JULY 11, 2006
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and
Zoning Commission was' called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board
members present were: Timothy Norton, Rick Hull, John
Hinchey, Bryan Schutt, and Robyn Balcom. Kari Gabriel and
Bob Albert were absent. Sean Conrad and Tom Jentz
represented the Kalispell Planning Department. There were
approximately 7 people in the audience.
Hinchey moved and Balcom seconded to approve the
minutes of the June 13, 2006 regular planning board
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
No one wished to speak.,
A request from Beargrass Holdings, LLP, to create six lots
ranging in size from 2,163 square feet to 2,521 square feet
and one common area lot of 30,200 square feet. The
property is zoned B-2, General Commercial, and is located on
the east side of 3rd Avenue East, approximately 350 feet
south of the intersection, of 3rd Avenue East and 14th Street
Sean Conrad, representing the Kalispell Planning
Department presented Staff Report KPP-06-05 for the Board.
Conrad noted that a revised preliminary plat and a letter
from an adjoining property owner were received after the
packets were mailed.
Conrad stated this is a vacant piece of property located on 3rd
Avenue East across from the Outlaw Inn. The property is
zoned B-2, which is a commercial business district. The
zoning does allow multi -family housing and sublots. The
owner is requesting to reconfigure existing lots on this vacant
piece of property to create a number of sublots in order to
accommodate 6 - 4 plexes. The common area would
accommodate all of the parking for the housing.
Conrad continued the plat has been slightly revised to
increase the sublot size to meet the building code
requirements for fire wall breaks. The common area is now
slightly smaller but no parking spaces are lost in the
Conrad noted that staff received a letter on the proposed
subdivision from a neighbor's son located at 1428 - 4th
Avenue East. Her concerns are the high water table in the
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area and that this particular development may cause
groundwater intrusion into her basement and may affect her
well. In addition the letter states: "She would hope that
qualified engineers capable of honestly assessing the impact,
and who are aware of the historical condition of the property,
the amount and type of fill, and any other pertinent
information make an assessment which will predict to the
best of their ability any impact on current property owners,
or to the proposed development itself."
Conrad said that the property is zoned General Commercial
and does allow for this type of component, which is actually
a permitted use. The property is not located in the 100-year
floodplain and it is not a designated wetland. The property
owner is aware of past high groundwater and a geotechnical
report was completed on the property. There is a large
amount of fill material that has been dumped onto the
property which he intends to remove and put a pit run base
in place and then construct the buildings accordingly.
Conrad said he notified the Building Department so that they
are aware of the neighbors' concerns with groundwater. The
Public Works Department is also aware of the high
groundwater in the area and they have required a
stormwater drainage management plan to address the
amount of water that filters into the site.
Staff is recommending that the Kalispell City Planning Board
adopt staff report KPP-06-05 as findings of fact and
recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the preliminary
plat of Cedar Commons be approved subject to the 12
conditions listed in the staff report.
Hinchey asked why the board is reviewing this project if it is
a permitted use. Conrad explained that because of the
reconfiguration the project had to go through subdivision
review so that access, as well as stormwater and other issues
could be addressed. Hinchey asked if the density is being
increased and Conrad said no.
Jim Burton, Surveyor stated that they are trying to
reconfigure the lots to be able to fit the 4-plexes onto the
property. As they are configured now the lots are only 40 feet
wide and they are not big enough to do what the developer
would like to do. Burton noted that he talked to the
developer who has no problems with the conditions.
Hull asked if there is a plan for a road to come through Lots
3 & 4 that would tie this development into a neighboring
development. Burton said that is part of the parking area
and is addressed in the conditions.
Jeff Goodreau, Schwarz Engineering reviewed the stormwater
management plan that would discharge the stormwater off to
Ashley Creek and not back to the site via trench drains or
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any other type of dry well system. Any of the water that
comes to the site, will be stored in a big detention tank
system which will regulate its discharge back to the City
stormwater system. They worked with Public Works to come
up with the plan.
Norton asked if the detention area would be incorporated
into the landscaping. Goodreau said yes, there are multiple
catch basins through the parking lot and through a swale
that is on the northeast and northwest corner where it pools
from other properties and then drains to the south.
Gerald Bile, Structural Engineer on this project noted that
one of the concerns that they dealt with through the soils
report was placing the foundation of the structures high up
so it did not impact the' water table. In their soil testing on
this property they found that saturation was very high which
is partly why they are replacing the fill to lift the structure
up. They are not putting in a full 3 foot foundation but a slab
on grade with insulation. The soils or the water tables will
have the least amount of impact that they can for this
Hinchey asked if the fill will in any way exacerbate the
ground water problems or potential problems for the
neighbors. Hinchey clarified that by bringing in fill will it
shift the water table in any way. Bile said they are going to
be removing the existing fill because it was improperly
placed. Bile added from a structural and geotechnical
standpoint it will be cleaner fill than what was there and will
be compacted and placed in a controlled manner in order to
provide a solid base to work on. It should not have negative
impact on surrounding areas and should actually stabilize it.
Norton noted that it is nice to see the area finally using this
type of construction because there are a lot of areas with
high groundwater problems.
PUBLIC HEARING Kevin Hinkle, 14th Street and 4+h Avenue East said that he
was concerned mainly that the gravel driveway would
become a continuation of 4+h Avenue East traveling south. In
the Ryker Addition there are a bunch of different property
boundaries and the gravel driveway is all private property.
Hinkle noted that children use the area for play and bike
Norton noted that there would be a building constructed at
the end of this driveway and it would not be used as an
access to this development.
MOTION Schutt moved and Hinchey seconded a motion to adopt staff
report KPP-06-05 as findings of fact and recommend to the
Kalispell City Council that the preliminary plat of Cedar
Commons be approved subject to the 12 conditions listed in
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Minutes of the meeting of 'July 11, 2006
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the staff report.
Hull said he heard they used to hunt ducks where the
Outlaw Inn is located. When Highway 93 was built a regular
storm system was put in and that is what they are planning
to use so he doesn't think that high groundwater is an issue.
Hull did say that high ground water should be discussed
when the Board reviews the Subdivision Regulations.
Norton noted that the City now has a Stormwater Engineer,
Susie Turner with the Public Works Department and the City
has more expertise than they had in the past.
Schutt said that there have been some subdivisions proposed
on this side of Highway 93 and over on the west side that are
experiencing stormwater runoff problems. In the past he has
hoped the engineers would figure it out. Schutt said they are
getting down to one of the lower sections of the City
stormwater system and he hopes that with 3
surveyors/engineers who are on this project it works the way
they have described it to the Board.
Norton echoed the comments and concerns of both Hull and
Schutt. Norton noted that the public comments have been
taken into consideration and have been addressed. He added
the engineers and professionals in our City are taking notice
that there is a problem and it is being rectified.
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
A request from the Hilzac Corporation to re -subdivide five
existing lots within Stratford Village Phase 3 in order to
OF LOTS 74, 75, 76, 77, &
create 10 sublots. The proposed sublots would range in size
from 3,813 square feet to 3,834 square feet. The five existing
lots are zoned R-4, Two Family Residential, and are located
along Stratford Drive with the following addresses; 39, 43,
47, 51 and 55 Stratford Drive.
Sean Conrad, representing the Kalispell Planning
Department presented Staff Report KPP-06-06 for the Board.
Conrad said this is a subdivision to create 10 sublots within
an approved subdivision, Stratford Village Phase 3 was
approved in 2004 and the R-4 zoning allows duplexes on the
City lots and there are several duplexes that are already built
and some are starting construction. The owner is now
interested in dividing the interest in those duplexes and
creating townhouse lots so that the individual townhouse
and lot can be sold, conveyed and leased to separate parties.
Conrad noted that the lots are within an approved
subdivision with City streets serving the lots, water and
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sewer has been installed and the parkland dedication was
taken care of as part of the original Stratford Village
The Kalispell Parks & Recreation Department is requesting
that they pay cash in lieu of parkland and the proposed
sublots incorporate into the homeowners association for the
maintenance of the common area and the street lights.
Staff is recommending that the Kalispell City Planning Board
adopt staff report KPP-06-06 as findings of fact and
recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the preliminary
plat of the Amended Subdivision of Lots 74, 75, 76, 77 8s 78
of Stratford Village Phase 3 be approved subject to the 6
conditions listed in the staff report.
Norton noted that the ornate streetlights are not. in
compliance with the city's lighting ordinance and will they
have to be. Conrad said that the streetlight standard applies
to commercial and private properties. These street lights fall
within the public right of way and although the City of
Kalispell has contracted with Flathead Electric Coop to
replace the street lights these lights do not fall under that
provision and therefore will not need to be changed.
Jim Burton, Surveyor stated the property was approved for
duplexes as described and he doesn't understand Condition
#2 for parkland because as staff stated the parkland was
required at the time that these lots were developed as
duplexes and they are changing that to townhouses which
would not increase the density. Burton felt that this was
double dipping on the parkland dedication. The plat also
states that parkland had been met under Phase 3 of
Stratford Village. Burton added that there are no problems
with any of the other conditions.
No one wished to speak.
Balcom moved and Schutt seconded adopt staff report KPP-
06-06 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City
Council that the preliminary plat of the Amended Subdivision
of Lots 74, 75, 76, 77 & 78 of Stratford Village Phase 3 be
approved subject to the 6 conditions listed in the staff report.
There was lengthy discussion regarding the parkland issue
and the developer requested that he at least receive credit for
the parkland that has already been paid on these lots.
Jentz noted that the parkland is based on number of lots
and this subdivision would create 5 additional lots. In
addition the value used for calculation of the cash in lieu
would be based on current market value of the land at the
time the final plat if filed.
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Hinchey moved and Balcom seconded a motion to amend
Condition #2 to read: "The parkland dedication requirements
shall be met with the payment of cash in lieu of parkland of
0.15 of an acre with credit to the applicant for payments
already made on the original 5 lots."
The motion to amend Condition #2 passed unanimously on a
roll call vote.
The motion to approve the subdivision as amended passed
unanimously on a roll call vote.
Jentz reviewed the text amendment, that was reviewed at the
June 13, 2006 Kalispell Planning Board hearing, that dealt
with the downtown area park requirements and expansion of
the Special Parking Maintenance District #2. The
amendment would offer an option to the downtown parking
situation where expanding businesses could provide the
additional parking space as required in the Zoning
Ordinance, or use a cash -in -lieu provision to assist the
district in funding solutions to the parking problems. In
addition the amendment would be expanded to include the
Kalispell Center Mall property.
However, the staff recommendation included an error that
would reduce the mall parking requirement from 1 space for
every 200 square feet of retail space to 1 space for every 400
square feet or retail space. Jentz noted that the intent was to
include the mall into the district, give then the cash -in -lieu
option and also to broaden the downtown base which would
assist the district in working toward solutions to the parking
problems, and not reduce the parking requirements for the
mall property.
Balcom moved and Hinchey seconded a motion to reconsider
the action taken at the June 13, 2006 Kalispell Planning
THE JUNE 13, 2006
Board Hearing concerning the proposed amendments to the
parking requirements and expansion of the Special Parking
Maintenance District #2.
The motion to reconsider the action passed unanimously on
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a roll call vote.
Balcom moved and seconded a motion to amend the original
motion on amendments to the parking requirements and the
expansion of the Special Parking Maintenance District #2 to
read: "Property located within the special parking
maintenance district #2 shall provide 1 parking space for
every 400 square feet of gross floor area for those properties
within the district south of Center Street and 1 parking
space for every 200 square feet of gross floor area for
#2. (KZTA-06-03)
those properties within the district north of Center
Balcom felt that the standards should be higher for the mall.
Hinchey said that he also is in favor of the motion because
the original requirement for the mall was 1 space per 200
square feet of floor area since mall stores tend to be smaller
and would require more parking spaces.
Jentz said that the requirement of 1 space per 400 square
feet downtown was put in place as an incentive to encourage
development in the downtown area. With the mall they have
always lived"with the 1 - 200 parking standard and the City
is giving them another tool with the cash -in -lieu of parking
Hull noted at the last meeting Norton was concerned because
the City has paid a large amount of money to tear down the
Cenex grain elevators for parking which was never used. Hull
felt that there have been a lot of compromises for the mall
and he doesn't know if any more should be made. He feels
that they should amend the action taken at the last meeting.
Schutt said the mall has a long history for fits and starts
when it comes to expansion. Schutt said that he doesn't
want to throw additional hurdles in front of the mall and he
is inclined to leave it at the 1 - 400 ratio.
Hull added that he would like to talk to John Hinchey
regarding the Parking Commission's view of parking issues
facing the downtown area. Hull also noted he would like
discussion on the change in the demographics of downtown
businesses from retail to 8-5 offices.
Norton agreed there is a changing demographic in downtown
that needs to be addressed.
The motion passed on a vote of 4 - 1 on a roll call vote.
Hull expressed his concern that the planning board has been
having important discussions and making decisions without
a link to the City Council. Schutt suggested that a letter be
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sent to the City Council expressing the Board's concern and
volunteered to draft the letter for the President's signature.
The Board agreed.
Hull said he realizes that the Council member had recently
been injured and felt that serving on the City Council is a
difficult job for someone who works 8-5, but added it makes
it difficult for the Planning Board.
Hull moved and Hinchey seconded a motion to send a letter
to the City Council expressing the Board's concern that the
attendance of the City Council representative has been
lacking and requesting that the Council address the issue.
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Norton noted the importance of the information provided in
the Storm Water News publication to the Board and their
discussions. Norton asked how the Board could address
these issues and perhaps provide some direction. Balcom
agreed it should be a serious concern of the Board when
considering developments. Norton suggested that all of the
Board members read the publication.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:25 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning
Board and Zoning Commission will be held on Tuesday,
August 8, 2006.
Work sessions were held after the regular meeting on the
following items:
1. Casinos Text Amendment.
2. Kalispell Subdivision Regulations Update.
Michelle Anderson
Recording Secretary
APPROVED as submitted/corrected: O / b /06
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Minutes of the meeting of July 11, 2006
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