Homeless in Kalispell Public Comment from Scott BrownleeAimee Brunckhorst
From: Scott Brownlee <piggypea@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2022 12:40 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Homeless in Kalispell
Mayor and City Council,
There seem to be an uptick in the number of homeless wandering Kalispell. Nowhere is this more evident than the
Depot Park area.
They are in the stores, parking lots and even up and down the new rails to trails path. I have walked that path and found
it very uncomfortable when going through and area or two. I cannot imagine families or women traveling alone at
certain times. You cannot allow this to fester, when you have two you will have ten and it will continue to grow. How
can you revitalize an area and allow this situation to continue. It is bad for tourism and locals alike. As a matter of fact it
has been brought to my attention by several visitors to the area, is that the image you want to portray? I know this is not
a new phenomenon and other areas are experiencing similar issues but maybe these people should be sent to Seattle,
Portland or Los Angeles where they have exacerbated these problems? Is this the path we want to continue.
Thank you for your time,
Scott Brownlee