01-17-23 Conrad Mansion Board MinutesConrad Mansion Museum Board of Directors
Jan 17, 2023, 4:00 p.m.
Kalispell City Hall
1. Welcome- Members present: Mark Schickendantz, Chris Vick, Everit Sliter, Diane Medler, Mary
Pat Murphy, Cate Webber, Natalie Robinson, Beth Collier, Teri Iwerson Carrie Nelson, Museum
Director Brit Clark.
2. Approval of minutes- Minutes approved.
3. Treasurer's report (Everit)-
o Year end financials were reviewed. Everit shared that Mary Pat Murphy made a very
generous gift of stock ($100,000) that can be used for a future restroom project.
4. Committee report
o Brick Project (Mark)- The engraver status is still not looking good. Brit will give donors a
status report.
5. Museum Director's Report (Brit)-
o Brit reported a good year overall. Christmas season was fun and it is nice to have fewer
Covid concerns. No new guides will be needed this season.
o The Mansion will have an intern again this summer who will focus on museum standard
interpretive signage. Nora, who interned in 2021 got a museum job in London and
thanked the Mansion for providing an opportunity.
o School tours- teachers are starting to spread out tours and not all wait until May to
bring their students. Would like to increase ways to sponsor school tours.
o The roof protection is in good shape. Brit was grateful for the new boiler during the
recent cold snap. The house now stays warmer in winter and cool in summer.
o Gardens- This will be our first year without garden advise from Tyler and Jeannie. Pat
McGlynn will advise and help provide garden goals. Pat retired this spring after many
years as the MSU Extension Agent for Flathead County. Steps 4 and 5 from the Bibler
garden plan are on hold. Visitor response to house and gardens has been positive. A
shed/greenhouse is needed for storage of equipment and plants.
o Director's report provides 2022 tour numbers, events and a reflection on the past year.
6. Election of Officers for 2023-
o The nominating committee proposed the following slate of officers:
• President- Diane Medler;
• Vice President- Katharine King
• Treasurer- Everit Sliter
• Secretary- Carrie Nelson
• Past president- Mary Pat Murphy.
o There were no nominations from the floor. Officer slate approved unanimously. (Mark S
moved, Chris V. seconded).
o Mary Pat was commended for her work as President.
o Diane shared that going forward, her goals will include fundraising, further work on
getting gardens situated. If the Chamber has a conference room available, meetings
may be moved there as is would be easier to provide Zoom access.
7. Meeting Adjourned 4:46 pm