FEBRUARY 13, 2007
CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and
CALL Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board
members present were: Timothy Norton, Rick Hull, Bryan
Schutt, Robyn Balcom, Kari Gabriel and John Hinchey. Sean
Conrad and Tom Jentz represented the Kalispell Planning
Department. There were approximately 25 people in the
RESIGNATION OF BOARD Norton announced that Bob Albert has resigned from the
MEMBER board due to his work and travel schedule. This seat is
appointed by the County Commissioners who will advertise
to fill the vacancy.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Gabriel moved and Balcom seconded a motion to approve the
minutes of the January 9, 2007 regular planning board
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
HEAR THE PUBLIC Marshall Corbett resides on Quarter Horse Lane and owns
the property that is downhill from this proposed subdivision.
Corbett asked the board to consider a condition for.
stormwater runoff. They have already had a problem last
year due to the drainage coming off of a similar subdivision
on the east side of Stillwater Road. If the same thing holds
true for the new subdivision all this runoff is going to go
downhill down to the access road which parallels Tripp's
driveway and that water needs to be dealt with and he
doesn't want it to come down on his property. Corbett
reviewed his advanced degrees in civil engineering and
geology and his 40 years of working experience in these fields
for the board.
Corbett said the soil conditions are not conducive for rapid
infiltration. The idea of a sump should automatically be
discarded. The other possibility is to set up a ditch and run it
over to Stillwater Road, collect from both subdivisions and
run a storm drain to where it could run into an existing
creek bed. He roughly calculated how much rainfall and
runoff might be generated with this subdivision. He said if
you use an arbitrary figure like 4 - 1 /2 acres, which is
roughly half of the 9 acres that is going to be subdivided and
assuming 2000 square foot roofs and 500 square feet of
driveway, plus the roads, you end up with something like
114,000 to 123,000 gallons in a 1" rain. The amount of
water coming down would be quite significant. Corbett said
that is enough to make him and his neighbors concerned.
Corbett suggested the board could attach this information to
their consideration of the variance but he would at least like
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Minutes of the meeting of February 13, 2007
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to see the board pass it on to City Council when the
subdivision is reviewed by them.
Consideration to amend City Code Section 4-1 regarding
livestock to allow horses, donkeys, mules, sheep, goats and
llamas within the City of Kalispell based on a density of one
animal per acre of pasture. Livestock is currently prohibited
in the city.
Sean Conrad, representing the Kalispell Planning
Department presented the Staff Report for the Board.
Conrad said that at the Planning Board's January 22nd work
session this amendment to Section 4-1 of the City Code was
discussed and the board directed staff to include horses,
donkeys, mules, sheep, goats and llamas to be permitted
within city limits provided there was a density which was 1
animal per acre of fenced pasture land, as well as some other
provisions regarding offspring, a nuisance clause and
properties that are annexed into the city that have densities
that exceed what the provisions state.
Conrad reviewed a map of current properties within the city
limits that are an acre or larger for the board. He noted that
the only large portions of land are on the southern end of the
city near Sunnyside Drive most of which are still in the
county but are adjacent to the city limits and could come
into the city where these provisions would apply.
Conrad noted that Mike Hall, the Animal Control Officer for
the Kalispell Police Department is present if the board wants
to ask him any questions.
Based on preliminary comments from the planning board
members, planning staff is recommending Chapter 4,
Animals and Fowl, of the city's code be amended to allow
horses, donkeys, mules, sheep, goats and llamas subject to
the following standards:
Section 4-1
(C). Horses, donkeys, mules, sheep, goats and llamas are
permitted within the Kalispell city limits subject to the
following minimum requirements:
(1). The number of horses, donkeys, mules, sheep, goats
and llamas permitted on a property shall not exceed
one animal per one acre of fenced pasture land.
(2). Offspring to permitted animals living on the lot shall
not be counted as part of the animal density for one
year from date of birth at which time the owner shall
bring the animal density back into compliance with
the ordinance code.
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(3). Property owners keeping horses in accordance with
the above standards must maintain such animals in
a manner that does not cause adverse impact to
neighboring property owners. Potential negative
impacts on adjacent properties include odors, noise,
drainage, erosion and flies. Each person who keeps
these animals is responsible for the regular removal
and disposal of animal waste, and control of insects,
erosion and odor. Failure to maintain the property in
accordance with these requirements shall be
considered a violation of the ordinance.
(4). Property annexed into the city exceeding the densities
required under subsection (C) (1) shall have up to two
years from the date of annexation to bring the animal
density into compliance with the ordinance code.
QUESTIONS BY THE Hall said he has some concerns regarding the enforcement of
BOARD #3 that references odors, noise, drainage, waste, and insects
and he felt that these provisions were somewhat subjective
and leave a lot of room for interpretation. Hall noted that he
visited with the Police Chief and City Judge who also have
concerns with these provisions.
Norton asked if a citation would be issued in cases like this.
Hall said it becomes an infraction where it would be citable.
Hall felt perhaps that these provisions belonged under the
zoning ordinance instead of the Kalispell Police Department.
because it is a land issue v. a violation of the animals being
on the property. Hall noted that this would create another
area for the Police Department and courts to deal with and
they already have their plates full.
Balcom asked if there were any animals on that list that
would be less appropriate in the city than others. Hall said
that they are all the same and they all do what farm animals
do which is probably why they were excluded from the city
Norton said that the board discussed putting these
provisions into the zoning and they felt it was too broad for
the zoning ordinance. Conrad said since there was already
an existing City Code that dealt with livestock the Planning
Department felt that amending that section would be
Jentz said staff added the references to odor, waste, etc., and
said those do not necessarily have to be in the provisions. By
in large this amendment is going to address the 4H projects
or someone who has a pasture of land and keeps livestock
for weed control. Jentz noted that he ran a program similar
to this in the County for 18 years and he can only recall one
situation where the lady's kitchen was too close to the fence.
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Norton agreed that properties wanting to have these types of
animals will be rare. Jentz added that urban land values are
too high to have large acreage just to run a few pets on.
Jentz suggested the board could continue the discussion or
ask staff to remove that one section on the impacts.
No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed.
Balcom moved and Hinchey seconded a motion to
recommend that Chapter 4, Animals and Fowl, of the city's
code be amended to allow horses, donkeys, mules, sheep,
goats and llamas subject to the standards listed above with
the following amendment: Delete all but the first sentence of
#3 which would then read as follows:
(3). Property owners keeping the animals in accordance
with the above standards must maintain such animals in a
manner that does not cause adverse impact to neighboring
property owners.
Norton moved and Balcom seconded a motion to amend
# 1
Section # 1 by adding cattle, buffalo, burros and wild or
domesticated predatory or game animals.
Hull said he felt this amendment was pushing beyond the
intent of the code which is to allow people who have domestic
animals to enter the city without any problem. Also buffalo
and elk are hard to contain. Gabriel agreed.
Norton said his thought goes back to FFA or 4H projects and
having a cow. Norton added he supports youth in
agriculture. Jentz noted there are prohibitions in the state
about game ranches and the keeping of elk or deer.
The motion to amend Section # 1 failed on a vote of 2 in favor
and 4 opposed.
Norton noted that City Code 4-3 states that within the city
limits you cannot ride or drive a horse at speeds greater or
faster than at a walk within the city limits except upon
property owned by the Flathead County Fair Board. It seems
to him that is totally conflicting with what they are trying to
do with this amendment. Norton said then if he had a horse
on an acre he wouldn't be able to ride the horse. Conrad said
he didn't think it would be enforced unless it was on city
streets and right-of-ways.
Schutt said his opinion of this amendment hasn't changed
from his input at the work session. They are using a large
tool to address a very small number of potential occurrences.
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Someone trying to create an equestrian subdivision could be
addressed within the zoning ordinance. He felt that bringing
large livestock into the city is setting up the potential for
neighbor disputes. There are hundreds of thousands of acres
of land in Flathead County where people can keep livestock
and it seems those areas are the appropriate places for
livestock. Schutt said the board is going in the wrong
direction. It was changed 50 years ago for a reason and those
reasons still exist.
Norton noted that there was some in depth discussion on
this issue and the reason it swayed him is the fact that it will
be a rare occurrence and may never happen.
ROLL CALL - ORIGINAL The original motion passed on a roll call vote of 5 in favor
MOTION and 1 opposed.
FOX TROTTER MEADOWS A request by FESN, LLC and Windwalker Equestrian Estates,
VARIANCE REQUEST LLC for a variance from the Kalispell road and design
standards allowing the minimum right-of-way width be
reduced from 60-feet to a 45-foot road right-of-way and
provide for a boulevard and sidewalk on the north side of the
road only. The road would serve a proposed 24 lot
subdivision, Fox Trotter Meadows, which the planning board
conducted a public hearing on in December of 2006. The
board will conduct a public hearing on the variance request
only which is on a 10-acre property with an existing house
on it addressed as 250 Stillwater Road.
STAFF REPORT KPP-06-14 Sean Conrad, representing the Kalispell Planning
(AMENDED) Department presented Staff Report KPP-06-14 (Amended) for
the Board.
Conrad oriented the board to the location of Fox Trotter
Meadows. In December the board reviewed the 24 lot
subdivision with R-2 zoning and at that time they were
proposing a 60 foot R/W on the southern end with 30 feet on
the Fox Trotter Meadows site and the remaining 30 feet was
a long narrow strip that would serve the property just to the
west of the subdivision. Since that time the property owner
to the west elected to pull out of the subdivision and
annexation request. At that point the developer could not
continue with the subdivision configuration because the 60
foot R/W was reduced to 30 feet.
Conrad said the proposal before the board tonight is a
modified version of the 24 lot subdivision with a 45 foot R/W
that will include the required 28 foot wide street with
boulevard and sidewalk on the north side of the street. The
south side will be curb and gutter only until such time as the
property to the west develops and they will be required to
provide an additional 30 foot strip to be dedicated as part of
the road R/W for Fox Trotter Lane.
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Conrad said the city doesn't see any problems with the
reduced R/W width at this time because they will still be
getting a full city street. In addition there would be a 30 foot
buffer between the city street and the Quarter Horse Estates
and when/if the property to the west comes in the 45 foot
R/W would then become a 75 foot R/W. The street would be
offset from Parkridge Drive and Public Works does not have
any issues with that given the low amount of traffic that Fox
Trotter Meadows subdivision would generate.
Staff is recommending that the Kalispell Planning Board
adopt the findings in staff report KPP-06-14 (Amended) and
recommend the Kalispell City council approve the variance
request to the subdivision regulations.
BOARD DISCUSSION Gabriel asked for the location of Mr. Corbett's house and
Conrad showed the board, with Mr. Corbett's assistance, on
the map. Conrad said that the drainage problems from
Northland Subdivision are being changed, with the guidance
of the Public Works Department, and will include some
detention basins. When Fox Trotter Meadows is developed
the city will probably require that the developer clean up the
roadside ditches to make the overall stormwater flow better.
Norton asked how the board will be assured that in the
future the road would be widened to accommodate
development to the west if staff has moved on. Conrad said
that the plat would be reviewed by the Public Works
Department who would notice the undersized R/W and
require that it be widened an additional 15 to 30 feet.
APPLICANT/TECHNICAL Mike Fraser, one of the developers of this project said that
STAFF they were here in December and at that time they thought
they had an arrangement with a full 60 feet of R/W on the
south which has since changed. They sat down with the Site
Review Committee and came up with a compromise solution.
Their goal with this R-2 project was to develop a nicer
subdivision with lots that vary from 10,000 to 14,000 square
feet and 2 lots that will be slightly more than the minimum
allowed in the R-2 of 9600 square feet. They want to create a
community type project and build it out as a custom built
neighborhood. For that reason they want city standards and
city streets. The 28 foot street can be built in the 45 foot
R/W and the streets in the remainder of the subdivision
meet full city standards.
Fraser said Parkridge Drive when the north bypass is built
will be abandoned. Any of the intersection issues dealing
with traffic will go away at that time or they will be addressed
when the 30 feet south of this property annexes.
Fraser continued the variance is temporary not permanent.
The variance doesn't create a hardship or costs to the city,
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there are no traffic impacts and it does not establish a
Fraser encouraged the board to approve the variance
Corbett said that he doesn't have any objection to the
variance except for one thing. If you are going to set up rules
and regulations then they should be followed, especially by
the people who make those rules and regulations.
John Thomas, A2Z Engineering stated that they are the
technical consultants on this project. Thomas said that he
would second the comments that Fraser made and point out
when people make rules and regulations they realize that
they are not always all encompassing and there are special
cases and that's why there is a variance process. Thomas
feels they have a good case here with a sensible variance
request and it does not establish any precedence's.
Schutt moved and Gabriel seconded a motion to adopt the
findings in staff report KPP-06-14 (Amended) and
recommend the Kalispell City Council approve the variance
request to the subdivision regulations.
Schutt said there are regulations for flag lots and there are
ways of getting around that by shifting Fox Trotter Lane to
the north by another 15 feet and get the full 60 foot R/W
bordering this 30 foot strip although he doesn't know if that
would be a good solution in this situation because the lots
would be smaller and you would still end up with a long
skinny strip. As he looks at it he doesn't have a problem with
the variance especially considering that they will be able to
widen it out to the full 60 feet if and when the land to the
west chooses to develop.
Gabriel agreed with Schutt.
Norton said the subdivision could be reconfigured and still
meet the required lot size without losing any lots but he also
agrees this is a special circumstance. The 30 foot strip may
never be developed but if it is it will still be larger than a
typical roadbed so there will still be enough area between
Quarter Horse Estates and this subdivision. He feels it is a
win -win situation.
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Hull noted that the board had requested that staff set up a
meeting with the city's Stormwater Engineer Susie Turner
and asked when that would be arranged. Jentz said when an
open night is found they will schedule the meeting.
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NEW BUSINESS 1. Flathead County is offering general training for all board
members and Jentz distributed copies of the information to
the board. The sessions will be held on February 20th at 3:30
p.m., Earl Bennett Building Conference Room, March 2 at
7:00 p.m., Earl Bennett Building Conference Room, and
March 6, at 7:00 p.m., Justice Center.
2. Jentz discussed a joint work session with the Flathead
County Planning Board to discuss the following items:
Jeff Harris, County Planning Director update
Tom Jentz, City Planning Director update
City impact fees now in place
Parks Plan
Transportation Plan
Utilities Plan
West Side Growth Policy Amendment
Meeting date options are March 28th and March 21st.
(Secretary's Note: The date was not set for the joint work
ADJOURNMENT I The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.
�o (i
Timothy Nor n
There was a work session held on the following:
1. Glacier Lifestyle Center
2. Valley Ranch Project
The next work is scheduled for Tuesday, February 27,
2007 @ 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
The next regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning
Board and Zoning Commission will be held on Tuesday,
March 13, 2007 beginning at 7:00 p.m.
?&LK L�7�)
Michelle Anderson
Recording Secretary
APPROVED as submitted/corrected: 3 //3 /07
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Minutes of the meeting of February 13, 2007
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