12-27-22 Architectural Review Committee MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday December 27, 2022 @ 7:30 AM Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Ave E MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Hear the Public: Approval of Minutes: New Business: Signs: Buildings: Julia Pierrottet (Chair); John Hinchey; Robin Spear; Sarah Turner; Susanne Wigginton (Zoom) City Staff –Kari Barnhart # Of Guests: 5 None Robin moved to approve the December 13, 2022, minutes; John 2nd; approved (5-0). Six40 Lofts – 640 E Idaho St – hotel renovation to apartments - Architect Patrick Conover presented plans, renderings, material samples, and photos of their proposed plans. The pool house has been removed, the parking lot will be restriped, drainage will be repaired, and the exterior will be painted. The focus of the project is updating the interior of the long-term studio apartment rentals and the 10 temporary housing units. Patrick noted that the area behind the 10-unit building designated for landscaping is mislabeled; it is a designated storage area and that the current amount of landscaping meets the requirement. The committee discussed adding a common outdoor space with tables and BBQs to serve as a place to bring tenants together and create a sense of ownership. Zach Backes from IX Blessings explained that their budget was tight due to extensive infrastructure, mechanical, and interior upgrades and that they plan to pay cash in lieu of adding recreational amenities. The area behind office will be made into a lounge for residents. Kari advised the committee that cash in lieu meets the requirement for recreational amenities and that they cannot oppose the plans for lack of recreational amenities. Sarah asked for details on the trash enclosures since they are not shown on the plans. Robin advised Patrick that they will need to be screened and landscaped. Zach stated he would welcome recommendations for recreational amenities. Robin moved to approve with the recommendation of the flex space be opened to opportunities, an amenity space be available behind the office, and add trash enclosure locations and screening to their plans; Susanne 2nd; John, Julia, and Sarah were opposed. Motion failed (2-3). Kari advised Patrick and Zach that they will need to come back with the trash enclosures and screening and recommend they update plans that show their plans for the office/lounge area. The committee discussed why the motion failed. Julia stated that having more recreational amenities is critical. Sarah was disappointed with the architectural materials. John would like to see more effort in the flex space area. Kari advised that they cannot deny based on these points. Zach stated he would prefer to invest money into the property and will explore the amenity suggestions provided. Kari advised the committee that they can table this until the next meeting since the trash enclosures are missing from the site plan. Robin moved to table until trash enclosures are on the plans. John 2nd; approved (5-0). Kari advised Patrick and Zach to add the trash enclosure locations, screening, and appearance and return for the January 10th ARC meeting. Tooth Booth – 455 Cascade Loop – new dental office – Bobbi Jo from Jackola presented plans and materials. The monument sign location is pending, and electrical units will be screened. Julie suggested painting the electrical units with a darker color. Robin suggested removing the spruce and adding shrubs for easier maintenance of the electrical units. Robin suggested adding landscaping at the entry. Sarah motioned to conditionally approve with additional landscaping at the entry and painting the electrical equipment; John 2nd, approved (5-0). Meadows Edge Phase 3 – Lift Station – Robin recused herself and presented plans and material samples. John motioned to approve; Susanne 2nd, approved (4-0). LC Staffing – 620 Treeline Rd – new office building – Mark Johnson presented plans and material samples. He stated that the stormwater infrastructure takes up a lot of space. The windows are not reflective but will be Low-E. Robin suggested adding a small tree in the planter area and rock underneath the stairs and asked if the entrance could be widened. Kari advised that the site is based on Public Works’ requirements. Robin also suggested that Mark reach out to Public Works and Parks to see if they can play around with the seed mix in the stormwater pond to get more perennial color. Robin moved to approve with the condition of adding a tree to the planter area; John 2nd, approved (5-0). Old Business: None Other Discussion: Discussion regarding the committee’s obligation to approve projects was held. Kari explained that the committee can provide recommendations on colors and amenities, but it cannot deny a project if it meets all the requirements. The committee is hoping to see their suggestions for more/better amenities on the next submittal for Six40 Lofts. Meeting Adjourned @ 8:40 AM