7-22 Parking UpdateCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING PARKING UPDATE: July 2022 Tickets July 2022: Dave 282 $2,820.00 KPD 46 $460.00 Combined 328 $3,280.00 July 2021: Dave 429 $4,290.00 KPD 19 $190.00 Combined 448 $4,480.00 Ticket Income July ticket income $3,610.00 Tickets issued and paid in July $1,770.00 Parking Permits July 2022: $9,025.00 down $2,522.00 July 2021: $11,547.00 Occupancy Report July 2022: Westside 106% Eastside 117% July 2021: Westside 110% Eastside 121 % Meters & Machines July 2022: $1,002.10 up $9.52 July 2021: $992.58 The Boot July 2022: used twice $130.00 fines July 2021: not used *missed 3 days, prisoner transport combined 111 % combined 115% $70.00 fees $200.00 total