion and it passed
1989 unanimously.
WALTERS/OLSON Manning introduced the request to evaluate a proposal to amend the
ZONE CHANGE PRO- Official Zoning Map of the West Side Zoning District by changing the
POSAL IN WEST zoning of a tract of land from Residential R-1 to Neighborhood
SIDE ZONING Business B-1.
Greer gave the staff report saying that the reason for this request
is in response to a request made when the West Side Zoning District
was created two years ago. Certain property owners in this area of
South Meridian Road, at the time of the Commissioners approving the
West Side Zoning District, requested that they would like to have a
commercial zoning designation rather than the residential zoning
designation that was proposed. At the time of the request, it was too
late in the process to make a zoning designation change. The
Commissioners agreed to look at a possible commercial zone after the
West Side Zoning District was created. Greer pointed out the location
of the property stating that the Master Plan calls for that area to
be Urban Residential. The only commercial designation that will fit
in with the Master Plan is a B-1 Neighborhood Business. Currently the
property has been used for storage of christmas trees and bundling
and shipping of christmas trees during the fall season and a single
family house is also located on the property. Someone has purchased a
tract of the land to put 'a duplex on. In staff review of the
Neighborhood Business proposal, the majority of the findings turned
up negative. Therefore, the conclusion is that it is inappropriate to
establish a commercial hub at this location due to the curve, narrow
road, and the general residential character of the area. The staff
recommends that the area remain Residential R-1.
Public Hearing Manning opened the public' hearing calling for proponents of the
proposal to speak. There being none, he called for opponents to
Henrietta Ekland, Peder Waldum, Grace Waldum, Chuck Cook, Reed Sand,
---- Harold Peterson and Nick Venturini all expressed opposition to the
proposed zone change. Peder Waldum read his letter into the record
which stated that this zone change would be a problem, the area of
South Meridian is primarily residential, homes and yards have
recently been upgraded and property values would decrease, and there
is not indication of what type of business will be located there.
There being no other comments, Manning closed the public hearing.
Motion Furlong moved to deny the proposed requested zone change for the West
Side Zoning District. Sloan seconded and the motion passed
unanimously by the quorum present.
Motion Carothers moved to adopt the Flathead Regional Development Office
staff report as findings of fact. Robbins seconded and the motion
passed unanimously by the quorum present.
KALISPELL SITE Manning asked Clete Daily to give a progress report of the Kalispell
ACCESS PLAN PRO- Site Access Plan.
Clete Daily stated that many of his figures are still in their
preliminary stages since he is in the middle of trying to finish the
access analysis on Flathead Valley Community College so that they can
get their access permit.
Mr. Daily showed a base map that they are working with which will
plot all of the land use in the area and show traffic patterns for
the same area. The land use inventory has been completed and his
chart showed that there are 552 single family homes and 338
apartments for a total of 880 units of residential use. There is
33,500 square feet of commercial use, 155,200 square feet of offices
which includes medical offices, 114 beds in hospitals, 14,000 square
feet for recreational purposes, and 14,500 square feet of church use.
His chart for accidents in the area under study showed that between
1986-88 there were a total of 53 accidents of which 51% occurred in
1988. He felt that the increase in 1988 was due to the stop light at
West Reserve. The accident ratios were Summer 18%, Fall 22%, Winter
42%, Spring 17%, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. 89%, 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. 11%, weekday
85% and weekend 15%. The types of accidents are angle 25%, turn 40%,
rear end 32%, and other 3%. Of all the accidents, 25% had injury and
75% had damage. He said that one of his goals is to look at ways to
reduce the accidents at locations along the area of study.
He had some traffic projections for Highway 93 North which will be
the result of locating the college on Grandview Drive. Since the
Highway Department will be letting contracts for the widening of
Highway 93 North in 1992 his traffic projections have been done for a
20 year period to the year 2012. When the community college opens in
1989, there should be 3,500 vehicle trips per day. In 2012 the
traffic volume should be 6,325 per day. Peak hours will be 8 a.m. to
9 a.m. with 300 cars at the Grandview intersection. He showed by his
study that 74% of the traffic will be coming from Kalispell to the
college, 11% will be from the east, and 15% will be from the north
and west. He expects the traffic to at least double from 1989 to
2012. He feels that probably the answer will be to have a traffic
signal at Grandview Drive. There are already three other signals
recommended by the study that the highway department did. Those three
signals are at Conway Drive, Sunnyview Drive, and Meridian Road.
Stephens pointed out that these preliminary figures do stress the
need for another access from the east particularly for getting to the
Community College. This will increase the need to extend Grandview
Drive to West Evergreen Drive.
Furlong asked if Clete Daily knew what the traffic loads are at the
three intersections that the Highway Department has designated a need
for traffic signals? Mr. Daily indicated the individual traffic
demands for each intersection based on the previous U.S. 93 Traffic
Study. Furlong wondered why the need for traffic signals at both
Sunnyview and Conway Drive? Clete Daily said that the reason is for
traffic regulation. This would be able to create gaps in the traffic
since there are about 10,600 average daily vehicles north of
Grandview and 14,000 south of Conway Drive.
Manning asked if there was a timeline for the installation of those
three traffic signals? Clete Daily could not remember exactly but he
thought it was about three years.
Carothers asked about adoption of the traffic study. Clete Daily
stated that when the TAC adopts the traffic study results, there will
be a schedule of improvements for the Highway Department to follow.
Stephens added that these preliminary figures also point out the need
for the truck by-pass.
n Manning thanked Clete Daily for his excellent report.
MERIDIAN ADDITION Manning asked Greer for his report on the Meridian Addition zoning.
Greer gave an information report saying that the Meridian Addition
was not given a zone when the City redid their zoning ordinance in
1987. Greer stated that Glen Neier, city attorney, feels that the
Meridian Addition is zoned. He stated that the Meridian Addition has
long been a problem. It was originally created as a residential plat.
Back in the years when the Board of Adjustment gave Use Variances,
property owners in this area asked for those variances and they were
granted. This created the problem of having such a mix of uses. If
the Board chooses to address this issue, it will be a board initiated
process. He stated that letters were sent to each property owner in
Meridian Addition and the immediate adjacent landowners. In 1984,
when the Board tried to zone the Meridian Addition, the residents of
the Storms Addition were opposed to business and industrial zoning
because of their residential neighborhood. Because of this they were
included in the mailing this time. Greer gave the results of the
responses from the property owners. He stated that one property
owner, who owns a number of tracts in Meridian Addition, wanted to be
zoned I-1. Two property owners in Meridian Addition requested
residential zoning, Charlene O'Neil suggested that the property on
the south side be zoned B-5 and the property on the north side be
zoned I-1, and four people from the adjacent area wanted a
residential zoning for Meridian Addition. Larry Hanchett did not
write but he was into the Flathead Regional Development Office and
said that he is looking for a new location for Consolidated Electric
since the zoning in Meridian Addition is so uncertain. Greer
concluded that, no matter what the zoning designation was to be,
someone would not be happy.
Stephens agreed that the issuance of the Use Variances created a
monster and most of the same people still own the property in that
Manning asked why Glen Neier still felt that the area is zoned? Greer
stated that at one time there was a zoning designation placed on it
in a much older zoning map and ordinance. Greer stated that Neier
feels that since Meridian Addition has failed to be designated in
recent maps means that the old designation still stands, which is
residential. Greer pointed out though that everybody in the area
wants some sort of zone.
Sloan stated that her inclination is to zone it residential because
it is not fair to those landowners to have this uncertainty and it
seems that the majority of the area would wish for residential.
Furlong stated that when he first moved here years ago, Forest
Products was the only thing there. Then the vacant land between
Meridian Road and Forest Products became estate type residential.
Finally it was platted as residential and then the use variances were
granted. He added that he did not know what the answer is but not
there are some changing factors. The BN railroad may abandon the
track bed and a truck route by-pass is being discussed for that area.
The question then is where is the dumping from the truck by-pass
going to be. It has been suggested that this north end of Meridian
Road could be the dumping area for the by-pass traffic. At the same
time, the conditions which exist now have been existing for years
from the preceding years of error. He added that most of the
industrial uses there have existing for at least 40 years and Forest
Products much longer.
Hall felt that it should all be zoned residential since the
industrial uses would be grandfathered. He said there are still many
vacant lots in the vicinity and those then could be developed as
residential. He added there there are generally three property owners
who are conducting industrial uses on their properties. The rest is
either vacant or residential.
Greer stated that there is really a need to address this issue
because there have been people calling wanting to know what is
allowed there and a realtor has called requesting that something be
done because they cannot sell property in that area.
Hash agreed that the landowners need to know where they stand.
Greer stated that this dilemma in Meridian Addition is the reason why
the new zoning ordinance has an expanded non -conforming section which
allows for the change in use of non -conforming property as long as it
does not impact the area to any greater degree than the previous non-
conforming use. Manning elaborated on the rationale for the amendment
to the non -conforming section of the ordinance.
Furlong stated that if a recommendation is presented to the City
Council they will have to act on it in some fashion.
Greer pointed out that, if the Meridian Addition is under an older
zoning ordinance, the flexibility of the non -conforming use section
would not exist as it does under the current zoning ordinance.
Motion Sloan moved to review the Meridian Addition for possible zoning and
to conduct a public hearing and send a recommendation to the City
Council. Hash seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by the
quorum present.
OLD BUSINESS Greer updated the Board on the status of the annexation and zoning of
the wholly surrounded lands. The City Council will be holding a
public hearing on the annexation and zoning proposals at their next
city council meeting May 15.
NEW BUSINESS There was discussion as to having a summer time schedule for the
Motion Sloan moved to set the Board meetings at 5:30 p.m. for the months of
June, July and August. Stephens seconded the motion and it passed
unanimously by the quorum present.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned
at 8:21 p.m.
Charles Manni
Approved : 6/1_7/�7
Ava Walters, Recording Secretary