AUGUST 9, 2005
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and
Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board
members present were: George Taylor, Timothy Norton, John
Hinchey, Bob Albert, Rick Hull, and Kari Gabriel. Bryan
Schutt was absent. Tom Jentz represented the Kalispell
Planning Department. There were approximately 16 people in
the audience.
Norton moved and Gabriel seconded to approve the minutes
of the July 12, 2005 regular planning board meeting.
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
No one wished to speak.
A request by Heritage Investors for a conditional use permit
to allow the expansion of Heritage Place at 171 Heritage Way
Kalispell by adding an additional 28 beds. The property is
zoned H-1, Health Care, which lists nursing homes as a
conditionally permitted use.
Tom Jentz, of the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed
the staff report for the board.
Staff is recommending that the planning board adopt Staff
Report KCU-05-8 as findings of fact and recommend to the
City Council that the expansion of Heritage Place be
approved, subject to the listed 8 conditions.
Hinchey questioned why they would only need 4 additional
parking spaces when they are adding 28 beds. Hull added
that there would be additional employees also and asked
where they would park. Jentz responded that most of the
residents of this type of facility are no longer able, or wish to
drive and the parking requirements are standard for this
type of facility and the number of residents & employees.
The public hearing was opened to those who wished to speak
on the issue.
Ron Yersack, representing Heritage Place said that they are
really excited about the expansion and as the valley grows
the facility will be in demand.
No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was
Hinchey moved and Gabriel seconded to adopt Staff Report
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KCU-05-8 as findings of fact and, based on these findings,
recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional
use permit for the expansion of Heritage Place be approved
subject to the stated 8 conditions.
Norton noted that he felt that the zoning regulations are too
restrictive at times and said that this type of use in a health
zone should be allowed as a permitted use and not a
conditional use. Norton added that this is proof that the
zoning ordinance needs to be reviewed and amended.
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
A request by School District No. 5 for preliminary plat
approval of Glacier High School, a one lot subdivision
containing approximately 60 acres at the southeast corner of
West Reserve Drive and Stillwater Road.
Tom Jentz, with the Kalispell Planning Department, gave a
presentation of Staff Report KPP-05-13.
Jentz reviewed Condition #4 which deals with the city street
proposed along the southern boundary of the property and
who is responsible for the construction costs of the street. In
the condition the city is asking the high school to pay for the
entire road. The school is looking at opening in 2007 and as
of today it would be a road going to nowhere until the bypass
is constructed beginning in 2008 or 2009.
Jentz suggested the following amendment to Condition 4:
"The future City Street indicated on the accompanying site
plan along the southern boundary of the property be fully
developed as follows:
a. The School District shall acquire a 60 foot wide R/W
for the entire length of the proposed southerly street
extending from Stillwater Road on the west to the
Section 36 Connector on the east. This R/W shall be
dedicated to the City of Kalispell.
b. The School District shall develop the westerly 300 feet
of this R/W extending from Stillwater Road easterly.
The Road shall be built to city standards with the
design and construction approved by the Kalispell
Public Works Department.
c. The DNRC will be responsible to ensure that the
remainder of the R/W is developed as a city street
over time as development occurs along the R/W.
Jentz noted that the amendment has not yet been fully
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embraced by the school district and added it is not intended
to cause undue hardship on the school district but the road
needs to be built.
Staff is recommending that the planning board adopt Staff
Report KPP-05-13 as findings of fact and recommend to the
City Council that the preliminary plat of Glacier High School
be approved, subject to the listed conditions, as amended
QUESTIONS BY THE Taylor asked for clarification on who would be responsible for
BOARD development of this street to the south. Jentz said that
DNRC is actively developing all of Section 36. Within the next
year the entire southwest quarter will be coming in for
residential development. Future users of this property, as it
develops, will be responsible for extending the street as they
provide additional traffic on the site. Taylor asked if Jentz felt
secure that this would not fall back on the high school. Jentz
said yes. The school district will purchase the R/W but it will
be granted to the City and the school district will be clear.
Taylor asked if 4.c. was too open-ended as far as a final
result. Jentz said that any development will have to go
through subdivision review and will be back before this
Gabriel asked if the future development was is in the middle
of that street, who would be responsible for constructing the
street to access this development. Jentz said that it will be a
negotiating factor between the State and whoever leases the
property for egress and ingress.
Hinchey thought that Condition #9 should specifically state
that the project should comply with the newly adopted
lighting and signage ordinances. Jentz noted that we are still
in the review and approval process for those standards, but
the wording could be added.
PUBLIC HEARING The public hearing was opened to those who wished to speak
on the issue.
APPLICANTS/AGENCIES Corey Johnson, CTA Architects Engineers representing
School District #5 thanked the board, the Kalispell Planning
Department and DNRC for their participation in making this
the best community project and new high school facility that
we can have in Kalispell. Johnson said that they understood
from the beginning that they needed to meet the zoning and
Spring Prairie PUD requirements. CTA has been designing to
these standards and working with the City as they move
forward with design and construction. There are 2 requested
amendments to the PUD and they are going under a separate
site review for that process.
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They believe that they can comply with all of the staff
recommendations with exception of #4. They have been in
discussions regarding a possible amendment to Condition #4
and they cannot make any decisions until they have the
approval of the school board.
Johnson continued it has been their understanding as they
define the future southern street that it was not going to be a
criteria for the school district to purchase and install this
road. They have not had enough time to work out the
negotiations with the planning department and DNRC to
adequately assess it. This has been an exciting project and a
very challenging site and they are looking at future
developments and the future bypass, future funding
implementations and trying to design the school to current
streets and intersections has been challenging. They
currently have Stelling Engineering doing a traffic study and
report, and they look to Stelling as to how to make the
streets and intersections as safe for the community as
Don Murray, Chairman of the School District #5 Board,
introduced Chuck Cassidy, the Director of Facilities and
Transportation for the school district and noted that they are
pleased with CTA Architects Engineers, and specifically
Corey Johnson.
Murray said that the board's role is to make a
recommendation to the city concerning the staff's input on
how to deal with the site and in particular this street. The
street and expense associated with it is daunting for the
school board. They are trying to squeeze every cent that they
have out of the funds that they have to build the new high
school so any additional expense like this is a serious
concern and setback. The school board has not had a chance
to talk about the recommendations regarding the street so
they are not able to take a position yet. He added that they
don't necessarily disagree with the recommendations but
they will be conferring and will try to respond as quickly as
they can.
Murray continued that when the board makes its
recommendation to the city he would ask that the board
considers how they assign the responsibility for the street.
He does not feel that the school district is the developer, the
developer is the DNRC. Murray assured the board that the
school district and DNRC will have discussions as to who is
responsible for what aspect of the street. Murray asked that
in the board's recommendation to the City they refrain from
specifying who they think should do what, and leave that to
the school district and DNRC.
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Murray thanked the board for their time and guidance to the
City on behalf of School District #5.
Steve Lorch, DNRC reviewed the role of DNRC as trust land
managers and noted that they do not have capital
development funds and do not consider themselves as the
developer in cases like this. They have the land and if an
easement is required they will work with the school. district
to determine the cost. The development of the property to
the south and the continuation of the street will probably be
complete within 7 years, based on the estimation of what
might happen with the bypass connection which will
undoubtedly make the property more attractive to
Taylor asked if the constraints internal to DNRC would
prohibit the organization from acquiring the R/W. Lorch
noted that DNRC is the landowner and they would be
acquiring the R/W from themselves. Taylor said that if a
street was constructed on that R/W who pays for it, the
developers to the south of the street? Lorch said in this case
because of the order that things are occurring, it is really not
practical to ask the school district to buy 30 feet of R/W and
build the north half of the street, because it will not function.
But as development to the south occurs DNRC will bear the
responsibility of working with developers to construct all of
the street, as needed, which will be a wash in terms of the
cost of getting the infrastructure built, and will allow it to
happen in an order that fits with what is actually happening
on the ground. Lorch said that DNRC is in support of the
new Condition #4.
Norton suggested that perhaps a timeline should be added to
the condition so that DNRC would construct the street and
as development occurs they would be entitled to the
latecomer's fees. Lorch said that he doesn't know if DNRC
would be able to come up with the capital required to
complete the street but knowing the value of the land,
especially due to the close proximity of the high school, they
will be focusing on the development of property to the south
which will be in demand.
Norton said that when development occurs it would be in the
best interest of DNRC to have that developer improve the
street all the way through and then have that developer
receive the latecomer's fees. Lorch said that isn't
unreasonable but not as a condition with the high school
subdivision. Lorch would rather see that happen if and
when another developer comes in. The demand and need for
the road is not currently there.
Taylor suggested that another approach would be to consider
adding to Condition #4.c. an end date that would state "but
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l \i
no later than the construction of the feeder route of West
Reserve into the Highway 93 interchange." Jentz interjected
that we could see construction of the bypass starting as early
as 2008 and possibly driving on it in 2009.
Norton asked if the 60 foot R/W is part of the lease with the
school district. Lorch said yes, and noted that it is a function
of the order of the process and in the future DNRC will be
requiring subdivision review prior to executing these types of
things as the order is awkward and puts DNRC into a
position where someone might be surprised by something.
No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was
Norton moved and Albert seconded to adopt Staff Report
KPP-05-13 as findings of fact and recommend to the City
Council that the preliminary plat of Glacier High School be
approved, subject to the listed conditions, including the
revised Condition #4.
Hull said that in looking at this he sees a traffic disaster
waiting to happen until the bypass is built. Essentially you
are not going to be able to get to the school from the east at
all because it is right turn only off Reserve. It is a two-way
stop which is one of the most controversial intersections in
Flathead County and will be required to make a left turn
directly in front of rush hour traffic and at the bare
minimum there should at least be a temporary traffic light at
Stillwater Road and West Reserve Drive: There might even
have to be a traffic light at Stillwater Road and Three Mile
Jentz said that the traffic impact analysis that will be
undertaken will look at the level of infrastructure that will
need to be installed at these intersections. As the school
opens you will be looking at a freshman/sophomore class —
half occupancy, but there will still be traffic impacts. Murray
stated that they will be looking at a 3 year class and Jentz
revised his statement to include a junior class. Jentz said
that they will rely on the traffic impact analysis to determine
what needs to be done. It is not critical for the high school to
use the street, it would be a convenience. When the bypass is
built there will be a significant .connection that will funnel
traffic to a controlled access at Costco. It is staffs position
not to assign responsibility but to bring players to the table
to see that it ultimately gets done.
Hull said that he feels the board has to declare that there will
be a serious traffic problem until the bypass is built. He
added that the school district has to take it very seriously.
Jentz said that the school district is not shirking that but the
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reality is that we are not traffic engineers and they have to
rely on Stelling Engineers and MDT to approve what level of
improvements will be required.
Taylor suggested that in relation to Condition #3 would it be
preferable to speak in terms of more than one traffic
analysis, a continuing series of traffic analyses as time goes
on. Jentz said that the analysis will look at the full build out
for the high school site, in light of what is going on around
Gabriel asked about the signage and what the school district
is limited to when Pepsi and Coke come to them offering free
signage for reader boards, or on the scoreboard. Jentz said
that school signs are limited in size to 24 square feet in area
per sign face with a height restriction not to exceed 6 feet.
Hull reiterated his concern about the additional traffic and
safety issues. Taylor said that he understands the concerns
but isn't sure what the board can do.
Norton, asked about signage and lighting in relation to
stadium lights. Jentz said stadium lights will be used but
they are only used for a period of time then they are turned
off due to the cost of running them. Stadium lights would be
exempt from shielding, etc. Jentz continued in relation to
signs, if it is within the stadium and is not seen from the
public road, the City doesn't get involved because they only
restrict signs that are located within view of a public R/ W.
Taylor asked if would be better to have Condition #9
reference the recently approved lighting standards as Mr.
Hinchey suggested, and revise those standards to address
the stadium lights, before the stadium is even built. Jentz
said that he would be comfortable with referencing the
lighting standards because when they come into effect, it will
be an ordinance that everyone has to comply with.
Norton said that he feels that the amendment to Condition
#4 is very acceptable because there is responsibility in
relationships. By having the school acquire the 60 foot R/W
is not as much of a detriment to them as it would be to
actually construct the road. Norton said that he would favor
putting a deadline on the 4.c. portion of the amendment to
be 2010 just to ensure that it is done. Perhaps by then
DNRC could allocate the funds needed to complete the street.
He agrees that with the location of the high school the
property will be prime and there will be developers
"chomping at the bit" to develop residential property there.
MOTION TO AMEND Norton moved and Hull seconded to amend Condition 4.c. to
CONDITION #4 add, "and in any event not later than 12 / 31 / 09. As the
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southern sector is developed, the first lessee will be required
to extend the street all the way to the eastern terminus of the
bypass connector and be entitled to the latecomers fees."
Jentz said that the dilemma is that we would be starting to
micromanage DNRC's business, and the first lessee could be
a small developer who would then be responsible for
construction of a one-half mile road. Jentz said that it could
be modified to state that no later than 2 years after
completion of the Section 36 bypass connector, but if
nothing happens out there the need isn't there to put the
road in.
Norton moved and Hull seconded to amend Condition 4.c. to
add, "no later than 2 years after the completion of the
Section 36 bypass connector."
The motion passed on a vote of 5 - 1 with Hinchey in
Additional discussion was held.
The original motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
A request by the Seventh Day Adventist Church for a
conditional use permit to allow the expansion of a non-
conforming use, a Community Service Center, located at 494
Ninth Ave EN.
Tom Jentz, with the Kalispell Planning Department, gave a
presentation of Staff Report KCU-05-7.
Jentz reviewed the letters that were received from Joseph 8s
Sharon Copeland, William & Barbara Arthur, and Katrina
Kiger, nearby property owners who are in opposition of the
conditional use permit.
Staff is recommending that the planning board adopt Staff
Report KCU-05-7 as findings of fact and recommend to the
City Council that the conditional use permit for the
expansion of the Seventh Day Adventist Church Community
Service Center be approved, subject to the 5 listed
Jentz reviewed the site map to address questions from the
The public hearing was opened to those who wished to speak
on the issue.
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APPLICANT/AGENCIES Michael Blend, who is assisting the applicants, said that the
Shining Mountain Church is located just on the other side of
the alley. This storage is badly needed by the Community
Service Center because the existing building is fairly small.
People do drop off items and when the items are large there
is no place to store them and the expansion will provide that
space, and therefore clean up the immediate area. Blend said
that their goal is to blend in the roof lines and attempt to
make it look like part of the building and not an addition.
The church has been there for 40 years and is a tremendous
service for the community.
Taylor asked if the condition to pave the parking lot was an
undue burden on the church. Blend said that they have
attempted to do some fundraising to help cover the costs, it
is a lot of paving but he sees the need to be done to keep the
dust down.
Taylor asked if the proposed addition will be sufficient to get
rid of the items that are left outside which then becomes an
eyesore to the neighborhood.
Chare' Largent, Chairman of the Board for the Center stated
that one of their big problems is because they do collect
things from the community, things get dropped off, and a lot
of times they get used as a garbage dump. They have put
signs up to try and limit the amount and times of dropping
off items, and have closed the drop off shed. Largent noted.
that the items they have are mostly from the other
community second hand stores/ consignment shops - items
that they cannot get rid of or do not want anymore, which
the center goes and collects. At this point in time there is
rarely anything left outside longer than a week, and if they
don't want it it's hauled away. Largent said that the building,
along with the addition should be enough to take care of
what they have and receive.
Norton asked about the type of building that is proposed.
Blend said that the building will mostly be used as storage
and a processing center to distribute clothing worldwide
through the Adventist Development Relief Agency.
PUBLIC COMMENT Katrina Kiger, 496 - 9th Avenue, EN asked if some of the
dilapidated building was going to be removed because she
said that it is sitting right on the property line. Kiger said
that she has had vagrants sleeping under the tree in her
yard, and she wants that to stop. Taylor asked if things have
changed since the drop off shed was closed and Kiger said
yes that since Jerry 8. Trixie Neugebauer have taken over
things have greatly improved. Kiger said that she was also
concerned about the amount of traffic and the additional
traffic that the addition might generate. Kiger said that this
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is a very narrow street and a quiet neighborhood and the
traffic creates big problems.
Jerry Neugebauer stated that his wife Trixie is the director of
the Community Service Center. Neugebauer said that in
reference to Ms. Kiger's concerns about traffic, he agrees. It
is a narrow street. He spoke to the neighbors directly across
from the center and they were disgusted with the amount of
traffic on 9th Avenue, especially on Tuesday nights.
Neugebauer said that you can hardly get up and down the
street. There are new neighbors who have some kind of
religious meeting on Tuesday night every week and
Neugebauer has offered to let their group park in the center's
parking lot to clear the street, but they have yet to park
there. Neugebauer said that they have tried to alleviate some
of the congestion. He added the 2 sheds, which are built
close to the property line, should definitely be removed.
Taylor asked if Neugebauer would be in the position to assist
with the removal and he said that he would.
Hinchey said that if those sheds are on the property line it
appears that the new addition would also be on the property
line, and asked if they would be making the same mistake.
Blend said that the addition will be within the setbacks, 5
feet 6 inches from the property line and the setback is 5 feet.
Blend said that the Shining Mountain Church has expressed
an interest in sharing parking which could be pursued to
alleviate some of the traffic problems.
Gabriel moved and Hull seconded to adopt Staff Report KCU-
05-7 as findings. of fact and recommend to the City Council
that the conditional use permit for the expansion of the
Seventh Day Adventist Church Community Service Center be
approved, subject to the 5 listed conditions.
Gabriel said that the folks here have made an effort to
address the neighbors concerns with the blight, and she
commended them for working with their neighbors. Gabriel
said although she questions the expansion of a non-
conforming use she sees no harm in the addition and she
thinks it will improve the existing building. She fully
supports this project.
Hull asked if they should make tearing down the sheds a
condition. Largent said that the sheds are going to be
removed as soon as possible.
Hinchey said that he has some reservations about this
project. He understands that the applicants have every right
to pursue this endeavor at the current location because it is
andfathered, however, it is non -conforming and in an R-3
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zone and in his opinion sets a dangerous precedent. P.J.
Sorensen noted that they are limited to no more than a 50%
expansion at this site, period. Any new property that was
purchased would have to conform to the current R-3 zoning.
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Tabled at the July 12, 2005 regular meeting - A request for
an amendment to the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance to allow
rental storage units in basements of existing buildings in the
B-4 zoning district.
Jentz distributed letters received after the public hearing was
held for the board to review. There was concern expressed
that the neighbors were not notified and Jentz noted that a
text amendment that has broad application does not have a
requirement for notification. He added that a conditional use
permit would require notification, but a permitted use would
not. The neighbors were concerned that the text amendment
was not a good precedent being established in the downtown
commercial core area. They felt that downtown needs to be
maintained as a vibrant commercial area and do not look at
storage, even in basements, as a positive trend.
Jentz noted that there was discussion at the hearing last
month on whether a series of conditions should be provided
that everyone would have to adhere to, or making it a
conditional use permit where each application would be
looked at on a case -by -case basis.
Taylor asked if these neighbors were able to review the
standards that were developed. Jentz said that these letters
just came in and as far as he knows they did riot have a
chance to review the standards.
Jentz said there is 4 ways to approach these requests, make
them a permitted .use with no performance standards, a
permitted use with performance standards, a conditional use
permit with performance standards and each application
would be reviewed by the planning board and city council, or
to deny the request.
Taylor asked if there was any input from other businesses in
terms of the performance standards. Jentz said none; these
letters came to our office unsolicited by staff.
Hull said that the reason that . they did not go with a
conditional use permit was time, they wanted to get this
done as quickly as possible for the applicant's benefit. Hull
said but now 3 neighbors immediately adjacent to this
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property in opposition is a significant. number. The board
should look at a conditional use again.
Butch Clark, a member of the audience asked if he was going
to be able to speak to this issue. Taylor noted that this is not
a public hearing. Clark said that this came out of the blue
and none of the downtown business owners where aware of
it. Taylor explained that is the reason he was asking if there
had been any input from the business community. As Board
Member Hull explained, Taylor continued, the board was
attempting to reach a decision specific to the Kelly Main
Street Building situation, but not make it one size fits all.
Clark expressed his disappointment that they were not
advised or asked about the proposal and added that he has
$3.5 million dollars invested in property right down the
street and no one said a word to him.
Norton raised a point of order that this is not the time for
banter but is under old business and public comment was
already taken at the public hearing in July. Clark objected.
Taylor called for order and suggested that the board needs a
broader perspective in terms of what will work in the
downtown business sector. Taylor said that this was not
intended to be shoved under the door or an end run around
anyone. It was intended to be a conditional use permit for
the specific needs of Mr. Siblerud's business.
Jentz noted that . the board is still discussing whether this
text amendment would be appropriate or not and whether it
should be treated as a conditional use permit, in which case
the applicant would have come back through the process
again, and the adjacent property owners would have to be
notified. He continued that Mr. Clark is frustrated thinking
that this is a done deal, which is not the case.
Taylor asked to suspend the motion in order to allow a more
free flow of discussion regarding the proposal.
Albert said that he feels that there needs to be conditions
imposed through a conditional use permit. He doesn't have a
problem with the storage but there needs to be conditions
placed on the type of storage, signs, and parking. The
standards should be more specific as to the size of items to
be stored.
Gabriel said that she is feeling Mr. Clark's angst because he
and the downtown community have put millions of dollars
into the buildings and she hadn't looked at that perspective
when this was discussed the last time. Through Council they
are putting quite a bit of effort into a downtown plan and she
thinks that the board should slow down and get the input
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from the business owners, and more public input.
Hull said that they were trying to get this done in a hurry,
they saw no opposition, and the text amendment was the
method to do that. Hull said that it should be a conditional
use and decided on a case -by -case basis and they could be
opening the door for things other than documents and they
cannot write standards that are specific enough to handle
every situation. Since there is downtown opposition the
board now knows that they need to take the time to do that.
Hinchey said that he does believe that this should be a
conditional use; he believes that the board should kill this
proposal right here and now. This board's efforts have been
to provide Architectural Standards, Lighting Standards,
Signage and trying to beautify downtown and bring it up to
its full potential. Storage doesn't do that and produces a big
hazard downtown with a whole host of issues that would
have to be monitored and the public service resources would
be taxed. Hinchey said that the issue is that it is just not an
appropriate use in the B-4 zone. Storage is an appropriate
use in the industrial zones. He understands the applicant's
concern about parking because as a member of the parking
board he knows the issues, which are being addressed.
Allowing someone to change the use of their building
because of this perceived parking problem is not the right
way to solve that problem either.
Norton said that he is disappointed that the President
allowed banter with a member of the public, and apologized
that he interfered and should have allowed the President to
handle it in due process.
Norton continued the Board did provide public notice, it may
not have reached everyone but the law was followed. After
the meeting they came to the realization that they did not
want this to be a blanket text amendment. Norton said that
they are still at the point that they have not yet reached the
downtown business owners and because they aren't aware of
what is going on. Downtown is historically the central
business district of our community and if we are going to ask
something of them then they deserve the opportunity to
speak and be notified of issues that are before the board.
Staff, or a board member, needs to write a press release for
the Daily Inter Lake, and to also contact the business
owners. Norton added that in all fairness Mr. Siblerud has
followed the process but the board needs to get more input.
Taylor asked if the staff had the budget to publish something
in the paper or to contact the business owners. Taylor said
that they do want to get the appropriate business community
involved. He feels that the board would then be able to come
up with a solution that would be amenable to Mr. Siblerud's
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purposes as well as pass muster with the business owners.
The board now does not wish to just push something
through and they had not thought about that when the
board was addressing the sole problem of Mr. Siblerud.
Jentz suggested a Public Service Announcement that would
outline the approaches under consideration to hopefully get
the word out to their members.
Taylor made a motion seconded by Gabriel that the
recommendation that the application be tabled for 60 days
until staff can notify the residents/owners of the B-4
Business District, which will enable the board to get ample
public input, before a decision is made.
The motion failed on a vote of 3 in favor and 3 in opposition,
with Hull, Taylor 8v Norton in favor and Albert, Hinchey 8s
Gabriel in opposition.
Hinchey said that he is concerned because this came up
before the board a month ago and it was tabled. It has now
been brought up again under Old Business; it . has been
through the process. We have heard from property owners,
business people in the area. It seems to him that we are
spinning our wheels. Hinchey asked why they are directing
staff to go off and do more research.
Hinchey made a motion seconded by Albert to deny the
request for a text amendment to allow record storage in B-4
Taylor said that with that motion, nothing gets done. The
board will deny Mr. Siblerud the benefit of any action at all,
and then it is a dead issue as far as the business community
is concerned. The board will never get public input from the
businesses downtown. All they have is 3 or 4 letters and
Taylor feels uncomfortable with this type of action.
Hull said the board originally proposed this as a favor to
downtown, an additional business that could be offered
downtown. Hull said that this is already happening because
Bite Savvy offers off -site storage of computer tapes. It is not
something that should be outlawed.
Hinchey said that it seems to him that if they are storing
tapes it is a completely different issue to having a storage
locker type of operation. Hinchey said that he doesn't agree
that the board is killing this issue in perpetuity. They are
saying that right now it is not appropriate. If someone wants
to bring something like this up in the future, he doesn't feel
that the board is precluding that at all. Further, he doesn't
think that we need to hear from 250 downtown business
Kalispell City Planning Board
Minutes of the meeting of August 9, 2005
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owners if they have already heard from people in the
immediate neighborhood, which is all they normally hear
from anyway.
Taylor disagreed. The board heard from a narrow scope and
he didn't have any idea that any other businesses would
react this way. If the board doesn't provide for input now
then they could just sit on it and wait until the next thing
happens, which isn't Taylor's way of doing business.
Norton said that he agrees with Taylor, if they do not hear
this through it will kill it until 20 years down the road. We
can place restrictions where this would be viable and not
detrimental to the downtown businesses. Norton said we owe
it to the downtown businesses to hear both pro and con. We
want to encourage as much business as we can for the
downtown B-4 zoning and if we limit it to a rental space of 2
square feet it is still an option.
Gabriel said the main reason that she voted no to the motion
to table this item for 60 .days was. that 60 days is too long.
Gabriel said that she thinks the majority of the feedback will
be against this proposal. Gabriel suggested that .Hinchey
withdraw his motion and shorten the timeframe and attempt
to get input from the downtown business owners to see what
they want. Gabriel suggested that 30 days would be a more
manageable timeframe for both Mr. Siblerud and to notify
the public.
Jentz noted that whatever decision the board makes will be
forwarded to the City Council as a recommendation, whether
to approve or deny. Jentz said that the proposal doesn'.t die
here because the . City. Council is the ultimate decision
making body. Jentz added that the board cannot indefinitely
table the application either.
Hinchey requested a vote on his motion to deny the text
The motion to deny failed on a vote of 2 to 4 with Norton,
Taylor, Albert and Gabriel voting in opposition.
Taylor made a motion seconded by Gabriel that the
recommendation that was set before us tonight be tabled for
30 days until staff can notify the residents/owners of the B-4
Business District so that this board can get ample public
input before it makes a decision.
The motion to table passed 5 -1 a roll call vote, with Hinchey
voting in opposition.
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Minutes of the meeting of August 9, 2005
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BOARD DISCUSSION Jentz clarified that staff will solicit input and hold another
public hearing within 30 days. The Board agreed that
another public hearing should be held.
ADJOURNMENT I The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:45 p.m.
There will be a Planning Board Work Session held on
Tuesday, August 23, 2005 to discuss the Growth Policy
Update, beginning at 6:30 p.m. for Jentz, Gabriel, 8s Albert,
and at 7:00 p.m. for the remainder of the board.
The next regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning
Board and Zoning Commission will be held on Tuesday,
September 13, 2005.
Michelle Anderson
Recording Secretary
n APPROVED as submitted/corrected: q/ /.3 /05
Kalispell City Planning Board
Minutes of the meeting of August 9, 2005
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