Quail Meadows Subdivision Public Comment from Brandon ThornburgAimee Brunckhorst
Brandon Thornburg <b.thornburg@hotmail.com>
Monday, October 17, 2022 4:47 PM
Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Brad.Abell@flathead.mt.gov; Pam.Holmquist@flathead.mt.gov; Randy Brodehl
EXTERNAL Quail Meadows Subdivision
Dear Kalispell City Council,
Please consider the following when considering final plat approval for Quail Meadows.
1. TD&H Engineering has yet to supply the City of Kalispell with a traffic impact study that meets the criteria set
forth in the Kalispell Standards for Design and Construction. Members of the Planning Board as well as Public
Works have been made aware of this and have allowed the development to proceed.
2. The traffic impact study that the City made available to the public, prepared by Abelin Traffic Services, contains
outdated data, was prepared using outdated data sources, and contains data which the author himself noted
were not very reliable. It should be noted that opponents of the subdivision proposed on KM Ranch Road hired
a PTOE who noted many of the same errors in the traffic impact study that Abelin Traffic Services prepared for
that developer.
3. Without an accurate and reliable traffic impact study, the Flathead County tax payers may be burdened with
traffic mitigation costs that should have been addressed by the developer.
4. Currently, the sidewalks in Quail Meadows are incomplete. The sidewalk at the east end of the project is nearly
3' in elevation higher than the adjacent roadway elevation of Tronstad Drive resulting in a significant safety risk
to both pedestrians and motorists. The sidewalks throughout consist only of straight sections with the corners
yet to be placed.
5. The project has no lighting.
6. The developer left the west end of Tronstad Road an absolute mess. Please take a drive out here and look at
what they have left for the community, it's an embarrassment.
It's bad enough that this development was approved, at least have the developer clean up the mess on the west end of
the road between his project and the highway prior to allowing him to move on.
A new traffic impact study prepared using current data and resources along with an appropriate amount of traffic
monitoring to obtain reality based conclusions should also be required.
Thank You,
Brandon Thornburg
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