Regarding Sharps Boxes Public Comment from Erik BoehmAimee Brunckhorst
From: Erik Boehm <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 8:56 AM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Regarding Sharps Boxes
I would really advise the Council to not place Sharps boxes in public parks and to consider the unintended perceptions
that could be given to the mind of an addict. The unintended effect is that it basically advertises to the addict that it is
expected that people would use illegal substances in those areas. While a sober, rational and reasonable mind may be
able to come up with other reasons for the Sharps boxes, this is not really the target of such a policy. To someone not of
sound mind, this is more encouragement to use illegal substances than is advisable. Take a moment to consider how
little encouragement you need when you already really wanted something that you were trying to put off. Additionally,
as mentioned in the recent meeting by someone else, substance abusers are unlikely to be conscientious enough to use
the sharps container once under the influence. Encouraging most medical facilities and pharmacies to have sharp boxes
accessible to the public could make sense, placing sharps boxes in unrelated public locations does not. It shouldn't be
difficult to dispose of needles used for diabetic needles and other similar medically necessary needles.
Erik Boehm
Wheat Montana Kalispell & 720 7th Ave W