NOVEMBER 13, 1997
Master Plan Update There was a workshop scheduled at 6:30 p.m. to review the survey
results sent out for the master plan update underway.
Chair Pro Tern In the absence of the Chair and Vice -Chair, Milt Carlson was appointed
to serve as Chair Pro Tern by consensus of the Board members present.
CALL TO ORDER The specially scheduled meeting of the Kalispell City -County Planning
AND ROLL CALL Board was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Board members present were Joe
Brenneman, Bob Sanders, Milt Carlson, Walter Bahr, Jean Johnson and
Mike Conner (arrived at 7:15 p.m.) Board members absent were Pam
Kennedy, Therese Hash and Robert Lopp (all excused). The Flathead
Regional Development Office was represented by Steve Kountz, Senior
Planner and Narda Wilson, Senior Planner. There were three people in
the audience.
APPROVAL OF The minutes of the meeting of October 15, 1997 were approved as
MINUTES written on a motion by Bahr, second by Johnson.
PEARCE ZONE The public hearing was introduced on a request by Daniel and Cynthia
CHANGE / FROM Pearce for a zone change on approximately 12 acres from the current
AG-40 TO SAG-5 AG-40, an Agricultural zoning district with a 40 acre minimum lot size
requirement, to SAG-5, a Suburban Agricultural zoning district with a
five acre minimum lot size. The property is in the Lower Side Zoning
District, and is located southwest of Foys Lake.
Staff Report Wilson gave thorough presentation of report #FZC-97-9. The
application was evaluated in accordance with the necessary statutory
criteria, and based on the findings, staff recommended the zone change
be denied.
Public Hearing The public hearing was opened
In Favor Dan Pearce, the owner/applicant, spoke in favor of the zone change.
They purchased the land in 1991, when the property was unzoned. We
were told the property was zoned in 1993. We were unaware of that, as
were many of my neighbors. I am a responsible landowner. I have gone
through the forest stewardship program. I am a professional firefighter,
( so fire is my number one concern, as well. Randy Feller, the fire chief,
has known about all the work I've done thinning and improving the road.
I have prepared a video of the property, as well as the road. The road is
considerably better than the county road that serves us. I have discussed
concerns with my neighbors and all of them are in favor. He showed the
video to the Board.
No one else spoke either in favor or in opposition to the zone change.
The public hearing was closed and it was opened to Board discussion.
Board Discussion It was observed that the- surrounding parcels were less than 40 acres,
several being less than 10 acres in size, which were obviously created
prior to zoning. This area was zoned AG-40 because of the fire
protection guidelines for the wildland residential interface development
standards, as well as inadequate infrastructure in the area, and lack of
secondary access.
There was discussion on the problem that the request is for a single
parcel with no other SAG-5 in the vicinity.
Motion Bahr moved that the Kalispell City -County Planning Board adopt the
findings of fact in report #FZC-97-9, and based on these findings
recommend to the Board of County Commissioners that the requested
�--) zone change from AG-40 to SAG-5 be denied. Brenneman seconded.
Or -a roll call vote Bahr, Conner, Carlson and Brenneman voted in favor.
Johnson and Sanders voted no. The motion carried on a vote of 4-2.
OLD BUSINESS There was no old business.
NEW BUSINESS Board members whose terms will expire are Robert Sanders, Joe
Brenneman, Pam Kennedy, Mike Conner and Robert Lopp. Letters of
interest for reappointment are encouraged.
There was no other new business.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Milton arlson,- Chair Pro Tem 4zabeth Ontko Recording Secrets
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