05-16-23 Conrad Mansion Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Conrad Mansion Museum Board of Directors Meeting May 16, 2023 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Location: Kalispell Chamber of Commerce 1. Board Review and Consent a. Review of minutes from April b. Approval treasurer’s report for April 2022 c. Approval of use of grant funds from the Great Fish Community Challenge d. Approval of designated fund advisors during the Great Fish Community Challenge 2. Grants/Sponsorships a. Flathead Electric sponsorship of student Tours - $10,000 b. Community grant through WFCF – garden shed c. Museum cooperative marketing projects 3. Fundraising a. Brick Project – bricks have arrived! b. Room Sponsorships 4. Executive Director’s report 5. Board planning meeting – recap and next steps Board members unable to attend in person may join via Zoom (with camera on) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4989062297?pwd=Yml4bWtEdTJxMWdSU2svSjUxNFJsQT09 2023 Board Meeting Schedule (subject to change) January 17 February 21 March 21 April 11 * (2nd Tuesday) May 16 June 20 July 18 August 22 September 19 October 17 November 21 December 19