09-13-22 Architectural Review Committee MinutesMINUTES
DATE: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 @ 7:30 AM
Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Ave E
MEMBERS PRESENT: Julie Pierrottet (Chair); Robin Spear; John Hinchey, Cara Lamire,
Sarah Turner (Zoom), Susanne Wigginton (Zoom)
OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff –Kari Barnhart
# Of Guests: 2, 1 via Zoom
Hear the Public: None
Approval of Minutes: Kara moved to approve the August 9, 2022 minutes; Robin 2nd;
approved (6-0)
New Business:
Signs: KFC – 60 N Main St – pole sign – Kari presented plans. John moved
to conditionally approve with the pole being painted black, Robin
2nd, approved (6-0).
Taco Bell – 535 E Idaho – freestanding sign – Kari presented plans.
Cara moved to approve, John 2nd, approved (6-0).
Buildings: Parkland Meadows – Airport Rd – lift station – Kari presented
plans. Robin would like to see more landscaping on the westside.
Robin moved to conditionally approve with additional landscaping
on the west side and black chain link, Kara 2nd, approved (6-0).
Parkland Meadows – Airport Rd – Bldgs D & E – Ned Halling
from Jackola presented paint colors and material samples. Cara
moved to conditionally approve with additional 25% landscaping in
the front, John 2nd, approved (6-0).
Glacier Bank – 146 S Main St – remodel – Ned Halling from
Jackola presented paint colors and material samples. The
statue/embellishments are still under discussion. Cara had questions
regarding the Main Street doors; they will still be recessed. Cara,
Julie, and Susanne had questions and comments regarding lighting
(Main St, North Side, wall sconces) and awnings. Awning will be
between the cantilevers. Julie appreciates the cornice at the top.
Susanne voiced concern that the grey Nichiha panels may be dated
in 10 years and John had questions regarding the 2nd story windows.
Ned replied that the grey Nichiha is part of the bank’s branding and
that the parapet is meeting with the top corners and the window sizes
remain the same. Cara moved to approve with the condition that the
sconces be removed, or replaced with cylindrical sconces, Robin 2nd,
approved (6-0).
Old Business: Berkshire Hathaway – 123 S Main St – wall sign & paint color –
Kari presented 2 options using palettes from the Design Guidelines.
The committee had questions regarding the "quilted” texture in the
renderings. Kai Lindborg from Finnish Finish stated the old sign
bolts would be removed. The committee requested a paint chip for
each color presented since each screen may not accurately present
the colors and it is a checklist requirement. Susanne and Cara had
questions regarding the sign material. Julie suggested a light neutral
background on the round disc with the logo. Kari suggested that Kai
send photos of each paint chip held against the brick on the building.
Kari will forward photos to the committee for approval. Cara moved
to approve the sign as shown with the recommendation that they
consider coloring the disc with the logo a different color and that
they also send Kari photos of the paint colors against the brick for
approval, Robin 2nd, approved (6-0).
Other Discussion:
2022 ARC Awards – The committee narrowed the list down to The Great Indoors, FVCC
College Center, Stockman Bank, and The Ritz Bar & Nail Salon. Kari to send the updated
list with current photos to the committee to be discussed on the 9/27/2022 meeting.
County Inmate Transfer will be coming back to ARC. Monument sign for Stillwater
Crossing Apartments and a ghost sign Bias Brewing will be in the next ARC meeting.
Meeting Adjourned @ 8:24 AM