Thank you Public Comment from Jane EmmertAimee Brunckhorst
From: Jane Emmert <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 12:22 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Thank you.
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Mayor Johnson,
Thank you setting a civil discourse standard at the Council meetings, especially at the work session on 1/23/23 when
there was standing room only. I appreciate that you address each other with respect and also thank the participants
who are brave enough to share their thoughts. I was present via Zoom and thank -you for that option.
I work to help the needy in our community through my role with ASSIST. We connect people to community resources
and help them navigate complex social programs (Medicaid, food stamps, housing, veteran benefits, etc.) by walking
alongside of them. Each story is complex and there are many opportunities to fail in the navigation of services due to
financial, health, transportation, mental health, disability and cognitive issues.
I want to keep our community and parks safe, clean and accessible. I know that the unhoused population includes a
percentage of individuals with addiction and mental health needs. Thank you for recognizing that we need to find ways
to hold them accountable for their actions. I'm not opposed to the ordinance, but I fear that it will just move people to a
different location. I know the community would certainly prefer a less visible location. The system of accountability and
resources is so overwhelmed that there is no easy or perfect answer for helping individuals. If you take them to the jail,
it's full. If you take them to the ER, it overwhelms the hospital and prevents them from serving those with emergency
medical needs. If you take them to the shelters, they may already be at capacity or the mental health needs of the
individual may be beyond the shelter's ability to house them. I value our law enforcement, City Councilors, first
responders, hospital and mental health providers, but we need to join forces to find solutions.
The Montana Healthcare foundation has a Housing is Healthcare program and provides grants for communities to work
toward supportive housing options. I toured a facility in Boise that was a basic apartment complex (20 beds?) and the
ground floor included clinic space for their public health entity (ie: Greater Valley Health) and mental health service
providers. It allowed easy access to mental and physical care, along with medication management for housing -ready
individuals and allowed them to increase their chance to succeed in society.
I hope that as Kim Morisaki and other individuals seek to gather our community to talk about addressing the challenges
our community faces that the Council (and Commissioners) will participate and work toward a solution that is best for
the Flathead.
Thank you for your service.
Jane Emmert
Director of ASSIST
F I ly A U ll' I f
1280 Burns Way Lower Level
Kalispell, MT 59901
Office: (406) 758-1472
Fax: (406) 758-3287
Cell: (406)270-1238