CBF Comments in Opposition to TIF for Workforce Housing Public Comment from Citizens for a Better FlatheadC:idmm for a Butu Fladicad FO Box 2198 Ki6pell, M`759M 406-758.8993 www.Flarhe 3dUtnrens.nrg
Sept.19, 2022
Dear Mayor and Kalispell City Council,
As proposed, Citizens for a Better Flathead cannot support your adding workforce housing to
uses for the City's TIF dollars. We are opposed because this tax dollar funding as proposed
would be set aside for workforce housing:
• Providing only short-term workforce housing. After a mere 10 years the
developer/building owner could convert to full market rate --Kalispell needs to invest
scarce tax revenue in long-term housing solutions;
• Restricted for only workers earning the highest salaries even eligible for subsidized
housing (80% to 120% Area Median Income or AMI)--- city documents provided for
this hearing do not provide the factual basis to show that this is the income level that
will address workforce housing needs of the diversity of businesses in downtown
Kalispell. We support comments on this submitted for this hearing by Community
Action Partners who confirm this is an issue the city needs to slow down and address;
• Without clear assurances that the city would have safeguards in place to require
that TIF dollars are only used on a pay -as -you go basis and not to put the city in the
position of potentially bonding to help finance a risky housing project. Attorney's
representing the Historic Kalispell Grand Hotel in their comments to the city on
development of a new parking garage with housing in Kalispell have raised questions
that deserve answers before the city considers using TIF dollars for housing.
Thank you for considering our comments and making them part of your hearing record.
Mayre Flowers, Board Co -Chair
Citizens for a Better Flathead