Panhandling comment and permit question Public Comment from Jackie JohnsonAimee Brunckhorst
From: Jacqueline Johnson <>
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 2:56 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Panhandling comment and permit question
Chad Graham and the council -
I live in Kalispell - own my home and have lived here 11 and a half years.
I am glad the council is planning to work on ordinances that are for promoting a safer Kalispell.
I agree with Chad and the others in favor of the ordinance that it's just better to stop encouraging this panhandling of
folks with signs standing in between and by all the traffic .!
Does Kalispell ever consider a permit for musicians ? There's really not an ideal location for musicians as the traffic is so
loud but it might be a way to improve the culture downtown- have Musicians with permits. I believe many towns have
tried this with success .
Folks/ tourists really enjoy seeing local musicians along the sidewalks in many towns .
Jackie Johnson
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