CISAmd_MT-CDBG-PL-20-07A_Kalispell.xlsxDocuSign Envelope ID: 3EB20FEC-2964-4F5B-A061-AD99C7311CFC Contract Information Sheet Division staff are required to complete the items in blue print. Contract Number: MT-CDBG-PL-20-07 Original Contract Amount: $ 30,000.00 Contractor's Name: City of Kalispell Amendment Amount: Contractor Liaison: Krista Lammers Contractor's Liaison Email: klammers@kalispell.com Approved to Form Name: Johnna Preble Approved to Form Email: ipreble(a)kalispell.com Contractor (Signee) Name: Doug Russell, City Manager Total Contract Value: 30,000.00 Contractor's Email: drussell( alispell.com Funding Source: Federal Contractor's Address: Kalispell City Hall — 201 1st Avenue East Contractor's Address 2: Kalispell, MT 59901 Division: Community MT Attest Name: Aimee Brunckhorst Program Number: 60 Attest Email: abrunckhorst(a)kalispell.com Org Number: 606002 Vendor Number: 23473 Start Date: 10/20/2022 Delegation: Commerce End Date: 5/31/2023 Procurement Method: Exempt* Absolute End Date: n/a Contract Type: Contract Contract Usage: Fixed Purpose of this Delegation Agreement Section 5.1 * Grants with governments; PAR for Samaritan House Inc. contract/amendment: Extending to provide time for Environmental review. Scope & duties of this contract: Project scope includes the rehabilitation of the existing administrative facility (the Armory) and the new construction of 14-16 units of multifamily housing for families at risk of homelessness or emerging from homeless status. Liaison: Alisha Oellermann Program Manager: Cody Ferguson Liaison Email: Alisha.Oellermann2(a)mt.aov cody.ferguson@mt.aov Liaison Phone: 406-841-2226 Additional Email: renee.lemon (abmt.gov Signatures: D—Signed by. Division Administrator ?�—, .1-&~+L 1211412022 Copies To: o�S�O Liaison i] Fiscal Review .dy Uar 12/14/2022 EB886 cu9ned bY: E781('6477...E598022D39B44443 Director (> $200K) Legal Counsel ,&ln-S 12/14/2022 ... Deputy Director (<$25K) Deputy Director Perceptive i] OBPP Information Technology SITSD