Shannon Eve - 8 Story Building DowntownJudi Funk
From: Shannon Eve <>
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2022 3:06 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL 8 story building downtown.
This is in regards to your vote tonight on the 8 story building in the heart of downtown. While I
understand our valley is growing and we need to allow for that, forever changing the
landscape of Kalispell with this monstrous building is a mistake. Considering how massive this
thing is perhaps the community that voted you in should be allowed to have a say. I have
heard overwhelmingly from the online community and the downtown community that
we/they are opposed and feel this is being rushed at the taxpayers expense. Please reconsider
and vote no and try to preserve what's left of our valley for your children and mine.
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