EXTERNAL Agenda Item H_2_ Mountain Villa Annexation_Zoning_Public Comment from James and Luanne Metcalf TO: Kalispell City Council FROM: James and Luanne Metcalf 165 Trailridge Rd Kalispell, MT 59901 Ref: Mountain Villa Annexation (and Initial Zoning of RA-1) We expected Mountain Villa to request annexation as soon as city services became available and support that effort. We do oppose giving an RA-1 designation to the northern section of this parcel. The proposed RA-1 designation will allow multi-family housing as well as compatible non-residential uses. Although splitting of parcels is not encouraged, we recommend the northern portion remain R-2. Under the newly signed Senate Bill 323, duplexes will be allowed anywhere single-family residences are allowed within city zoning. Zoning the northern portion R-2 would keep the density down to duplexes and not allow non-residential uses. A transition between housing densities like what the Royal Reserve Condos provide is highly desirable. In our humble opinion, allowing any non-residential uses immediately adjacent to single family homes in R-2 does not allow an adequate buffer between zones. We also ask the City of Kalispell and the developer to seriously consider the impact of using Garden Drive to access development in the northern portion. This county road is only 23 feet wide with no sidewalks. A significant increase in residential traffic and emergency services (fire, police, ambulance) will greatly impact safety on this road. Additionally, although the county is responsible for routine maintenance of Garden Drive, Country Estates subdivision is responsible for any future surface reconstruction through a Rural Self Improvement District. With this proposed development, there will be no incentive for the subdivision to improve Garden Drive and it will continue to deteriorate. Thank you for your consideration. James and Luanne Metcalf