09-15-22 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, September 15, 2022 First Floor Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Kari Barnhart, Planner II PJ Sorensen, Senior Planner Keith Haskins, Deputy Public Works Director Chad Fincher, Parks Director Rick Parker, Commercial Plans Reviewer Patrick Jentz, Engineer Dan Pearce, Fire Chief GUESTS: Rory Young (Jackola Engineering), James Cummins (Jackola Engineering), Wade Rademacher (Edge, LLC), Chris Becker (R. Porch Construction) HEAR THE PUBLIC: None PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Public Works sent updates to Planning. OLD BUSINESS: The Silos Ph 2 (Building D, E, F & G)- 655 Center St; 3 new multifamily buildings and clubhouse – Planning and Public Works are meeting with them regarding trail crossings. James from Jackola is working on addressing Public Works’ comments. They will be changing the Waiver of SID to include all phases. This will be on the agenda next week. The Harper- 1280 Highway 2 E; new 40-unit multifamily development – Nothing new. This will be on the agenda next week. Jiffy Lube- 1290 Highway 2 E; new auto service/repair facility – Nothing new. This will be on the agenda next week. Parkland Meadows (Lot 7 – Bldgs A&B) – Airport Rd; 2 new multifamily apartment buildings (Buildings A&B) – Parks is still waiting on subdivision landscaping and irrigation plans and will not review until subdivision approval. Parks has comments out regarding POA vs. adjacent owner responsibility for maintaining the outer areas and phasing. Public Works still has comments out regarding a pedestrian connection. This will be on the agenda next week. Skip’s Hangar – 20 Ryan Lane; new hangar – Chris from R. Porch Construction presented site plans that include removal of tie downs and removal and replacement of asphalt to get the correct grade to work for the building. Chris asked for clarification of who can approve his plans. Public Works advised it would be the Airport Association, but Chris was told by the Association that it is the city that approves plans. Planning stated that the City has no issues, but Public Works may have concerns regarding drainage. Planning requires a letter from the airport confirming that the plans have no affect on airport operations. Public Works needs verification of the additional impervious area for adequate detention and water quality treatment. Chris will follow up with A-Z for this information. Chris stated that the building will no longer have water. Public Works needs drainage information added to site plan. Plan Review needs owner’s letter. Planning stated that there is a survey underway; the Certificate of Survey is required prior to issuing a building permit. Public Works will not require water main extension if the Fire Department approves the existing fire protection. Public Works could do the DEQ review and the Airport Association correspondence. They also need a Right of Way permit. This will be on the agenda next week. Fed Ex Expansion – 165 Schoolhouse Loop; 96,256 SF expansion to existing FedEx Building – Nothing new. This will be on the agenda next week. NW MT Head Start – 79 7th Ave EN; addition – Plan Review has a message in regarding additional handicap parking space. Public Works is still waiting on storm water verification. This will be on the agenda next week. Eagle Valley Ranch Apartments – Bldgs E,F,G&H – 2000 Jefferson Blvd – Jackola is meeting with owner, Planning, and Public Works to discuss moving the approach today. Plan review is complete. This will be on the agenda next week. Creekside Commons – Glenwood Dr; new apartment building – Nothing new; there are no building plans yet. Planning stated that they are looking to start building in the spring. This will be on the agenda next week. Flathead County Courthouse West – 935 1st Ave W; adding enclosed pedestrian walkway – Plan review is waiting on drawing sets. Planning will be sending new resubmittal. Public Works received letter from the County and will work with the City Attorney to start the processes. This will be on the agenda next week. Laird Noller Truck & RV – 3178 Hwy 93 S; new truck & RV service center – Public Works and Plan Review to follow up on comments sent last week. This will be on the agenda next week. Silverbrook Garages – updated site plan/garage layout – Nothing new from them. Planning will follow up with them. A neighbor to this property expressed concerns to Planning regarding berms on the south end. The Lift Station was approved by ARC. This will be on the agenda next week. Montana Basecamp PUD Amendment – Parks and Public Works are still waiting on more detailed plans. Planning and Parks advised them on what changes to landscaping would constitute a minor CUP. Public Works will reach out to Graham Engineering regarding ownerships and private water and sewer mains. Planning advised there is a boundary line adjustment that follows the phasing plans and that they hold off on signing the Certificate of Survey until the PUD amendment is in place. This will be on the agenda next week. Parkland Meadows (Lot 5 - Bldgs D&E) – Airport Rd; multifamily – Public Works is still waiting on updates to the ADA connection to trash enclosures and the amount of impervious area on the lots. This will be on the agenda next week. Apartments at Two Mile – 75 & 85 Financial Drive; multifamily – James from Jackola presented partial plans and is working on response to Public Works’ comments. He requested for approval to put in the water, sewer, and sidewalks before winter. The committee decided against partial approval. Fire Department is meeting with Fire Inspector today regarding hydrant placement. Public Works is reviewing the right of way and is waiting for the postmaster letter and waiver of SID. Plan Review has plans next in queue. Public Works requires DEQ deviation and Storm Water Maintenance Permit. Rory from Jackola stated that the drop-dead date for excavation is 9/23 and that it may not be necessary to request approval in phases. This will be on the agenda next week. Gateway Mall Parking lot – 1203 Hwy 2 W – parking lot remodel – KLJ is working on a Floodplain Permit. This will be on the agenda next week. NEW BUSINESS: None. OTHER COMMENTS: Spring Creek Park – Public Works and Planning agreed that the walking path should be extended to the property line on both sides. Parks and Planning discussed path connections to the adjacent properties with different elevations. Eagle Valley Ranch Phase 2 & 3 Final Plat – Parks has comments to Public Works regarding the trail; the design does not exist and they need correct values. Public Works suggested submitting a general estimate plus a line item for design. DEQ approval is complete ; Jackola will send a copy to Public Works. Montana Basecamp Winter Occupation– Public Works stated that they are not meeting the current PUD conditions. They were advised by Andy Matthews that 15-18 sites will be occupied for the winter. Planning will meet with the City Attorney to discuss enforcement and possible attachment to the current PUD Amendment. Hammerheads were discussed by Planning and Fire Department. Fire Department cannot enforce health and safety issues but they will need the lanes to be wide enough for fire trucks and access to water supply. Parks and Planning discussed proportions for amenities. Public Works to review MOU regarding ownership. If ownership changes, it will be subject to design requirement changes. The meeting was adjourned at 11:26 am. cc: Police City Manager City Clerk Building Fire Community Development Planning Parks Public Works MDT