Depot Park and ordinance(s) Public Comment from Maggie DavisAimee Brunckhorst
From: M Davis <>
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2023 6:46 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Council work session, Depot Park and ordinance(s)
I am very sympathetic to this incremental co-opting of public space by a sufficient number of unstable people so as to
compromise public safety and comfort. Losing citizen interest and use of parks only exacerbates the problem.
Enforcement is tricky. Where would these folks go next?
The library and other downtown buildings are also affected. [Having just spent ample time at the county DMV, I
observed the use of its large waiting area. It occurred to me - in jest - that its largely unused seating, heat and lighting,
restrooms, parking lot, and even an on -going estate sale area, would be a great daytime shelter.]. With inadequate
detention facilities and limited local options for treating the mentally ill and/or addicted, this problem is stubborn.
Blaming things on southern border problems or fentanyl is a cop out. All levels of government should try to address
aspects of the problem.
As our urban communities feature denser housing with more limited interior and exterior space; parks and library
facilities are important venues for a healthy social fabric. People of all ages need places to recreate, play, meet, gather,
and even just observe the social interaction of others.
Maggie Davis, homeowner 160 Charlotte, 59901
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