11-19-09 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, November 19, 2009 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Guests: None. Hear the Public: No one wished to speak. Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director Dan Diehl, Fire Chief Jeff Clawson, Building Official Performance Bond Reminders: Sorensen received the packet on the bond for Mountain Mudd from Parks. Fincher said he was just keeping Sorensen in the loop on that issue. OLD BUSINESS: Heil — 749 W Center — Sorensen and Castles said they haven't received any additional information on this project. ASI (Van Ee Apartments) — Sorensen said the engineers did receive some updated materials for Architectural Review however that doesn't really impact Public Works much. They are still targeting a spring build date. Castles said Public Works hasn't received any additional information. Landstar — Johnson said he and Burnham from Public Works looked at the site and they need a plan for the location of their trash containers. Johnson said the location they had discussed is on the wrong side of the alley from where the Solid Waste staff usually picks up the garbage. Sorensen said in other locations throughout the city trash containers are shared by multiple properties and Castles said he would recommend they coordinate with the Solid Waste Department as to the placement of their trash containers. Johnson added then a plan should be submitted to Site Review. Sorensen asked if Jack Fournier could take a look at the site next time he is in that neighborhood and Johnson said he will talk to Fournier. Sorensen added if they need to put a container on the west side of the alley adjacent to this property there is about 5-6 feet along the property line where a container could be located. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: None. OTHER REPORTS: Diehl said the Spring Creek Apartment carports are being built into the 20 foot access and Burnham notified the Sparrow Group that they will have to cut off part ofthe eave on the front of the carports. Sparrow Group came back and said they would be under 20 feet and asked if they could get a variance and the city said it has to be a minimum of 20 feet even on the radius on the corner. Diehl said the inspectors should know there will be a substantially shorter eave over those carports when they go out and do the inspections. Clawson said they have to build the carports according to the plans that have been approved. Sorensen said there is only one area where there would be less than 20 feet between the two existing carports and do they have to go back and correct those also or just the new ones and Diehl said just the new ones. Johnson said the fire hydrant is being installed tomorrow and it was paved yesterday. Jentz reported he just met with developers who may purchase a portion of Bloomstone on Four Mile Drive to construct an assisted living complex with an Alzheimer unit. Jentz said they would do some limited work on Four Mile Drive and they would probably have to enter into an SID for future improvements. They have another project in Evergreen. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 a.m.