MARCH 11, 2008
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and
Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board
members present were: Bryan Schutt, Rick Hull, John
Hinchey, Jim Williamson and C.M. (Butch) Clark. Robyn
Balcom was absent. Sean Conrad and Tom Jentz represented
the Kalispell Planning Department. There were approximately
10 people in the audience.
Clark moved \and Hinchey seconded a motion to approve the
minutes of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning
Commission of February 12, 2008.
The motion to approve passed unanimously on a roll call
No one wished to speak.
A request by Kalispell National Investment Company to amend
the existing R-4/PUD zoning on an 85.2 acre property and
develop the property as a residential subdivision called
lA & 1B
Bloomstone. The overall project will be developed in 5 phases
providing a total of 569 dwelling units. The developer is also
requesting preliminary plat approval for phases 1A & 1B of
the project. Phase 1A consists of 8-8plex apartment units, 74
single family residential lots, and 10 townhouse lots. Phase 1B
consists of 37 single family residential lots. The residential lots
will range in size from 2,400 square feet (townhouse lot) to
8,000 square feet. The 85.2 acre site is located immediately
west of the Kids Sports complex on the north side of Four Mile
Drive, approximately 1/2 mile west of the intersection of Four
Mile Drive and Highway 93 North.
Sean Conrad, representing the Kalispell City Planning
07 & KPP-07-14
Department reviewed staff reports KPUD-07-07 8z; KPP-07-14
for the board.
Conrad noted The city's Parks &s Recreation Director, Mike
Baker and Park Superintendent Chad Fincher are present to
address the Parks Department's recommendation on the
Bloomstone project.
Conrad said the Bloomstone subdivision is located on the
north side of Four Mile Drive. The project site is approximately
85 acres in size and is zoned R-4 (Two -Family Residential)
zoning district with a PUD overlay district.
Conrad stated before the planning board is the preliminary
plat of Phase 1, which is proposed in 2 sub -phases lA & 1B.
Phase 1 has 185 units proposed and within this phase all
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housing types are represented.
As part of the. PUD application the developer requested 15
deviations from both the zoning ordinance and the subdivision
regulations. Part of the deviations included reducing the
minimum lot area for the R-4 zoning district; reducing the
minimum lot width; reducing the setbacks; increasing the lot
coverage; and redefining some of the terms in the zoning
ordinance, including lot coverage and how building height is
defined. Conrad noted the planning staff can support a
majority of these requested deviations but could not support
redefining how lot coverage is defined and how building height
is interpreted throughout the city. In addition staff could not
support requested setbacks on the 6,000 square foot and
larger lots. Hinchey asked how setbacks are measured and
Conrad said the city measures from the eave and the
developer wanted that amended to be measured from the
foundation or building wall. Staff is recommending that the
current method of measurement be maintained.
Conrad said another deviation from the subdivision
regulations requested is to allow 8 through lots with streets on
either side which is usually discouraged by the city. However
the planning board and city council could support the use of
through lots if there are issues such as topography, which is
the case with this project. Conrad added staff is
recommending that fences along Treeline Road for the through
lots along with townhouse and single family lots in this area
be reduced to 3 1/2 feet. Conrad explained the reasoning for the
reduction of the fence height.
Conrad said regarding parkland the current proposal is 569
units for the entire Bloomstone site which would require a
-minimum of 17 acres of parkland. With this project the
developer is proposing 2 tot lots - a small playground that
serves kids who are 8 years or younger, a 1 acre park, and a
bike/pedestrian trail along the eastern boundary. The Parks
& Recreation Department has recommended that the
developer improve the bike/pedestrian trail to serve as a
health and fitness trail therefore it could count as parkland.
Conrad touched on the grading of Four Mile Drive and noted
staff is recommending Condition #7 in the PUD which would
require the developer, upon submitting a preliminary plat for
phase 2, to provide a grading plan showing the final grade for
the site and indicate any retaining walls that will be over 3
feet, both on the site and on the north and south sides of Four
Mile Drive. With that information the planning board and the
neighboring property owners to the south could review the
plan and discuss adding aesthetic features and other
measures to lessen the impacts.
Schutt expressed his concern with giving condition approval
of a preliminary plan and asked isn't the city locking
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themselves into that plan and in turn requiring significant
grading to lower Four Mile Drive and the rest of the site.
Conrad said yes and further explained the scope of the
Mike Baker, Parks 8v Recreation Director noted they have
spent a lot of time working with the developers and the
planning department in formulating conditions for parkland
for the Bloomstone project. Baker reviewed the Parks Master
Plan for the board which identifies 11 neighborhood and 5
community parks that would be needed by the year 2020.
Baker added Bloomstone did not come to the table with the
parkland requirement for their project at this time, but they
have offered cash -in -lieu of parkland.
Baker continued there are 11 acres of land north of the
Bloomstone project that is owned by DNRC. In the past there
have been discussions between DNRC, the city, and Kids
Sports that this property be used as a future park site and
could be obtained possibly through a land trade. The cash -in -
lieu money that will be paid by Bloomstone could also be used
toward the purchase of the 11 acres and/or to help develop
the parkland into a neighborhood park. Baker said the city
would proceed with the purchase of this land instead of the
developer because the local government would have more
flexibility and more options for purchasing the land from
Baker said they also have agreed to accept one of the tot lots
in the middle of the multi -family housing units and the
bike/pedestrian trail that goes from Four Mile Drive north
along the eastern boundary, with the health and fitness
stations, as parkland.. There is currently a fence along the
western boundary of Kids Sports that separates the
residential area from the sport fields which will remain in
place, and he added no gates will be installed along that
portion of fencing and the fence will be changed to be more
aesthetically pleasing. There was discussion regarding the
height of the fence.
Hull asked if the city was going to buy the 11 acres outright
and Baker said it would either be a 99 year lease or a
permanent easement.
Williamson asked for clarification on the parkland and the.
bike/pedestrian trail on the eastern side and Baker
Clark questioned agreeing to 5.55 acres of parkland within the
Bloomstone development when 17.07 acres would be
required. Schutt noted that can be discussed when the
amendments to the conditions are presented.
Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and
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Zoning Commission adopt staff report KPUD-07-07 as
findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council
the PUD for Bloomstone be approved subject to the 25
conditions in the staff report.
Staff further recommends that the Kalispell City Planning
Board and Zoning Commission adopt staff report KPP-07-14
as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City
Council the Bloomstone subdivision, phases lA & 1B, be
approved, subject to the 25 conditions listed in the staff report.
Conrad noted staff is also recommending the planning board
consider the following amendments to the conditions of
14, Prior to the final plat of phase IA the developer shall
provide the city with a cash in lieu payment of 5.55
47..07- acres of land less the one-aer-e pa-r E in phase
an -the area of parkland for phase 1A. At the time
the city is prepared to acquire the 11.3 acres of
land immediately north of the Bloomstone
subdivision, the remaining 10.52 acres of land
shall be provided as a letter of credit for the city
to draw upon. The cash in lieu payment and letter of
credit value shall be based on the unimproved fair
market value of the land devoted to lots.
Note: The ,ash r ,_e„ r,,.,merts shall be used f_,- the
aequisitien of the 11.3 ueres-i ediately arch of
Blee,. st„re e t site Any funds remaining after the
1.,,-,.a is aequired wouldbe dire„te.7 towards the
e,,,ts of the approved master- plan. At the
time the Department of Natural Resources and
Conservation land is acquired the remaining letter
of credit funds shall be drawn upon to complete
park improvements per the schedule approved in
the park master plan referenced in condition 15.
15. Prior to preliminary approval of phase 2 the a eves „r er-
and the Parks and Recreation Department in
cooperation with the developer shall develop a park
master plan for the 11.3 acre land immediately north
of Bloomstone currently owned by the Department of
Natural Resources and Conservation. The plan shall
be implemented by the developer in a phasing
schedule approved by the city council with input from
the Parks and Recreation Department and planning
board. Note: Development of the 11.3 acre land
does not include the construction of a community
center, swimming pool or any other facility not
agreed upon in the park master plan.
35. A combination of landscaping and curbing
Removable bellar-d-s shall be placed at the
intersection of within the alley serving the
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townhouse lots in phase 1B at the i ter -se .t;,,,.., of t� o
alley and Treeline Road to prevent non -emergency
vehicle traffic from entering the alley from
Treeline Road. The location and type of
landscaping and curbing of the bella shall be
reviewed and approved by the Public Works
Department and Fire Department. (Findings of Fact
Section D)
Conrad noted the amendments to Condition # 14 will address
Mr. Clark's question regarding the amount of parkland.
Amendments to Condition # 14 would require a portion of
cash -in -lieu payment with the final plat of Phase 1A. That will
give the Parks Department an initial fund for parkland related
to the Bloomstone project.
In the meantime the Parks Department and DNRC will
negotiate on the 11 acre site. As the city and DNRC com closer
to an agreement the developer will provide the city with a
letter of credit equal to 10.5 acres to meet their parkland
requirement for the entire project. Then after an agreement is
reached the city would draw upon those funds to purchase
the 11.3 acres of land and any funds remaining from that
letter of credit, if any, could then be used for improvements to
the parkland. Conrad noted developing the parkland will be
reviewed by the planning board and city council in Phase 2 of
the Bloomstone project. Clark asked that the land amount be
converted to dollars and the developer said approximately
$1.2 million.
Condition 15 notes that the developer would not be obligated
to construct and pay for larger facilities such as a community
center or swimming pool but, based on the approved master
plan for the site, would be obligated to install landscaping,
irrigation, benches etc. Clark questioned why the developer
would be required to install the landscaping, etc., when they
have paid cash -in -lieu. Conrad said that requirement is
consistent with other PUD developments the city has
approved in the last 2 years..
Hull asked for clarification on the changes in definitions
regarding height and lot coverage and Conrad explained from
a standpoint of building review and future enforcement if all of
the subdivisions had different heights and lot coverage it
would become problematic for the city.
Conrad reviewed Condition #35 that addresses the alley that
serves the townhouse lots between Phase 113 and Phase 2. The
developers originally proposed the alley coming through and
connecting with Treeline Road because the subdivision
regulations specifically prohibit dead end alleys. However, the
Public Works Department felt it was necessary to limit the
access points onto Treeline Road, which is a collector road.
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Conrad noted the condition originally called for removable
bollards to be put in place so that only emergency vehicles
could utilize the end of the alley, which the fire department
approved. Then the developer suggested an alternative to the
bollards be considered since they are not aesthetically
pleasing and the condition was modified to require the
developer to install a combination of landscaping and curbing
at that intersection instead.
Clark said the reason the planning board promotes the use of
alleys is to get the garages off the street and why would they
want to then limit the access to the alley. Clark thought the
alley should be able to access Treeline Road.
Conrad noted the board can amend or remove this condition if
they think that would be appropriate.
Hinchey said he understands the need to minimize the traffic
entering Treeline Road and suggested the 4 lots affected be
allowed to have street loading garages.
APPLICANT/CONSULTANTS Jim Davis, representing Kalispell National Investment
Company, 124 Swan Ridge Court in Kalispell described the
front and alley loaded lots for the board. Davis stated they are
in support of the city's recommended conditions and their
entire team is present to answer any questions.
Hull noted under deviation # 13 is a request to locate the
sidewalk on the edge of the right-of-way and it is his
experience that allowing sidewalks this close to the street get
filled with snow in the winter and then become impassable.
Davis said it is his understanding that the sidewalks would be
pushed to the edge of the right-of-way to increase the
Schutt asked Davis to review the major steps of this project
that brought them to this final version and Davis did. He
added the plan has improved and is a better fit with the family
oriented, front porch living community intended for this area.
PUBLIC HEARING Dan Johns, 216 North Riding Road stated he is the President
of Kids Sports. They have had a number of discussions with
Bill Winn and his group and they have all been positive and
they enjoyed the opportunity to work with them and have
them as neighbors. In addition, they have had a
public/private partnership with the city for 11 years now and
their working relationship with the city and Mike Baker has
been outstanding.
With respect to that fence, Johns is confident that can be
resolved. He said Kids Sports is not interested in the 11 acres
because of the cost of acquiring the land. They believe there is
more of an economic advantage for Kids Sports if they agree to
release some acreage on Highway 93. He added they
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encourage the city, through the Bloomstone cash -in -lieu, to
acquire that property and to develop it as a neighborhood
Johns referred to Condition # 14 and described the ways the
city could acquire the 11 acres from DNRC. Johns noted his
concern is that the city and DNRC would not be able to
mutually agree to a price for the land. In addition Johns
encouraged the city to only use the $1.2 million cash -in -lieu
to develop or acquire this piece of ground. Schutt agreed it
would be a serious wrench in the works if that whole deal
were to fall through.
Johns continued as for parking at Kids Sports they built that
complex looking at what normal parking needs would be and
they made 2 mistakes. One is they thought every 1-2 cars
instead of 3-4 by the time you count the aunts and uncles
and grandmas and grandpas who show up. When they finish
the 7 fields that they are building now they will look at
expanding next to the soccer fields farther north and it will
include a larger parking lot to access the north side of the
Jessica,Antonivich, 30 Salem Street asked if any other access
points were examined besides Four Mile Drive and regarding
open space if there were any other layouts explored that
would locate the open space more centrally to make it easier
for residents to access the open space. Schutt noted the board
will bring those issues up during board discussion.
Hull moved and Hinchey seconded a motion to adopt staff
report KPUD-07-07 as findings of fact and recommend to the
Kalispell City Council that the PUD for Bloomstone be
approved subject to the 25 conditions in the staff report,
including the amendments to conditions 14 8v 15.
Williamson said he would like to visit Condition #7 and the
grading of Four Mile Drive. It is his understanding that the
developer wants to drop that hill 18 feet which is a very
significant number, especially with the future plans of
making Four Mile Drive a 3 lane collector road. Retaining
walls and fill could potentially prevent the property owners to
the south of Bloomstone from gaining reasonable access to
Four Mile Drive when they develop their property in the
future. Williamson suggested the following amendment to
Condition #7:
Williams moved and Schutt seconded a motion to amend
Condition #7 to add: "The subdivision and roadway grading
presented shall be designed and constructed in a manner
that would allow future connection to the properties south of
Four Mile Drive feasible."
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BOARD DISCUSSION I Lengthy discussion was held regarding the amendment.
Gregg Lukasik, Morrison-Maierle, 125 Schoolhouse Loop,
Kalispell clarified the road needs to be lowered approximately
11 - 12 feet at the highest point. Since the road is depressed
they are looking at lowering the top of their site up to 18 feet
because city standards require an 8% maximum grade.
Schutt noted there is 6-8 feet of drop off on the south side of
that road already and asked if a person can get reasonable
access for a new intersecting road from the south now and
Lukasik responded the way they would have to do it would
be to grade into their site.
Lukasik continued they met with Public Works about getting
the SID rolling and the city would like to move forward and
take a comprehensive look at Four Mile Drive from Highway
93 all the way out to Spring Creek Road. Lukasik added
issues like access will be covered as part of the SID.
Schutt said he agrees with Williamson that there should be a
provision added for access on the south side of Four Mile
Hinchey asked if the developers have been in contact with
the landowner to the south and Bill Winn said yes and
reviewed those discussions.
Clark said if he were the property owner to the south he
would be elated that the developer of Bloomstone was
funding the reconstruction of Four Mile Drive to city
Jentz noted the city cannot design a road that will land lock
any property otherwise the city would have to buy the
property through condemnation.
Williamson disagreed that the hill would have to be cut in
order to achieve the 8% grade. It is a solution, he added but
not the only solution. Jentz said the condition is reasonable
but reminded the board this hearing is not the end of the
Further discussion was held.
ROLL CALL - AMENDMENT I The motion to amend Condition #7 passed on a roll call vote
TO CONDITION #7 of 3 in favor and 2 opposed.
ROLL CALL - ORIGINAL The motion to approve the PUD, as amended passed
MOTION ON THE PUD I unanimously on a roll call vote.
MOTION - PRELIMINARY Hinchey moved and Clark seconded a motion to adopt staff
PLAT - BLOOMSTONE report KPP-07-14 as findings of fact and recommend to the
PHASES 1A & 1B Kalispell City Council that the Bloomstone Subdivision,
Phases lA &s 1B, be approved subject to the 25 conditions
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listed in the staff report, including the amendment to
Condition #35 recommended by staff.
Clark moved and Schutt seconded a motion to delete
Condition #35 to restore full access of the alley in phase 1B
to Treeline Road and eliminate the north/south allies in
phase 1B that were recently included by the developer.
Schutt asked with the curbing and landscaping proposed at
the end of the alley does that mean that an emergency
vehicle would "hop" the curb to access those properties and
Conrad said yes.
Hinchey said he cannot support the amendment because the
board should not second guess the Public Works
Williamson asked if the alley were to go through by striking
the condition and it was restored to a full movement access,
would it meet the intersection separation distances? Jentz
noted Section 3.9.K.3 of the Kalispell Subdivision
Regulations states "Two streets meeting a third street from
opposite sides shall meet at the same point, or their center
lines shall be offset at least 125 feet for local roads and 300
feet for arterial or collectors." Jentz added Treeline Road is
considered an arterial or collector road, however they would
not consider the alley to be a street and that is the dilemma.
Williamson said he sees what Public Works is trying to do
and he would be in favor of retaining Condition #35 so that it
is not a functioning intersection. Williamson added he would
also prefer curbing and landscaping to bollards.
The motion failed on a roll call vote of 1 in favor and 4
Hinchey asked if the townhouse lots are all alley loaded and
if most of the z-lots will be alley loaded and Conrad said yes.
Hull said they are allowing this density because this is a
unique piece of property with no neighbors. Jentz noted for
the record the PUD was approved several years ago for a
density of 14 units per acre and this developer's project is
significantly under the density that would be allowed under
this PUD.
Hinchey said the developer did reduce the density and in is
coming up with some innovative concepts for the smaller
lots. Hinchey noted he has been an outspoken critic of
smaller lots in the past but he thinks the z-lot concept is
intriguing and he wants to see it developed.
Schutt said he feels the density is appropriate here because
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it is very close to major services and could provide rental
units for students of FVCC, which is needed.
The motion to approve the preliminary plat of Bloomstone,
Phases lA & 1B, as amended passed unanimously on a roll
call vote.
The next regular meeting has 2 tentatively scheduled items:
An annexation on Willow Glen Road near Four Corners; and
a zone change south of Albertson's near Meridian Road from
I-1 (Light Industrial) to B-2 (General Business).
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:10 p.m.
Immediately following the regular meeting a work session
was held on the following item:
1. Kalispell West Growth Policy Amendment
The next work session is scheduled for Tuesday, March 25,
2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the Kalispell City Council Chambers
located at 312 First Avenue East.
The next regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning
Board and Zoning Commission is scheduled for April 8,
2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the Kalispell City Council Chambers
located at 312 First Avenue East.
APPROVED as (ubrnriiltted corrected
Michelle Anderson
Recording Secretary
01-/ off /08
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Minutes of the meeting of March 11, 2008
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