norma linsky - The changes proposed for the new Kalispell Parking GaragePlease deny the CUP and proposed additional height up to 88 feet for the proposed Garage and Housing structure . It fails to comply with the Kalispell Growth Policy Plan-It 2035, the downtown Kalispell Urban Renewal Plan and the Design Standards for the Downtown Historic District. 1. The overall design is not compatible with the area in terms of scale. 2. The height is incompatible with the historic context of the area. 3. The historical architecture is what makes this downtown and new buildings should conform in mass and scale while being well designed. 4. Breaking with the historic architecture will likely detract from the values of the surrounding properties. 5. 242 parking stalls? Seriously? How are you going to handle the traffic that will potentially fill that garage? 6. There is no requirement that the 78 units are deed restricted to create much needed affordable housing in Kalispell. You are in essence deeping the great economic divide. If you want people to work here, they have to be able to live here. 7..This is a new privately owned building, not city owned, to be built on city owned property that it is giving away. 8. Is it legal for Tax Increment dollars to be used to finance this project? Again I ask you to deny the CUP and the additional height request. Norma Linsky 735 Second Ave West Kalispell