11-09-22 Architectural Review Committee MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Wednesday November 9, 2022 @ 7:30 AM Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Ave E MEMBERS PRESENT: Julie Pierrottet (Chair); Robin Spear; John Hinchey, Mark Pirrie, Cara Lemire OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff –Kari Barnhart # Of Guests: 5 Hear the Public: None Approval of Minutes: Mark moved to approve the October 25, 2022, minutes; John 2nd; approved (5-0). New Business: None Signs: WFCU – 2000 Hwy 93 South – monument sign – Kari presented sign plans. Justin Stedman from Yesco described the sign material and lighting (aluminum panel with backlit acrylic letters and logo). There is shrubbery in the boulevard but not around the sign base. Mark motioned to approve, John 2nd, approved (5-0). Buildings: Stillwater Bend Lift Station – Hwy 93 N – new building – Kari presented lift station plans. The committee discussed the wall height and material; Kari advised this will be addressed in Site Review. Robin recommended more screening on the north to the west. Mark motioned to approve with the condition of using black chain link fence, Cara 2nd, approved with condition (5-0). Glacier Bank – 146 S Main St – remodel – Mike Smith from Glacier Bank explained that the reason for the changed plans is due to cost and availability of brick that matches the existing brick. They also want more branding like their Buffalo Hill branch. Ned from Jackola presented the new plans that replace the brick with nichiha panels between the north building windows, brick cornices on both buildings, lighter panels between the windows, and an historic histography. Lengthy discussion was held regarding the lack of cohesion between the 2 buildings and use of brick to tie them together. Mike asked if painting the stucco instead would require ARC approval; Kari advised him that it is required and that the color would need to be one of the suggested colors from Downtown Kalispell Historic Standards. Cara explained the committee’s suggestions of bricking the 2 columns on the north building up to the awning so there is brick at pedestrian level and having a cornice at the top to Ned and Mike. Discussion was held regarding material use within the Downtown Kalispell Historic Standards; Kari clarified the standards for the committee (how material fits in with adjacent buildings) and suggeste bringing photos of the adjacent buildings to the next meeting to Ned and Mike. Cara moved to table, Robin 2nd, approved to table to 11/22/22 meeting (approved 5-0). Old Business: None Other Discussion: None Meeting Adjourned @ 8:32 AM