02-15-23 Urban Renewal Agency Board MinutesFEBRUARY 15, 2023, —4 P.M. CITY HALL— FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM AND VIA ZOOM MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Marc Rold Jarod Nygren, Development Services David Girardot Katharine King, Development Services Catherine Potter Shannon Freix via Zoom PUBLIC COMMENT None PREVIOUS MEETING SUMMARY David moved the September 2022 Meeting Summary be accepted; Catherine seconded. All voted in favor. TIF & TEDD Downtown: Jarod provided an update on the Parking Garage project and Charles Hotel. Montana Hotel Development Partners expect to finalize financing in March 2023, allowing projects to move forward. Likely construction would begin spring 2024. The City has been awarded an USDOT Safe Streets and Roads For All (SS4A) planning grant to develop a safety plan for all road users to include analysis and alternatives development of Main Street/Hwy 93. The funded proposal is a $650,000 project: $520,000 SS4A request, $50,000 MDT match, $80,000 City of Kalispell match ($10k personnel in -kind, $70k cash from Downtown TIF as budgeted). South Kalispell/Airport TIF Traffic Improvement Project: LHC and its subcontractor have completed the scope of work. The City has proposed minimal landscape work to improve the overall project and is awaiting LHC response before finalizing project payment. Discussion of proposal to move City of Kalispell revolving loan fund programs (USDA RD Intermediary Relending Program, Brownfields RLF, etc.) to Montana West Economic Development (MWED) to act as fund manager for the City. Expected benefits include the more efficient paring of City resources with MWED, expected increase in fund utilization and reduced demands on city staff time. A review of lending program requirements will be a next step along with development of a memorandum of understanding between the City and MWED. Council action will be required. BROWNFIELDS Phase II at Samaritan House using Kalispell Assessment grant funds has been completed and will be utilized as they move forward on their expansion plans. Staff will close out the 2016 Brownfields Assessment grant by the end of March 2023 per terms of the grant agreement. Phase II at the former BankWest site using USEPA Region 8 Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) funds was complete December 2022. However, staff requested the contractor revise report language to be more easily understood by a layperson. The final report will be provided to the property owner. Additional discussion included the C-PACE program and a recently released local housing study by BBER. Additional information on both will be emailed to board members per request. Also, consideration of sidewalk construction in the area of the original West Side TIF boundary will be discussed at a future date. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING The Board's next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 15, 2023, at 4 p.m. Meeting adjourned.