08-15-91 Planning BoardKALISPELL CITY -COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES Or' MEETING AUGUST 15, 1991 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Charles AND ROLL CALL Manning, Vice President, at 5:30 p.m. Board members present were Manning, Dominick, Fraser, Sloan, Kennedy, and Gould. Board members absent were Hash, Stephens, and Lopp. David Greer, Senior Planner, represented the Flathead Regional Development Office. APPROVAL OF Manning called for approval of the minutes of MINUTES June 11, 1991. Kennedy so moved and Fraser seconded the motion; it was passed unamimously. APPROVAL OF Manning called for approval of the minutes of MINUTES July 9, 1991. Kennedy so moved and Fraser seconded the motion; it was passed unanimously. _______SMITHLTN ZONE Manning introduced the request by John Smithlin\ CHANGE REQUEST - Helseth to amend the Willow Glen Zoning District WILLOW GLEN by changing the zoning of a tract of land from Residential R-2 to General Business B-3. Greer gave the staff report pointing out that the location of the request is on U. S. Highway 2 and UMontana Highway 35 in Evergreen. The existing zoning is part of the Willow Glen Zoning District. When U. S. Highway 2 was zoned, it was from the center line out, so that everything 250 feet out from the center line in the area was zoned General Business B-3.and everything beyond that was zoned Residential R-2. The request by Smithlin and Helseth is to extend the B-3 zoning further to the south and extend it out further from the highway. This is in the area of Super One Foods, Ralston Motors, Evergreen Auto, and Summit Spas. The request does not affect any residential property, only commercial or vacant property associated with commercial uses and all this property is oriented towards the highway as this is the only access. Greer pointed out that the zone change request is in substantial compliance with the Master Plan, but the access onto the highway is bad. Any future or additional development in the area will require an encroachment permit from the State Highway Department. Greer stated that- the zone change will not improve traffic in the area, but by granting the zone change to commercial, it may facilitate the extension of community water and sewer to the area. Greer also noted that there is a wetland in the area behind Ralston Motors. Any development in that area will require a permit from the Corps of Engineers before, or if, it can be filled. The staff recommended approval of the zone change request. Public Hearing Manning opened the public hearing, calling for comments from proponents. The following people spoke in favor of the proposed zone change: John Smithlin and Ernest Helseth. There being no other proponents, Manning called for comments from opponents. There were no opponents and the hearing was closed to public input. Board Discussion Fraser asked if the property was under the ownership of Smithlin and Helseth? Greer replied it it was, with one other landowner associated with Ralston Motors. Fraser asked if all owners had received notification of the proposed zone change? Greer replied they had. Kennedy asked if there would be any effect on the proposed traffic flow of having a bypass going through that area? Greer replied that it is shown on the Master Plan map as only one of the alternatives. Gould asked U if the property on the east is zoned commercial and if the bypass chose that route, wouldn't the cost of land acquisitions increase, and is there a way to exempt that portion of land that might be included in the bypass? Greer replied that the Commission could exclude an easterly portion of the property from the zone change. Motion Fraser moved to adopt the findings of fact of Staff Report #FZC-91-3 and to recommend approval of changing the zoning classification from R-2 to B-3. Sloan seconded the motion. Gould made a motion to exclude the east 60 feet. Manning asked if Fraser and Kennedy would accept that as an amendment? Fraser replied that since the bypass will go through review, an exclusion would be premature. Kennedy voiced some concern that the exclusion could be considered spot zoning. The motion died for a lack of second. Question Those voting in favor were Kennedy, Sloan, Fraser, Dominick, and Manning. Gould voted against the motion. Motion carried. N KALISPELL Manning introduced the Kalispell Market Place MARKET PLACE Urban Project and asked for a report. URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT Fraser excused himself from participation in the agenda item due to a conflict of interest. Greer explained that Kalispell operates under two master plans: the Kalispell City -County Master Plan and the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. He said that any redevelopment project within the Redevelopment area should be considered by the Planning Board and the recommendations passed on to the City Council. He said the City is proposing to participate in a project involving Tidyman's Super Stores, which involves the abandonment of Second Avenue East and the alleyway, and participating in infrastructure improvements by using tax increment funds. 1st Avenue East would be extended from Center Street across the railroad tracks. Greer turned the meeting over to Steve Cervantes for further technical information. Cervantes stated that the City has been working on the proposed project for approximately three years, but that it has not been formally approved as a permanent redevelopment project. Cervantes explained that the proposed project by Tidyman's was to build a 57,000 square foot store facility and an additional retail site for other uses, with Second Avenue East being abandoned, along with the alleyway. To ensure that First Interstate Bank has adequate ingress and egress, it is proposed that all of the alleyway be given to this purpose and the rest would be used for parking. The development would generate approxiamtely $100,000 a year in taxes through tax increment financing. Clete Daily of Clete Daily and Associates, Traffic and Transportation Engineers of Helena, then presented a traffic analysis on the impact of the proposed project, and Larry Gallagher, a real estate consultant working for the City of Kalispell, presented additional technical information. Several board members asked questions regarding the impact of traffic on other areas beyond the proposed redevelopment area. Manning asked for any further input from the Board. There was none. 3 Public Hearing Manning opened the public hearing, calling for comments from proponents. Max Lager, who lives on First Avenue East, stated that he was not against the project, but he had concerns regarding the impact of the traffic outside the redevelopment area and asked what provisions would be made to control the traffic so that First Avenue East does not become a thoroughfare? There being no other proponents, Manning called for comments from opponents. Glen Graham expressed his concern and opposition to tax increment funds being used for the project. There being no other opponents, Manning closed the hearing to public input. Board Discussion Sloan asked Daily if there would be any regulations against a bypass or truck traffic on First Avenue East. Daily replied that there would be no truck traffic. Manning asked for the latest information on the proposal to make First Avenue East or First Avenue O West one-way streets. Cervantes replied that the Public Works Department had started to look into the matter, but decided to wait and do a comprehensive traffic plan. Kennedy asked Daily if there would be a need for stop lights or stop signs further down First Avenue East to allow for the flow of traffic? Daily replied that First Avenue East •to Fourth Avenue East would be the section that would be used to connect to U. S. Highway 2, and that the residential areas should be protected as much as possible. Gould asked Cervantes if the jobs created by the project would be from Tidyman's? Cervantes replied that in the first year, 70 jobs would be created from Tidyman's and 16 from Pizza Hut, with the rest over a period of one to two years. Gould asked how many jobs would be lost by other businesses due to the competition from the proposed project? Cervantes replied it would be difficult to analyze. Gould expressed concern that the tax increment money that would go to local government and school districts would be withheld and not be available for the larger community. M Cj Motion Dominick moved to •recommend approval of City of Kalispell Resolution No. 4002, a Resolution of Intention to Modify the Downtown Redevelopment Plan to Approve a Certain Urban Renewal Project, specifically the Kalispell Market Place. Sloan seconded -the motion. Question Those voting in favor were Kennedy, Sloan, Gould, Dominick, and Manning. The motion was passed unanimously. PROPOSED AMEND- Manning introduced a proposed amendment to the MENT TO THE procedures for amending the Kalispell Downtown PROCEDURES FOR Redevelopment Plan. AMENDING THE KALISPELL DOWN- Greer stated that the Downtown Redevelopment plan TOWN requires notification of everyone within that REDEVELOPMENT district of any proposed project and a proposal is PLAN being considered to make project notification less cumbersome. Cervantes explained that within the urban redevelopment area, there are approximately 900 property owners that must be notified of a Board or Council meeting whenever a project is proposed. A provision that excepts that is to amend the process, adopting by ordinance. The public hearing would not be eliminated but the focus would be narrowed down to projects in the area that are related, and so help reduce the costs. Public Hearing Manning opened the public hearing, calling for comments from proponents. There being no proponents, Manning called for opponents. There being no opponents, the hearing was closed to public input. Board Discussion Sloan asked Cervantes how much it cost to notify the landowners? Cervantes replied $1,000. Sloan aksed how many city blocks 150 feet equaled? Cervantes replied it would be at least -the depth of two parcels surrounding an area. Manning asked if the proposal would be to notify the newspaper and send written notices to people within that radius, rather than those 900 landowners. Fraser asked if the proposal would make the radius 150 feet or 300 feet? Cervantes replied that 150 feet was preferred. Fraser asked if in zoning changes or subdivisions, adjoining property owners within 150 feet had to be notified? Greer responded that in a zone change, landowners within 150 feet had to be notified and 5 that for subdivisions, adjacent landowners had to be notified. --� Motion Sloan moved to recommend adoption of Resolution No. 4001, A Resolution of Intention to Modify the Downtown Redevelopment Plan by modifying the procedure for modification and amendment thereto, with the inclusion of a requirement to notify all property owners within 150 feet of a proposed project area. Fraser seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Greer stated that they were in the process of gathering information on the social impacts of tourism. A number of studies have been done by the University of Montana and Herbaly is compling that information for a packet. Dominick asked what the information would be used for? Greer replied that the information would be incorporated into any related information regarding tourism into the Master Plan. NEW BUSINESS Gould asked about future work projects? Greer stated that there is increased interest in the airport plan and that it would be the next project to be pursued, probably in the fall and winter. �l Gould gave an update of the Lawrence Park program, a funded program to stabilize the steep bank. The project is scheduled to start in September. ADJOURNMENT Gould moved to adjourn and Kennedy seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Charles Manni g, Vi e Presi ent Sandie Mueller, Recording Secretary APPROVED: 6