02-12-02C CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE KALISPELL PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING COMMISSION WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2002, BY RON VAN NATTA, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, KALISPELL, MONTANA. MEMBERS PRESENT WERE RON VAN NATTA, MARK BRECHEL, JIM ATKINSON, BONNIE SPOONER, BILL RICE, SUE ELLYN ANDERSON AND JEAN JOHNSON. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Atkinson moved and Rice seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 15, 2002, as corrected. The motion was unanimously approved on a vote by acclamation. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS Lisa M. Wurster Initial Zoning Staff Report #KA-02-1 A request by Lisa M. Wurster for an initial zoning designation of RA-1, a Low -Density Residential Apartment district, upon annexation into the city of Kalispell of approximately one-half acre that lies at the east end of Washington .Street on the north side. Narda Wilson, of the Tri-City Planning Office, gave a presentation of staff report KA- 02-1, a petition for annexation and initial zoning classification of RA-1, Low Density Residential Apartment. The property is in the County zoning jurisdiction and is zoned County R-5, a Two Family Residential district. Wilson reviewed the findings of fact and statutory criteria. Based on the high density master plan designation and the adjacent zoning, staff recommended adoption of the RA-1 zoning upon annexation. Jean Johnson reported he was associated with Lisa Wurster, but in no way was he involved in the proposal. There was no objection from board members and he remained seated. Public Comment -- Proponents Lisa Wurster, applicant, spoke in favor of the proposal stating she was in agreement with the findings of fact and would answer any questions from the board. Public Comment - Opponents No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed. Atkinson asked if there were any conditions and Wilson answered that it was a simple annexation, so the applicant could go forward with future development plans knowing City services would be available. Kalispell City Planning Board Minutes February 12, 2002 Page 1 Atkinson asked for clarification on the vicinity map and Ms. Wurster, explained the layout of the land. He asked if she would keep the trees and Ms. Wurster said, yes, they would like to keep a buffer, leave the yard, and make space for affordable homes. Wilson noted that the property owners goal was to build a four-plex or two duplexes on the property which would have to come before the board as a conditional use permit. Van Natta asked if it would come again before the board as duplexes and Wilson responded saying that if there were more than one duplex on the property such as two duplexes or a four-plex, the development would be subject to a conditional use permit. Atkinson moved and Johnson seconded to adopt staff report KA-02-1 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the initial zoning for this property upon annexation be RA-1, Low Density Residential Apartment. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. OLD BUSINESS There was a brief discussion regarding the city council action on previous projects. It was noted that the subdivision near the Gateway West Mall was postponed until the March 4th meeting at the applicants request. 0 NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by motion at approximately 7:15 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission will be held on Tuesda , March 2, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. on Van Natta, President -a i is, Reco ing Secretary APPROVED as presented P- corrected Date: /��► /� �� Kalispell City Planning Board Minutes February 12, 2002 Page 2