JUNE 10, 2008
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and
Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board
members present were: Bryan Schutt, Rick Hull, C.M. Clark,
Richard Griffin and Troy Mendius. Jim Williamson and John
Hinchey were absent. Tom Jentz and Sean Conrad
represented the Kalispell Planning Department. There were
approximately 15 people in the audience.
President Schutt welcomed new member Richard Griffin to
the board.
Clark moved and Griffin seconded a motion to re-elect Bryan
Schutt as President of the Kalispell City Planning Board 8v
Zoning Commission.
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Clark moved and Griffin seconded a motion to re-elect John
Hinchey as Vice President of the Kalispell City Planning
Board & Zoning Commission.
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Clark moved and Mendius seconded a motion to approve the.
minutes of the May 13, 2008 Kalispell City Planning Board
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Mayre Flowers, Citizens for a Better Flathead stated they
have provided detailed written comments on the Planned
Unit Development amendments and she is disappointed with
the draft recommendations proposed. She feels the city is
missing an important opportunity to improve the process by
not considering the examples they provided from other
communities. The PUD regulations before the board tonight
ask the applicant to outline where they comply with the
subdivision regulations and where they don't and in order for
the board to know that they need essentially the information
that would be a part of a subdivision packet which has been
recommended for exclusion from the regulations. Flowers
stated that Citizens for a Better Flathead does not support
removal of that requirement and she asked the board to give
the amendments more serious thought before forwarding
them on to the city council.
A request from the Flathead Valley Chemical Dependency
Clinic for a Conditional Use Permit to locate a women's
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CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY recovery facility within an existing single family home. The
CLINIC - WOMEN'S clinic will house a maximum of 8 women with one to two
RECOVERY FACILITY staff members present 12 to 15 hours of each day, seven
days a week. When staff is not present the house will be
monitored on a closed security system accessed by
computer. The house is located at 87 Northern Lights
Boulevard and the property is zoned R-3 (Urban Single -
Family Residential) which requires a conditional use permit
for the proposed use within the district.
STAFF REPORT KCU-08-01 I Sean Conrad, representing the Kalispell City Planning
Department reviewed staff report KCU-08-01 for the board.
Conrad stated the Flathead Valley Chemical Dependency
Clinic is requesting to be allowed to operate a women's
recovery home that would serve up to 8 women at a time in a
single family residential setting. The goal of the recovery home
is to bring in women who need a helping hand to get a fresh
start in life. There will be staff at this home, not on a 24 hour
basis but between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. They
are not proposing any modifications to the outside of the
home and it will still appear as a single family residence. They
are, however, doing some interior remodeling that would
convert the garage into additional bedrooms and a small
kitchen facility.
Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and
Zoning Commission adopt staff report KCU-08-01 as findings
of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the
conditional use permit be approved subject to the 4 conditions
listed in the staff report.
Conrad reminded the board that state law is very specific in
that these types of uses fall under a residential status and
because of that no conditions may be placed on the use
permit that would not otherwise apply to residences in
general. Conrad reviewed the conditions for the board.
The use permit for this facility can not be denied by the
planning board or city council and the public hearing is
intended as a forum for information and to allow public
Griffin asked if the kitchen would be classified as a
commercial kitchen and Conrad said no it would be for
residential use and would not be subject to state health
inspections. Conrad added however depending on the extent
of the remodeling they would need to apply for a building
permit through the city.
PUBLIC HEARING Steve Menett, 91 Northern Lights Boulevard asked for
clarification because he was surprised to hear that the permit
cannot be denied. Conrad said that is correct and Schutt
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added it is a state law. Menett said there seems to be one
reason and one reason only to choose this house and that is
because it is close to the CDC Clinic which makes it
convenient for staff. He thinks it was very poorly thought out
and will negatively affect the property value of the neighboring
homes. Menett added therefore they are all hoping to get a
reduction of their property taxes.
Secondly, Menett continued putting 8 women into a small
home will create a stressful situation and hinder their
recovery. He also noted there is an apartment complex nearby
where drug use is common.
Clark asked staff, if this is a state law why is it before the
board? Conrad said it is brought before the board and the
council as a way to inform the public of what is happening in
their neighborhood. Jentz further added the board is also
limited to conditions that could be placed on a single family
home which could include fencing, parking, and hours of
outdoor activity. If they fail to be a good neighbor, the
neighbors will contact the police and the licensing agency.
Griffin said although the city automatically approves these
requests does it assume any additional liability regarding
activities that take place in or about the facility and Conrad
said no.
Jackie Whittaker, 89 Northern Lights Boulevard stated that
she and her kids, ages 11 and 12 live right next door. This
facility has a deck above theirs and the residents will be able
to see everything that they do in their home. Whittaker asked
about Megan's Law and added women can be sex offenders
too. She thinks they should have done more research to
choose the location more wisely.. She is also concerned that
there are kids all over the neighborhood and at the park and
the residents of this facility will be outside smoking. Also they
will be unsupervised after 9:00 p.m. and she doubts the
security system will be very effective. Whittaker said she is
speaking in the best interest of her kids and she really hopes
the board can, do something for the residents in the
APPLICANT/CONSULTANT Michael Cummins, Executive Director of the Flathead Valley
Chemical Dependency Clinic, 312 North Meridian Road stated
he has been the executive director for 16 years so he has a
long track record with the agency and the community. This
facility will be the only women's facility of the new facilities
approved by the legislature. Cummins noted it is important to
point out that this is not an incarceration facility and these
women are not under the mandate of the Department of
Corrections it is a voluntary program where they will be
screened and apply to participate in the program. The women
will be in treatment at their out -patient clinic which is 3
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blocks from this proposed facility and he noted it was an ideal
location for both the staff and residents of the facility. It is
also within walking distance of other amenities necessary to
run a household.
Cummins said there will not be 24 hour staff but there will be
a 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. curfew. The house will have 24 hour
camera surveillance. The monitors are simply to affirm that
and the resident will be accountable for adhering to the rules
of the facility.
Cummins stated they are sensitive to neighborhood concerns
noting they had a neighborhood meeting a couple weeks ago
and an open house to invite neighbors over to express their
concerns. He is accessible to the neighborhood if they have
any concerns or if problems arise. The staff has already been
hired and they have completed their training in Billings and
All of the women will be paying $12.00 per day in rent and as
soon as they complete their out -patient treatment will need to
find a job. Cummins added the women are not incarcerated
they will be able to come and go throughout the day to work,
to the clinic, shopping, etc. He added the whole focus of this
program is to return the residents to useful., productive
citizens. He assured the neighbors that they will not accept
violent or sexual offenders and added these women are
mothers, sisters, aunts, and even grandmothers that is why
they wanted to place them in a good neighborhood. This
facility will provide structure, an opportunity for their
treatment to take hold, assistance with GED's, get training
skills and some time to adjust to the workset.
Hull asked where will these women come from and Cummins
said they will come from a variety of areas.
Hull asked Cummins to describe this video surveillance
system and Cummins reviewed it for the board and noted
there will not be staff monitoring the camera 24 hours a day
however, when an alarm goes off it will be checked out. Hull
asked additional questions on the number of cameras and
how long it will take to repair a camera if it was disabled.
Clark asked if the doors are being monitored does that mean
they can go out and smoke and Cummins said no after curfew
the women cannot leave the house at all.
Schutt asked Mr. Cummins to describe the day-to-day routine
of this facility and Cummins responded.
Griffin asked about costs for maintenance of the house and
property and Cummins said the entire facility is funded by a
grant from the legislature with the exception of the purchase
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of the house. There is also an operational budget included
that would cover the yearly cost of the staff, mortgage, utilities
etc. Cummins added the facility will always look sharp noting
they are trying to set a standard for these women to ascribe
to. He said the women will all be involved in the chores of the
household both inside and outside the facility.
Mendius asked what would be the common term of residency
and if they would be allowed to have vehicles. Cummins said
their projection of residency is 9 months and he added if they
were to have vehicles it would be in the last 3 months of their
residency however, he doubted that all 8 would ever be in the
last phase at the same time.
Clark asked how does the CDC respond to the fact that the
neighborhood is against this facility being located here and
Cummins noted none of the people who attended the open
house were in favor of the facility but they tried to explain as
honestly and the best they could their plans. Again Cummins
said these people who will reside at this facility are our
neighbors, aunts, sisters, mothers, and in some cases our
grandmothers. They have guidelines that they have to follow
in terms of good and bad and they will be in this facility as a
privilege so we think there will be some motivation to try and
do well. Cummins added that he would personally be more
concerned about the people, who are not in treatment and
should be, who live in our neighborhoods now.
PUBLIC HEARING Ray Beale, 90 Northern Lights Boulevard said with all of the
CONTINUED maximum security they are talking about they are
anticipating problems. He agrees there is a problem in this
community but everyone in this neighborhood who attended
the open house was against this facility. He asked the board
to look around their neighborhood and ask themselves if they
would like to have this facility in their neighborhood.
Doris Rost stated she owns the house at 85 Northern Lights
Boulevard and she is concerned about her tenants who live
there. She wants to state for the record that she is against the
facility in this location. She listed her concerns as the time it
would take to respond to a problem, the children in the
neighborhood and who use the park and tennis courts, and
that there would not be staff supervision 24 hours a day. She
said her son, who also owns the property at 85 Northern
Lights Boulevard is in the medical field in Seattle and he
works with addicts every day. She added he is also concerned
with a facility located in their neighborhood.
Randy Moore stated he owns the home at 89 Northern Lights
Boulevard, which is right next door. Moore asked if conditions
can be applied to the conditional use permit and Schutt said
this board is allowed to add conditions if they are primarily of
a residential nature. Moore said he believes in the need but
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noted his concerns with the choice of location, the need for
fencing or screening, the influence on children with residents
smoking and swearing in the yard, parking, the decrease in
his property values and the inability to rent his property when
he has to disclose to potential renters that the facility is there.
Moore doesn't think there was enough research in the choice
of location for this facility.
Doc Harkins stated he is a member of the Chemical
Dependency Board. He. noted this was a difficult job for this
board and he has asked himself, how would he feel if this was
in his neighborhood? They chose this house because it was
the house they could afford that had the square footage that
was needed. He said they feel very fortunate to be given the
resources for this type of facility for this community.
Harkins said he understands the frustrations of the neighbors
but they don't really understand they are trying to provide a
place for young women who are trying to recover from drugs
and alcohol and provide them with an atmosphere where they
can do that as easily as possible and by removing a lot of the
obstacles that get in the way of recovery.
Harkins said he wishes there would be a forum he could go to
that would take care of the problems in his neighborhood and
added there are problems in every neighborhood such as too
much traffic or noise, barking dogs or anything that could rub
someone the wrong way.
They will screen the women who will participate in this
program and added they are trying to help women who are
sincere about becoming clean and sober and getting on with
their lives, getting jobs, getting married, raising their kids, etc.
Finally Harkins said the board would be happy to meet with
the neighbors at any time. He also felt that after time everyone
will have a better understanding and feeling about the facility.
Jackie Whittaker asked how the facility could be handicap
accessible since it is a split entry house.
Hull moved and Schutt seconded a motion to adopt staff
report KCU-08-01 as findings of fact and recommend to the
Kalispell City Council that the conditional use permit be
approved subject to the 4 conditions listed in the staff report.
Hull said there are group homes all over this city and in
some of the best neighborhoods. However this is the first
group home that would not be providing 24 hour staff on
site. People who use alcohol and drugs smoke a lot and he
thought an area where they could smoke such as gazebo
could be added.
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Griffin said he feels very uncomfortable because as he
interprets the state law the board is obligated to recommend
approval and basically discount the testimony in opposition.
Schutt noted abstaining would be another option.
Clark asked what happens if they do not pass this permit
and Jentz said the board could unanimously .recommend
denial of the permit and it would then go forward onto city
council for action. The board's job is to address the issues,
package it and move it forward and the council would take
final action. Jentz added there was concern about the need
for screening and 24 hour supervision which the board could
discuss and possibly add to the conditions. Clark said he
didn't think screening would be the answer with a house that
has more than one story because it would have to be too tall
and could not meet the zoning requirements. Clark
suggested if they could move it along with the condition that
they have 24 hour staff and Jentz said they could then city
council would decide whether it was appropriate.
Clark moved and Hull seconded a motion to amend the
original motion to include the requirement that supervisory
staff be on -site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Schutt asked if 24 hour staffing is a residential condition
and Jentz was not certain but added for the purpose of the
board's discussion tonight it would move the CUP forward
and the council, through the city attorney, can make that
Hull stated CDC has, to a certain extent, betrayed this
community by putting a group of women unsupervised
overnight with a surveillance system that they can't even
describe for maintaining security. Hull said, to him, this is
an important issue and puts the women also at risk.
Griffin asked if it is possible or legal to add a condition that
this CUP is reviewed after a certain period of time to see how
it fits into the neighborhood and Conrad said within 6
months or a year, yes. Griffin said it is in the public's best
interest to have 24 hour surveillance but questioned whether
that would be stretching the conditions beyond a residential
The motion to amend the original motion to include the
requirement that supervisory staff be on -site 24 hours a day,
7 days a week passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Schutt asked about fencing or screening and Conrad said as
Mr. Clark stated to be able to provide screening, especially
with the height of the back deck the fence would have to be
at least double the allowable height.
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Schutt had questions about parking and Conrad responded.
Schutt said he understands the frustrations of the
neighborhood because they have run into this before
however, to get the law changed would be over his head.
Schutt continued he agrees that people who will be
participating in this program at this facility will be much less
trouble than other examples that could be cited. These are
people who are trying to make an effort, Schutt said, and he
is always willing to give someone a chance.
The original motion, as amended passed on a roll call vote of
3 in favor and 2 abstentions.
A request from Randal Davis for annexation and initial
zoning of R-3 (Urban Single Family Residential) for one lot
located on the north side of Shady Glen Drive approximately
300 feet east of the intersection of Shady Glen Drive and
Woodland Park Drive. The property is approximately 11,000
square feet in size and is zoned in Flathead County as R-5
(Two -Family Residential). The property address is 529 Shady
Glen Drive.
Sean Conrad, representing the Kalispell Planning
Department reviewed staff report KA-08-02 for the Board.
Conrad said this is a request for annexation and initial
zoning for a piece of property located on Shady Glen Drive,
near Woodland Park Drive and the Conrad Complex.
Currently there is a house on the property that is under
construction and the owner would like to hook up to city
sewer. The sewer lines would run from Woodland Park Drive
down Shady Glen to serve this property. Staff is
recommending the R-3 (Urban Single Family Residential)
zoning be placed on the property when annexed which will
comply with the Kalispell Growth Policy as well as the zoning
in the surrounding neighborhood.
Staff is recommending that the Kalispell City Planning Board
and Zoning Commission adopt staff report KA-08-02 as
findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council
that the initial zoning for this property upon annexation be
R-3, Urban Single Family Residential.
Hull asked if the property would be contiguous and Conrad
said there would be one lot between this property and the
city limits. Conrad reminded the board that they would make
a recommendation to city council on the zoning only, not the
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Clark asked if Public Works was notified of this application
and Conrad said yes. Clark asked what their comments were
with the property having a well and not being able to
determine the water usage for the sewer connection. Conrad
said Public Works already spoke to Mr. Davis and he will be
placing a meter on his well which will calculate his sewer
Griffin asked for ' the allowable distance from a property to a
fire hydrant and Conrad said it is 400 feet. Conrad added the
fire marshal determined the distance to this property is less
than 400 feet so the department agrees this property could
be annexed into the city.
Clark asked if they are extending a sewer main and Conrad
said yes and explained.
Hull asked Mr. Davis his reason for annexation and Davis
said he wanted to construct a garage on the property and
having a drain field would not allow him the space needed for
a garage.
No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed.
Hull moved and Clark seconded a motion to adopt staff
report KA-08-02 as findings of fact and recommend to the
Kalispell City Council that the initial zoning for this property
upon annexation be R-3, Urban Single Family Residential.
Hull noted that the house will be completed and then
brought into the city and he asked what about impact fees
and inspections. Jentz said the property owner will be
required to pay impact fees and will pay for the sewer
hookup but he did not address the inspections question.
Griffin asked if there will be a sewer main running down to
the corner of Lot 6 and Conrad said that is correct. Griffin
continued if other lots want to tie into that main in the
future would they negotiate with the owner of Lot 6 for
access or the city and Conrad said that would be a public
line so they would be talking with the city, requesting
annexation and approval to install a service line from the
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
A request by the City of Kalispell for a text amendment to
update Chapter 27.21 of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance
relating to planned unit developments (PUD'S), including,
but not limited to, requiring a pre -application meeting,
establishing a 2-tiered system of PUD applications to
accommodate the level of information provided in phased
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REGULATIONS projects or projects that will be built out over a significant
number of years, providing a definition of developable area
and revising the application requirements, the abandonment
requirements and the density provisions.
MOTION TO REMOVE Hull moved and Clark seconded a motion to remove the PUD
FROM TABLE I Text Amendments from the table.
ROLL CALL The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
BOARD DISCUSSION Jentz reviewed the changes that have been made to the
proposed PUD amendments since the council work session
was held.
The board had the following questions:
Schutt asked what happens as they go into the future and
where is the accountability to adhere to the conditions of the
PUD as owners change. Jentz said the PUD conditions,
plans, and guidelines that are approved run with the
property no matter who owns the property. Jentz further
Griffin asked for a definition of conceptual storm water
drainage plans and Jentz said Citizens suggested a specific
storm water drainage plan be required and at the early
stages of development no one has engineered storm water
plans. Conceptual storm water plans would be proposed
such as underground chambers that will collect the water or
general locations of swales. Jentz noted however, projects
have a way of evolving based on soil conditions, ground
coverage and other issues which will change the preliminary
design, sometimes significantly by final design.
There was discussion regarding multi -phases and Schutt
noted that he gets concerned with a development that is 10 -
20 years out. He sees the balance that staff is trying reach,
but with Starling he asked what detail was included in the
future phases. Jentz said with Starling after the first 3 or 4
phases the design detail started to diminish. Jentz further
explained the amount of detail that would be required for the
future phases. He added what is proposed for a phased PUD
in these amendments is a bit more specific than what
Bozeman requires.
Hull asked for a definition of the "until the PUD agreement
has been executed" and Jentz said when everything is
approved and the PUD agreement is signed by both the
developer and the city.
Jentz noted on page 8 there was a question on terminating a
PUD and there was language that said within 90 days of
notice which was confusing and was deleted. Jentz said we
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will notify developers if their PUD is about to expire and they
will have 30 days to ask for an extension. Hull asked if the
PUD expires would the underlying zoning go away and Jentz
said the PUD portion disappears but the zoning remains on
the property.
On Page 9 they defined developable and un-developable area
which is used to figure out densities and where land can be
developed. Jentz said while stream bank setback areas are
now considered undevelopable staff is suggesting the
developer should still be able to use that square footage as
part of their density allocation. Clark questioned this item
because he thought 100 year floodplain was an area that
could be developed. Jentz said in the current City of Kalispell
Subdivision Regulations you cannot subdivide land that is in
the floodplain. Jentz further explained. Schutt said so you
can own a large swath of floodplain land but you cannot
carve it up into ranchettes and Jentz said that is right.
Schutt asked for further clarification on the developable and
undevelopable areas and Jentz responded.
Clark noted he had concerns regarding the densities being
reduced and thought the public should have an opportunity
to comment on those changes. Jentz responded that the
original PUD density numbers were unrealistically high and
staff brought them back to reality. He added the public and
development community has been given various
opportunities to comment on these amendments, including
the adjustments to the densities and no comments were
received. Jentz explained further.
Since amendments were made by staff to the PUD
regulations staff recommended the board make a new
Hull moved and Clark seconded a motion to adopt staff
report KPUD-07-04A as findings of fact and recommend to
the Kalispell City Council that the amendments to the PUD
regulations be approved as presented.
Hull said his concerns have been satisfied.
Clark added after the explanation on the change in the
densities he understands the densities were too high to begin
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:20 p.m.
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WORK SESSION: Immediately following the regular meeting a work session
was held on the following items:
1. Entrance Corridor Standards Text Amendment
2. Kalispell West Growth Policy Amendment
Due to the late hour the board postponed the work
session until the next regular meeting of July 8, 2008
NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning
Board and Zoning Commission is scheduled for July 8, 2008,
at 7:00 p.m. in the new Kalispell City Council Chambers
located at 201 First Avenue East. A work session will be
held immediately after the regular meeting - discussion
items were pending at the time of this meeting.
Bryan H. Schutt
APPROVED as submitted/corrected:
ecorg Se
/ /08
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