11-15-22 Conrad Mansion Museum MinutesConrad Mansion Museum Board of Directors
Nov 15, 2022, 4:00 p.m.
Kalispell City Hall
1. Welcome- Members present: Mark Schickendantz, Chris Vick, Everit Sliter, Diane Medler, Sue
Corrigan, Mary Pat Murphy, Diane Morton Stout, Gail Erickson, Jessica Treweek, Carrie Nelson,
Museum Director Brit Clark.
2. Approval of minutes- Minutes approved.
3. Treasurer's report-
o Everit reviewed financials. He also shared that a D.A. Davidson customer would like to
make a sizable donation that could be used toward the restroom project. Everit made a
motion to set up an account, separate from the endowment, at D.A. Davidson. Mark
seconded. The new account will have short term CD's and can have cash. When we
receive stock gifts, the stock should be converted to cash. Diane Medler made a motion
to move $100,000 into the new account. Jessica seconded.
4. Committee Reports-
o Brick Project- Mark shared updates regarding other engraving businesses he has
contacted. So far, one vendor's price would not make the project a good fund raiser for
us, and other vendors do engraving, but not necessarily on our type of material. We
have no control over vendors the business, but donors have been understanding.
5. Museum Director's report-
o Brit reviewed the Halloween season tours and upcoming Christmas events. The Ghost
tours will appear on the November financials.
o Joni's seasonal contract has ended and goals & plans for 2023 have been discussed.
o Provided update on the three newest Mansion volunteers.
o Working on 2023 budget and cleaning up line items in QuickBooks. An annual appeal
letter will be sent out at the beginning of Dec.
6. Consideration of Staff Bonuses-
0 The finance committee prepared a recommendation for the Employee/Volunteer
bonuses. The committee also recommended a $1,000 bonus for Brit. Chris made a
motion to for this bonus and Everit seconded. Member approved the bonus for Brit and
other staff bonuses as presented.
7. Roof Repair Materials-
o Carrie presented information about roof replacement materials (cedar shingles vs.
composite). The roof is a vital component of the Mansion. It is the first line of protection
against weather elements. It is also a prominent architectural feature of this historic
shingle style house. Due to the importance of the roof, and the cost of replacing it when
needed, the intent of comparing these materials was to make sure we are making the
best investment for the museum. The stated longevity span of composite shingles
exceeds that of cedar shingles. Everit prefers the composite shingles.
o According to the MT State Historic Preservation Officer, wood shingles would be the
gold standard replacement and Lesley Gilmore, our CAP assessment architect, also
favors cedar shingles as that was the original material used and shingles are a main
feature of the house.
8. Adjourn- 4:50.
9. Upcoming Meetings- Next meeting will be Dec. 14t" at the Mansion with holiday food
generously sponsored by Chris Vick.