Price gouging Motels/Hotels need to stop Public Comment from David Spotted EagleAimee Brunckhorst From: David Spotted Eagle <dspottedeagle777@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, September 16, 2022 9:39 AM To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment Subject: EXTERNAL Price gouging Motels/Hotels need to stop. Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Good morning family and friends, have a nice day. Anyone that has been to Sykes in Kalispell knows that it is a good place to eat. My dad worked for Doug Wise in the 50's (owner of Sykes) except he worked on Doug Wise ranch outside of Kalispell. Mr. Wise always treated my dad, mom, and I good when we went to his restaurant and yep, he always had 10-cent coffee with unlimited coffee. Mr. Wise ended up selling the restaurant after many many years. Now my family and I still go to Sykes when we are in Kalispell because it's still a good place to eat. Just recently my dad was in the Kalispell hospital because of a scary incident that happened to him, anyway Sykes was closed and it was very hard trying to find a place to eat late at night in Kalispell. Now staying in Kalispell is a whole other story. Trying to find a decent place to stay in Kalispell during summertime is really rough. All the motels/hotel prices are through the roof and extremely expensive. I know this has nothing to do with the locals that live in Kalispell and it comes from the big businesses that own the motel/hotels there. They are literally price gouging people to stay in the motel/hotels. And to top it off, they don't provide any medical rates to people that only need a room to sleep in and go back to the hospital. I actually felt bad for the local people in Kalispell because if they have a family member in the hospital and they have family coming into town, they too receive price gouging from these places. Anyway I know I went way off track here but I was just comparing the hospitality that Doug Wise showed people with his business and he also hired many people from Browning back in his day to work on his ranch. Today its all about money and when a person has to be in the hospital there, they're family better have a lot of money to get a room and hope you find a place to eat if its late at night. The city of Kalispell needs to stop the motel/hotels from price -gouging people. (I would like to thank the medical staff at Logan Health Medical Center, they provided excellent care for my father and they all were very kind.) - my rant