09-14-93 Planning BoardKAL'ISPELL CITY -COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Kalispell City -County AND ROLL CALL Planning Board and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Vice -Chairperson Robert Lopp. Present Board members were DeGrosky, Fraser, Conner, Bahr, Kennedy, Ellingson and Lopp. Carlson and Hash had excused absences. The Flathead Regional Development Office was represented by John Parsons, Sr. Planner and Tom Jentz, Sr. Planner. Brian Wood, Kalispell Zoning Administrator represented the City of Kalispell. There were three members of the public in attendance. APPROVAL OF The minutes of the August 10, 1993 meeting were MINUTES / approved as written. All Board members voted aye. AUGUST 10, '93 BETHEL BAPTIST Lopp introduced a request by Bethel Baptist Church for CHURCH / a conditional use permit to allow a 3,900 square foot CONDITIONAL expansion of the existing church facility located at OUSE PERMIT 936 Fourth Ave East, Kalispell. Staff Report Parsons summarized report #KCU-93-10, and the eight (8) conditions of approval for granting the Conditional Use Permit. Public Hearing The meeting was opened to anyone wishing to speak in favor of granting the Conditional Use Permit. Keith Radier, member of the Church Building Committee, believed that the church expansion would improve the neighborhood, increase property value, and provide a paved parking area. There being no further testimony either for or against granting the conditional use permit, the meeting was closed to public input and opened to Board discussion. Discussion Discussion focused on the parking conditions and concern with air quality issues regarding the use of the gravel alley. Motion Fraser made a motion to accept staff report #KCU-93-10 as findings of fact, and forward a recommendation to grant the conditional use permit subject to the conditions of approval, deleting conditions #3 and #5. Bahr seconded. Discussion followed on the motion and the deleted conditions. Amendment Ellingson moved to amend the motion to retain condition #5. Kennedy seconded. on a roll call vote, all 1 members present voted in favor of the amendment to retain condition #5. Motion A roll call vote was taken on the amended motion to accept staff report #KCU-93-10 as findings of fact and to grant conditional use permit subject to the conditions set forth, with the exception of condition #3, which is to be deleted. On a roll call vote, all Board members voted in favor. The motion passed on a 7-0 vote. TAVERRITE The next item on the agenda was a request by Frank ANNEXATION & Taverrite for annexation with an initial zoning RA-1 ZONE classification of RA-1 (Low Density Residential CLASSIFICATION Apartment) for a 1.6 acre tract of land located at 1300 8th St. West, Kalispell. Staff Report Parsons gave a brief overview of staff report #KA-93-3, noting a change on page 6, under Sewer, which should read "Sanitary Sewer exists in Forsyteh, but is too close to surface to service the property without a lift station." Annexation with an RA-1 zone classification is recommended. Public Hearing The meeting was opened to public comment in favor of 0 the annexation. Richard Walker, representative for Frank Taverrite, spoke in favor of the annexation request, as he feels this is a logical extension of the City, and compatible with the adjacent multi -family neighborhood. There being no further comment, either for or against the annexation request, the public hearing was closed. Discussion The surrounding land uses were clarified, and the problems with developing this site looked at. Proposed development on this property will require review for a conditional use permit. Motion DeGrosky moved to accept staff report #KA-93-3 as findings of fact, and recommend the property be annexed into the City with a RA-1 zone classification. Fraser seconded. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. OLD BUSINESS Jentz gave an update on the status of the transportation study and bypass plan. He pointed out that the exact alignment of the bypass will be subject to the EIS study. He commended the Board on doing a good job dealing with a tough issue. The total transportation network is a worthwhile plan. The Commissioners are scheduled to take action on this matter on Sept. 27. On a question from DeGrosky regarding the approval of F (� the Lower Side Zoning District without performance standards, Wood explained that some modifications were made to the Neighborhood Plan. The County Commissioners created a new zone district I-H, which is light industrial/highway. Standards are incorporated within the zone classification. This zoning district can be applied to other areas in the County. Jentz explained the changes and noted that this- was a positive step to extend the highway standards further south on Hwy 93. It is anticipated that the Commissioners will take action on the Lower Side Zoning District, the Flathead County Zoning Regulations and the Bigfork Land Use Plan within the next few weeks. The end result of these actions will be relayed to the Board members. NEW BUSINESS DeGrosky reminded the Board of the workshop on Wildland - Residential Fire to be held on Sept. 22. Due to a declared holiday, the October meeting date conflicts with the City Council meeting. It was agreed to meet on the following Tuesday, October 19 at 7:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. A workshop to consider amendments to the Kalispell City Zoning Ordinance regarding parking ratios in residential zones and a modification to parking requirements in the central business district was held after the meeting. The public hearing on this issue will be on next month's agenda. r Robert Lopp is President Elizabeth Ontko, Recording Secretary APPROVED: ow WAk," /0/% /7 �3 3