12-14-93 Planning BoardKALISPELL CITY -COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING DECEMBER 14, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The regularly scheduled meeting of the Kalispell City - AND ROLL CALL County Planning Board and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Vice President Robert Lopp. Board members present were Fraser, Kennedy, Conner, Carlson, Lopp and Bahr. Hash, Ellingson and DeGrosky had excused absences. There was one person in. the audience. John Parsons, Senior Planner represented the Flathead Regional Development Office. APPROVAL OF The minutes of the November 9, 1993 meeting were MINUTES approved as written. NORTH MERIDIAN The next item on the agenda was a discussion of PLAN / BOARD the neighborhood meeting held on November 30, 1993 DISCUSSION regarding the North Meridian Plan. Parsons displayed maps depicting (1) existing land use, (2) the present Master Plan designation, (3) the current zoning, and. (4) the proposed general plan as gleaned from the discussions. Approximately 30 people attended the round table discussions, comprising a mixture of homeowners and business property owners. These were broken down into three groups, each group meeting with a planner. The main issues covered were (1) land use, (2) transportation, (3) safety, and (4) services. Traffic safety on North Meridian, especially in the proximity of the schools, was one of the main topics of discussion. It is used as an arterial now, and is proposed to be a 4-lane to Three Mile Drive, and a 3- lane north to Hwy 93. A T-intersection at Three Mile Drive was suggested as a safety measure. By consensus, the Board agreed the dental office on the SW corner remain commercial, but that the NW corner be designated as multi -family to limit commercial expansion at that intersection. At the neighborhood meeting, a commercial strip along North Meridian was discouraged by staff. The multi- family (RA-3) classifications allow for office buildings, which was acceptable to the business property owners. A redevelopment area was mentioned for North Meridian, which could help in relocating incompatible uses and possibly help to install water and sewer services. 1 A desire was expressed by residents for an east -west connection, if the fairgrounds are relocated. Options for an east -west connection were discussed at length. NEW.BUSINESS A second neighborhood meeting is scheduled for January 5, 1994 at Fish, Wildlife & Parks, to present the results of this meeting, with a public hearing scheduled for the February Planning Board meeting. The Commissioners have scheduled a public hearing on December 16, 1993 regarding the adoption of interim zoning to prohibit any more billboards in Flathead County. The Board felt strongly that a statement be sent to the Commissioners outlining the Boards' position on this topic. Motion A motion was made by Kennedy to send a letter to the County Commissioners indicating the Board's opposition to billboards and move forward with the resolution. Conner seconded. On a roll call vote, Kennedy, Bahr, Conner, Carlson, Lopp and Fraser voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Terms expire for the following Board members: Mike DeGrosky, Robert Lapp, Mike Fraser, and Jeff Ellingson. Mike Conner resigned his position. Attendance at Planning Board meetings was discussed. The Board agreed by concensus to have President Hash thank Ellingson for his interest in being on the Planning Board, but to question his intent on attendance for next year. A video entitled "Signs, Signs" put out by Scenic America was shown. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned after the 16 minute long video, at 8:30 p.m. /�K cz - obert Lopp, Vic -President APPROVED:fl- 7 1 Elizabeth Ontko, Recording Secretary 4