03-09-93 Planning BoardKALISPELL CITY -COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING MARCH 9, 19 9; 3 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Kalispell City -County AND ROLL CALL Planning Board and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:07 p.m. All Board members were present. There were approximately 32 members of the public in attendance. APPROVAL OF The minutes of the February 9, 1993 meeting were MINUTES approved as written on a motion by Fraser, seconded by Kennedy. All members voted aye. REQUEST FOR Jeff Ellingson excused himself from the Board due to a ZONE CHANGE / conflict of interest on the first item for B-1 TO B-3 / consideration, which was a request by Ron and Sharon DeMEESTER DeMeester on behalf of the Great Falls Coca Cola Bottling Company to amend the Kalispell Zoning Map from B-1 Neighborhood Business to B-2 General Business for a tract of property located at 451 North Main. The property presently contains the Coca Cola Bottle Plant. Staff Report Jentz presented staff report #KZC-93-1, reviewing the request for a zone change from a B-1 to B-2. Jentz defined these substantially different zoning designations, explaining staff concerns with this request. The intent of the applicant is to have a quick -stop copy shop, however, the Zoning Commission must look at the entire range of allowed uses in a B-2 zone adjoining a residential area, in maintaining the neighborhood integrity, and the legal issue of spot zoning for the convenience of a single property owner. One letter was received in the office from Robert Winter, 454 N. Main, opposed to the zone change. Several phone calls were received in opposition to the requested zone change. Public Hearing No one spoke in favor of the zone change. In Favor Opposition Kit Hunter, representing Shelby Nash Hunter, 460 1st Ave. EN, is opposed to the zone change. The implications of a B-2 zone are too vast. They will support a conditional use permit in a B-1 zone for a copy shop. �1 Don Wilder, 480 1st Ave. EN, is opposed to zone change. J Tom Hope, 486 1st Ave. EN, is opposed to zone change. Steve Heller, 454 1st Ave. EN, is opposed to zone change, but supports the use as a conditional use in a B-1 zone. 1 Sharon DeMeester, the applicant, explained the difficulty they have had in finding suitable property for their copy shop, the time constraints they were working under, and the reason for requesting a zone change. Alternatively, she is requesting a text amendment to get a conditional use permit. Richard Walker, representing the applicant, 909 1st Ave. E., spoke in support of pursuing a conditional use permit in the existing B-1 zone. After conferring with the neighbors, Brian Wood and Glen Neirer, he feels this route is in the best interests of all concerned parties. The proposed use would be more compatible than the existing use, for the neighborhood. Linda Collins, Coldwell Banker, representing Coca Cola Company, supports the DeMeester's desire to obtain a conditional use permit for the property, as Coca Cola wants to move from that location, as well. Jeff Ellingson, 871 1st Ave. EN, represents Rick Walker. He had conferred with Glen Neirer and felt that procedurally, the alternative request to the zone change was acceptable. There being no further comment, the public hearing was Uclosed, and the meeting opened to Board discussion. Discussion Discussion focused on the procedure and legal ramifications of consideration and action on -the applicant's most recent request for a text amendment allowing a copy/print shop as a conditional use in a B-1 zone designation. Brian Wood, reported on his conversation with Glen Neirer. He indicated that the Board has the power and ability to make a recommendation to amend the text in lieu of recommending a zone change. The question was raised as to whether another public hearing should be held to consider the text amendment. It was determined that a public hearing could be held at City Council, where final action will be taken. Motion Kennedy made a motion that FRDO report #KZC-93-1 be accepted as findings of fact, recommending denial of the zone change from B-1 to B-2. Further, that the Board recommend to the City of Kalispell, that a text amendment to the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance, be made to allow a copy/print shop as a conditional use in a B-1 zone. Bahr seconded. Further discussion followed. If the Council approved the text change, the applicant 1 would then have to appear before this Board to obtain the conditional use permit. By 8-0 roll call vote, the motion carried to deny the zone change and to recommend a text amendment allowing a print/copy shop as a conditional use in a B-1 zone. 2 REQUEST FOR Hash introduced a request by Frank Strickland for a `- CONDITIONAL conditional use permit to construct a 4-6 unit USE PERMIT / residential townhouse building on each of the 19 lots GATEWAY within the proposed Gateway Orchard Villas Subdivision. ORCHARD VILLAS The project would encompass a total of 88 units. The property is located at the south end of Glenwood and generally lies north _of Two Mile Drive, east of Hawthorne, and West of North Meridian within the city of Kalispell, and contains 8.3 acres. Mike Fraser excused himself from the Board due to conflict of interest. Staff Report Jentz presented staff report #KCU-93-1. This project came before this Board last month where preliminary plat approval was granted for the 19 lot subdivision. The applicant is now requesting a conditional use permit to construct multi -family units. The most current design is based on Glenwood Drive being extended through to Two Mile Drive. Jentz explained the design, pointing out those features which staff is requesting revision of. Staff is recommending approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the 10 conditions set forth in the report, with a wording change to condition #2 -- crossing out the word "all [conditions]" and replacing it with "[conditions] 2, 4- 6 and 8-11". These conditions pertain specifically to design standards in the preliminary plat. Public Hearing The meeting was opened to all those wishing to speak in In Favor favor of the conditional use permit. Doug Kaufman, engineer for T,D & H, representing the applicant, addressed Condition #8, requesting cross - easements for that lot, rather than redesigning the structure. The parking can be redesigned. Rich DeJana, attorney representing Frank Strickland, commented on the problems to the issuance of building permits, which Jentz solved in condition #2. He then passed out a proposed additional condition for consideration by the Board, stating that his client is requesting permission to build apartments, condominiums, or townhouses, and that the start of construction not be tied to the filing of final plat. Hearing no further comment, either in favor or in opposition to the requested conditional use permit, the public hearing was closed. Discussion Concerns were raised on increased vehicle and pedestrian traffic, parking congestion, the high density of the development, and a lack of green space. Discussion followed. The topic of cross -easements and lot design were also discussed, at length. The Board discussed Mr. DeJana's proposed addition to 3 the staff report, and agreed to accept the concept put forth and incorporate into the staff report as an introduction to the conditions. Motion DeGrosky moved to accept report #KCU-93-1 as findings of fact, and forward an affirmative recommendation with the following changes: using Mr. DeJana's concept as an opening statement; that condition #2 be reworded to read "...conditions 2,4-6 and 8-11...", and modify that condition to read "not to preclude issuance of a building permit"; amend condition #5 to preclude recreational vehicle parking, and have that reflected in the covenants. Ellingson seconded. The motion carried on an 8-0 vote in favor of granting the amended conditional use permit. HIGHWAY 93 Hash introduced a proposal to extend I-1 Light SOUTH Industrial Zoning based on the Flathead County NEIGHBORHOOD Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, with an overlay zone of PLAN PROPOSAL performance standards based on the proposed Highway 93 South Neighborhood Plan, to an area generally lying south of Kalispell along U.S. Highway 93 South. The area would be bordered on the north by Cemetery Road and Lower Valley Road, and Ashley Creek on the south. The area would extend 1/4 mile east of the highway and up to 1/2 mile west of the highway. `-� Staff Report A public hearing was held at the February 1993 Planning Board meeting regarding the Highway 93 South Neighborhood Plan. Jentz gave an overview of the draft performance standards, based on input from that meeting and comments from the Kalispell Site Plan Review Committee. Public Comment The meeting was opened to public comment. Dave Greer, representing the landowners involved with the Highway 93 South corridor, addressed the proposed draft regulations. He assured the Board that the landowners agreed to this overlay zone which will apply stricter standards than what is required in other I-1 zoning districts, and will apply to the truck by-pass, when that goes through, to disallow commercial strip development. He went on to outline the landowners' concerns with the draft standards regarding permitted uses, conditional uses, setback requirements, landscaping, building design, signage, and the requirement for environmental assessments. He pointed out that the surrounding areas will not be subject to performance standards, however the landowners are still supportive of this process. �J Tom Little, Snowline Tree Company, spoke for the landowners in the Highway 93 South corridor, stating they are in agreement with performance standards that are as good as they can live with. He addressed those �J! standards which he felt pose undue hardship on the landowners. Mr. Greer had covered the landowners concerns, but Mr. Little felt that it was of sufficient importance to reiterate these concerns, point by point. Ken Galloway, was in agreement with what Tom Little said. Gary Treweek, voiced his support of Tom Little's position. Leta Anderson, 94 Lower Valley Road, spoke in support of the landowner's plan. Mrs. Sanders, 3020 Highway 93 South, was also in agreement with what has been said. There being no further public comment, that portion of the meeting was closed, and it was opened to Board discussion. Discussion Considerable Board discussion ensued regarding the landowners' concerns. It was determined that the majority of their concerns would be obliterated due to the "grandfather" clause allowing existing land uses to continue. Also, by excluding the impacts of new highway construction as a "trigger" to implementing these performance standards, many landowner concerns \� were addressed. The Board continued to discuss, at length, each item of the proposed performance standards. After considerable consideration, the Board agreed by concensus to recommend the following changes to .the draft performance standards. B. LOT SIZE/SETBACKS The setback requirements from the County road be 50 feet. C. ACCESS 1. No new driveways, unless created to consolidate existing accesses. 4. Delete the words "or double chip seal methods." Add #5. All access points on a public road will be designed to accomodate... D. LANDSCAPING la. delete the words "(a combination of grass, ...and trees)." and replace with "(such as grass, bushes, shrubs or trees)." E. BUILDING DESIGN Delete #1. 2. Delete word "typically". Add to #3 the words "when expansion is greater than 200." F. SIGNAGE 2a. Delete the sentence after "...current lease". Under the Administration portion it was agreed to allow FRDO 14 days to review a submittal, instead of 7 days. _ Item D. Environmental Assessment was deleted. Jentz ( was directed to rewrite those items discussed and have the document presented at the next Board meeting. Motion Bahr moved to table consideration of the rewrite of the performance standards for the Highway 93 South Neighborhood Plan until the April meeting. DeGrosky 5 seconded. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. NEW BUSINESS DeGrosky had attended a Cooperative Planning meeting the previous evening. He announced that the County Commissioners had indicated support for the process. There was no further new business. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. APPROVED: Therese Fox Hash, President Elizab h Ont o, Recording Secretary