10-20-22 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY
Thursday, October 20, 2022
First Floor Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Kari Barnhart, Planner II PJ Sorenson, Senior
Patrick Jentz, Engineer Rick Parker, Commercial Plan Reviewer
Rebecca Franke, MDT Chad Fincher, Parks Director
HEAR THE PUBLIC: Margaret Davis reported that the Library declined the County’s offer of the FCEDA building
unanimously and that she communicated her concerns with the Library occupying the Gateway Mall to the Planning
PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Planning followed up on the list of expired PIA/SIA sent out with the
10/20 agenda. Parks will provide feedback tomorrow and Public Works will email status comments to Planning. Once
received, Planning will meet with the City Attorney for follow up plans/procedures.
The Silos Ph 2 (Building D, E, F & G)- 655 Center St; 3 new multifamily buildings and clubhouse – Public Works
review is completed. Parks and Fire Department are comfortable with conditionally approving today however the permit
can only be conditionally issued so they can start on the utility/ROW work only (they cannot go vertical). Planning will
add the conditions to the building permit.
The Harper/Jiffy Lube- 1280/1290 Highway 2 E; new 40-unit multifamily development/Lube Center – Public Works
is waiting on DEQ. Planning received information on the landscaping but Parks is 6-8 weeks out from reviewing. They
also stated that the trail connection and recreational amenities are not to City standards. Public Works has pre-treatment
comments out. This will be on the agenda next week.
Parkland Meadows (Lots 5&7 - Bldgs A,B,D&E) – Airport Rd; new multifamily apartment buildings – Public works
has comments out; Jackola will speak with them regarding the Lot 5 fire hydrant comments. Jackola is working on the
irrigation plans for Lot 7, ROW work, and Lost 7 (in that order). Parks and Jackola discussed ongoing questions of who
is maintaining the landscaping (POA or Property Owner). Jackola’s attorney is drafting the CC & Rs which will define
responsibilities. Parks still needs to review the subdivision landscaping. Jackola’s estimated application date for Final
Plat is 2-3 weeks out. Planning advised that once all application materials have been submitted and accepted, they can
apply for a PUD amendment to expedite issuance of the building permits. Discussion was held between Plan Review
and Jackola regarding the number of buildings submitted (4 vs. 5). Jackola will follow up. This will be on the agenda
next week.
NW MT Head Start – 79 7th Ave EN; addition – Planning is waiting on landscaping plans. Public works will follow
up on grease interceptor comments previously sent. This will be on the agenda next week.
Eagle Valley Ranch Apartments – Bldgs E,F,G&H – 2000 Jefferson Blvd – Public Works received revised plans that
include a structure change. Jackola to send irrigation plans to Parks next week. Jackola would like to start laying
infrastructure as soon as possible and asked if they could move dirt if they have the SWPP and DEQ approval. They
will advise LHC that they can only move dirt once they are received. A permit will be required to dig any trenches. This
will be on the agenda next week.
Creekside Commons – Glenwood Dr; new apartment building – Public Works has comments out. Plan Review is in
the queue. They do not plan to start this project until Spring 2023. This will be on the agenda next week.
Laird Noller Truck & RV – 3178 Hwy 93 S; new truck & RV service center – Planning received new plans on 10/19;
Public Works has plans in the queue and will send MDT a follow up email regarding Highway 93 access. Plan Review
has comments out. This will be on the agenda next week.
Silverbrook Garages – updated site plan/garage layout – Public Works has completed their review. This was approved.
Apartments at Two Mile – 75 & 85 Financial Drive; multifamily – All work has stopped and is postponed until next
year. This item will be removed from the agenda.
Gateway Mall Parking Lot – 1203 Hwy 2 W – parking lot remodel – KLJ sent plans showing the ATM route further
from the Flood Plain. Planning will send plans to Public Works for review. This will be on the agenda next week.
Logan ED Parking Lot – 310 Sunnyview Lane – parking lot remodel – Public Works advised Jackola they will not
review this project until record drawings are received for previous hospital jobs. They will also add irrigation to plans.
This will be on the agenda next week.
OTHER COMMENTS: Stillwater Village Final Plat and Zone Change is on the November 9th Planning Board
Meeting. Part of the project involves connection to Silverbrook Drive.
Public Works has the RFP for Public Works Plan Review on Quest.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:52 am.
cc: Police City Manager City Clerk
Building Fire Community Development
Planning Parks Public Works