Homeless Letter Comlaint from Stacey FedorAimee Brunckhorst From: Alpine Lighting Design <design@alpinelightingcenter.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2023 2:41 PM To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment Subject: EXTERNAL Homeless Letter Complain for the Council Members Attachments: DUPONT RECEIPT_000895.pdf [NOTICE: This message includes an attachment -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.] Please disseminate to all city council members. Thank you, Stacey Fedor Owner Alpine Lighting & Design Center 406-756-2639 Dear Council Members: I'm writing to you with great concern of safety and wreckage of the commercial property in which I pay monthly rent to run my long-standing business, Alpine Ligh-dng Center. | was originally located on Main Street in the 0|d Montgomery Ward building but sold the building in 2020and hecamea renter in part ofthe old CHG building between VVa|gneensand Autozone. Since wemoved into our new space in2O2O the homeless population has easily quadrupled. Unmany occasions, they make abed for themselves onmyloading dock. Several times, vvehave found them wrapped upinour door mat, orthey have moved our door mat elsewhere towrap upin. VVehave anunwanted surprise waiting togreet usevery morning and weare forced toclean upafter the trails they leave behind. Sumeofwhat ioleft topick upcan beitems such as; peanut butter jars, candy wrappers, food containers, banana peels, drug need|es and other drug paraphernalia, cigarettes, clothing including underwear, bras shoes, blankets, jackets. Other days weQoclean upfeces, urine trails, vomit etc. Last Thursday, Evergreen Disposal arrivedvery early in the morning to dump our clumpster. He unfortunately left without dumping it because when he opened thie durnpster surround, thiere were a couple of homeless people camped out inthe enclosure. My employees are terrified to see what they may stumble across when arriving to or leaving work. Most frequently, they are all talking about the need tastart carrying guns with them for the "what if" event ofbeing attacked. Last year, my staff and I were on the "frequent cailer" nurnber to the Pohce Department. The Police were always quick to respond and shoe away the trespassers and pick up drug needles for us in case they were covered with Fentanyi | shouldn't have tobepaying myemployees topick upthese messes inaddibon,myse|fnor mystaff certainly should not beput inthis dangerous situation upon arriving towork dai|y. This has all become sotroublesome and frightening. Kalispell isbeing trashedbythe large number ofhomeless literally living inour parks, parking lots and myk)adio��ockI Clun'tkuovvifthe VVmr/ning Shelter was asmart move Tohelp our long term locai homeless or if it created a network to bring so many rnore horneless people here. Something has got to bedone here before people get hurt orkilled. | personally dunot vvant1heproperty | pay for tobeashelter for them or adumping ground. Keep in mind that aithough my ioading dock is two feet away from a clumpster, not once have they actually cleaned mpafter themselves! |tappears weare headed inthe direcdonofthe next Portland, Oregon. I would appreciate a return reply on the action the City of Kakspell plans to take to remedy this problem. Stacey Fedor Owner/Designer Alpine Lighting 6&Design Center 15O1mAVE VVNSTEC Kalispell, MT 59901