APRIL 20, 1999
CALL TO ORDER AND The special meeting was called to order by Jean Johnson at
ROLL CALL approximately 7:10 p.m. He noted the sole purpose of the meeting
was to consider the Montana Department of Natural Resources
Members Neighborhood Plan for Section 36. Members present
were: Rob Heinecke, Greg Stevens, Jean Johnson, Don Hines,
Keith Brian Sipe, Joe Brenneman and Bill Rice. Don Garberg and
Don Mann were absent. The Flathead Regional Development Office
was represented by Narda Wilson. There were approximately three
people in the audience.
DNRC A request by DNRC for approval of a proposed neighborhood plan
NEIGHBORHOOD known as DNRC' Neighborhood Plan, Section 36, property located
PLAN, SCHOOL on the west side of Highway 93 between Four Mile Drive and West
SECTION 36 Reserve Drive, north of Kalispell.
STAFF REPORT The chairman noted that this matter was continued from the
regular April 13, 1999 meeting where a staff report was presented
by Tom Jentz, FRDO Director, with a recommendation that the
board adopt the KNP-99-1 staff report with the changes attached to
O his memorandum to the board dated April 6, 1999. Additionally,
the board should adopt Resolution KMPA-99-1 and forward the
plan to the Kalispell City Council and the Board of County
Commissioners for consideration. Once adopted the plan would
serve as an addendum to the Kalispell City -County Master Plan.
The matter was continued until the special meeting because of the
late meeting on April 13, 1999. The chairman asked for comments
from the applicants.
COMMENTS FROM David Greer, planning consultant for the DNRC, explained that the
THE APPLICANTS reason for this proposal is to plan for long term growth on this
property, provide some predictability for the neighborhood and
avoid the intrusion of inappropriate uses.
Jon Dahlberg, Northwest Montana Region Area Manager for DNRC,
noted pass land use decisions such as the transmission easement,
the Kalispell Bypass and the location of the City ballfields were
decisions that were not based on good planning and has
unintended consequences for the future use of the remaining land.
For instance, they would rather have located the City ballfields on
the northwest corner of the property rather than where is was
located, but since there was not guiding document for land uses, it
ended up elsewhere.
Ted Giesey, Trust Lands Program Manager with the DNRC, also
noted that the lease negotiated with the City for the ballfield
Kalispell City County Planning Board
Minutes of meeting April 20, 1999
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property was based upon the AG-80 zoning and he does not believe
was an equitable assessment. This fact let to the State not
receiving the highest possible value on the lease and to meet their
mandate to seek the highest value of the land for the purpose of
providing funding to the schools.
BOARD DISCUSSION Chairman Johnson noted that this was the first time that the
DNRC has attempted to implement this type of plan for
development on school trust lands
There was discussion among the board about the plan and its
relation to conventional zoning. Greer noted that this plan was the
first step in the process and that the State intended to move
forward with a customized proposal somewhat like a PUD that
would address the location of streets, performance standards for
landscaping and the types and timing of development.
Furthermore, they would enter into a memorandum of
understanding with the City and County which would be binding to
future land boards and provide assurances to the community
regarding the type of development which would occur on the site.
Stevens stated that he believed he is faced with a dilemma in this
situation because he the emphasis of the plan is weighted in favor
of the neighborhood concerns rather than the State's fiduciary
responsibility to the school trust.
Sipe stated that he agreed with Stevens that the State was not
proposing to get the highest possible value for the property and did
not understand why the State would want to bind themselves the
type of plan being proposed.
John Dahlberg explained the tenuous balancing of the various
interest groups when making these decisions in order to avoid
being taken to court, as they have in the past. He further noted
that the Montana Environmental Act (MEPA) provides for a public
process when considering the disposition of state-owned land.
There was additional board discussion regarding the type of lease
holder that would make the necessary investment to extend water,
sewer and provide other services to the site. Several board
members expressed skepticism about a lessee who would be willing
to make that kind of investment on leased land. Others noted that
there are many situations such as the Gateway West Mall who
heavily invest in leased land..
MOTION Heinecke moved and Rice seconded a motion to adopt Resolution
KMPA-99-1 and staff report KNP-99-1 and forward the plan on to
the county commissioners and city council for consideration. The
motion passed on a vote of six in favor and one opposed.
Kalispell City County Planning Board
Minutes of meeting April 20, 1999
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Having finished the business intended for the special meeting, the
planning board adjourned at approximately 7:49 PM. It was noted
text regular will start at 6:00 PM.
Nar a Wilson, Recording Secr t
Approved as submitted/corrected: / /99
Kalispell City County Planning Board
Minutes of meeting April 20, 1999
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