04-28-23 Managers Report and Cumulative Monthly Offense and Arrest totals 4 231 City of Kalispell OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Information Memorandum 4/28/2023 1.Public Works Impact Fee Advisory Committee Meeting Last week, the impact fee committee reviewed and approved the final cost base updated reports for police and fire impact fees. The final reports will be reviewed with Council at a future work session. Additionally, during the committee meeting, staff reviewed the past two years of financial expenditures for all the impact fee funds. The financial review is performed regularly with the committee to ensure the City is meeting the requirements of Montana Code. The stormwater impact fee is the next utility scheduled for impact fee review and will commence once the Stormwater Facility Plan Update is near completion. Solid Waste Division The solid waste master plan development is underway. Staff are providing information to the consultant and the in-person kickoff meeting will be held within the next month. New service area letters, focusing on Eagle Valley Ranch and Glacier Village Greens Subdivisions, have been sent to residents since March of 2023. To date 437 letters have been sent and as a response, there are 87 new solid waste customers. 2.Parks and Recreation Park Staff are working to convert the Woodland Camp Center building that is used during the winter by Flathead Valley Hockey Association back into the Woodland Summer Day Camp building. They are removing temporary locker rooms and storing rub mats used by hockey during winter months. Park staff are also working on opening seasonal restrooms throughout the park system. Since ground water has receded at the Begg Dog Park, staff are able to begin aerating, fertilizing and overseeding the turf. Due to the popularity of Begg Dog Park, the turf sees a significant amount of impact. To manage the turf, we close the facility when there is high ground water present, wait for it to recede and go through an opening protocol to minimize impacts. The Forestry crew finished pruning trees in the Westview Subdivision. Staff are now preparing for Arbor Day on April 28. Thirty new trees will be planted in Woodland Park and various boulevards throughout the community in celebration. 2 The Spring Little Dribblers basketball season is over. Fall Little Dribblers basketball starts in October and runs until Thanksgiving. Games will be played at Rankin, Elrod, and Peterson Elementary Schools between 8am-6pm. Spring Soccer has begun. Games are played on Wednesdays and Fridays from 5:30pm -7:45pm. Games are played at the Kalispell Youth Athletic Complex. Camp Woodland registration is open. Spots have filled quickly, but we do have some limited availability. We hope to potentially open more spots as we continue to hire summer staff. Camp Woodland starts June 12 and runs through August 18. Registration for our summer programs is also open and there are some great opportunities for kids to stay active including sports camps, art camps, dance camps, and more. Registration information can be found on our Kalispell Parks and Recreation page. Registration for Summer Swim Lessons will open on June 3 with a registration event at Woodland Water Park. 3. Police Department Attached, find the latest case report for the Kalispell Police Department. Patrol officers participated in an in-house training on arrest team tactics, contingency planning, defensive tactics, basic firearms manipulation, and marksmanship. Officers Carson Dubois and Michael Frame graduated from the Montana Law Enforcement Academy Basic Program. The Special Response Team (SRT) participated in a weeklong in-house training. The training focused on room clearing, breaching tactics, and all the necessary annual qualification courses. The week wrapped up with hostage rescue scenarios. Patrol Officers attended the Law Enforcement response to Critical Incidents training, which provided instruction on supervisory/officer considerations and tactics when responding to and managing critical incidents. Officer Will Appel was named by Kalispell Lion’s Club Officer of the year. Officer Appel was nominated by his peers for his strong work ethic, intelligence, commitment to duty, and community volunteerism. Detective Chad Sweigart and Detective Sgt Karen Webster participated in the Nurturing Center’s Blue Ribbon Event to raise awareness against child abuse. Hosted at the Fairgrounds Expo building, Detectives Sweigart and Webster handed out gift bags to children and answered questions from the community. 3 Year to date calls for service for patrol stands at 11,291 compared to 10,874 in 2022 and 10,409 in 2021. Year to date for detective felony cases stands at 177 compared to 228 in 2022 and 171 in 2021. 4. Fire Department From April 13 to April 25, the Fire Department had 137 responses. Of these, there were 102 medical incidents, 7 Motor vehicle accident with injuries, 5 fire alarm activations, 6 public assists, 1 Haz-Mat incident, 1 vehicle fire, 9 unauthorized burning, and 8 dispatched and canceled enroute. Crews have been completing OSHA training for asbestos, lock-out/tag-out for electrical systems, and bloodborne pathogens. Crews have been hosting school visits to stations from both public and private schools. The fire department received 2 bids for a new Engine/Pumper, which we are going through to ensure compliance with the bid specifications. The Kalispell Fire Department hosted a 2-day National Fire Academy Leadership class. 3 personnel from KFD attended as well as members of 5 area agencies. The Lions Club Firefighter of the year for Kalispell Fire Department is Firefighter EMT Wes Barr. Wes has been very active in teaching academies, specialty training for members and advancing his education and training. Approximately 150 community members attended a pancake breakfast hosted by off-duty firefighters at Station 62. This was an opportunity for citizens to visit a fire station, see apparatus and talk to firefighters. 5. Planning Department The Kalispell City Planning Board will hold a public hearing at their May 9 meeting and take public comments on the agenda items listed below: 1. File #KA-23-03 –Cindy and Steven Radosevich have submitted an application for annexation and initial zoning of RA-1 (Residential Apartment) for property located at 255 Three Mile Drive at the northwest corner of Three Mile Drive and North Riding Road. The annexation would allow the property to connect to city sanitary sewer. 2. File #KCU-23-02 – Immanuel Lutheran Communities has submitted an application for a conditional use permit for a day care center at Northridge 4 Lutheran Church, which is located at 323 Northridge Drive. The day care center would eventually serve up to 100 children, generally from ages 0-6, although initially there would be up to 48 children. 3. File #KA-23-04 – Summit Holdings, LP, has submitted an application for annexation and initial zoning of RA-1 (Residential Apartment) for property located at 249 Reserve Place. The property is currently occupied by Mountain Villa Apartments and the annexation would allow for connection of the existing apartments to city sanitary sewer. Documents pertaining to the agenda items are on file for public inspection at the Kalispell Planning Department, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, MT 59901, and are available for public review during regular office hours. In addition, information on the agenda items is posted on our website at https://mt-kalispell.civicplus.com/314/Planning-Board under planning board “upcoming agenda.” The Planning Board will be holding a public hearing, but not taking action on the following items: 1. Housing Solutions LLC, P.O. Box 2099, Missoula, Montana, 59806, Phone (406) 203-1558, a for-profit organization, and Hearthstone Creekside LLC, through its sole member, Hearthstone Group, a nonprofit corporation specializing in the preservation and development of affordable housing, is planning to develop Creekside Commons, an affordable multi-family rental housing complex on the site at 76 Glenwood Dr., Kalispell, Montana 59901. This complex will consist of 25 one-bedroom units and 6 two-bedroom units for elderly persons. There will be a public hearing to solicit comment on whether the proposed qualifying low- income rental housing property meets a community housing need at the Kalispell Planning Board. 2. A request for public comment regarding the Morning Star Court Community Water and Wastewater Improvement Project application to the Montana Department of Commerce, Community Development Block Grant Planning Grant Public and Community Facilities Grant program. This proposed project will be explained, including the purpose and proposed area of the project, activity, budget, and possible sources of funding. 3. A request for public comment regarding the Green Acres Court Community Wastewater Improvement Project application to the Montana Department of Commerce, Community Development Block Grant Planning Grant Public and Community Facilities Grant program. This proposed project will be explained, including the purpose and proposed area of the project, activity, budget, and possible sources of funding. 6. Building Department In the last 2 weeks, we have issued permits for 1 single-family home. This brings the total 5 of new single-family/duplex and townhouse units for the year to 17, compared to 61last year at this time. There have been 67 multi-family housing units issued so far this year. Last year, at this time, we had issued 61 multi-family housing units. There were a total of 288 combined building and/or fire inspections completed in the last 2 weeks. Residential – 37 Plumbing – 26 Commercial – 37 Mechanical - 20 Electrical – 25 Fire – 143 7. Community Development The City of Kalispell, in partnership with the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), is drafting the start-up documents for Kalispell’s project, West Reserve Drive: Hutton Ranch Road to Whitefish Stage Road Intersection. Informational postcards have been mailed to area residents and MDT has released the following tentative calendar for the advertisement and award of this project: DATE EVENT 4/7/23 RFQ Advertisement Date 5/5/23 SOQ Response Due Date 7/10/23 RFP Issue Date 7/24/23 Pre-Proposal Meeting (Mandatory Zoom Attendance) 10/13/23 Technical Proposal Due Date 11/9/23 Bid Price Proposal Due Date 11/28/23 Award Date 12/12/23 Notice to Proceed (Approximate) 11/21/2025 Substantial Project Completion 7/17/2026 Final Project Completion Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Crimes Against Persons Homicide/Justifiable Homicide 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIWOC/Sexual Assault 5 0 3 0 1 0 9 0 Robbery 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 5 Aggravated Assault 4 3 5 2 11 5 20 10 Assault on a Peace Officer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Simple Assault 7 5 10 4 14 5 31 14 PFMA 12 8 5 5 4 3 21 16 Resisting Arrest 4 4 2 1 2 2 8 7 Crimes Against Property Burglary 3 1 1 1 2 1 6 3 Theft 48 15 29 7 46 20 123 42 Vehicle Theft/Unauth Use 9 5 3 2 5 4 17 11 Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Forgery/Counterfeit 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 Fraud 2 0 4 1 2 0 8 1 Theft of Identity 1 0 2 0 2 0 5 0 Embezzlement 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Stolen Property offenses 0 0 2 4 0 0 2 4 Criminal Mischief 12 5 13 4 17 1 42 10 Crimes Against Society Weapon Law Violations 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Prostitution Offenses 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Child Pornography 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Drug Offenses 6 5 15 7 8 7 29 19 Family Offenses (non-violent)1 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 DUI 15 15 5 4 9 9 29 28 Possession of Alcohol 0 0 3 1 7 13 10 14 Provide Alcohol to Minor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Alcohol Offenses 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 4 Kidnapping/Custodial Int.0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Disorderly Conduct 6 6 7 6 3 3 16 15 Criminal Trespass 28 19 26 9 27 16 81 44 Violation of Protective Order 8 2 2 0 2 0 12 2 Obstructing a peace officer 7 5 5 2 6 6 18 13 Juvenile Offenses (except MIP)5 2 4 6 3 1 12 9 Other Offenses 11 8 13 11 11 5 35 24 Total 198 114 162 79 188 104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 548 297 Traffic Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites 491 247 481 181 453 226 1425 654 Total Calls for Service 8816310226703044 Kalispell Police Department Case and Arrest Reports - 2023 January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals