09-06-22 Business Improvement District AgendaDOWNTOWN SPELL KALISPELL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Board Agenda Tuesday, September 6, 2022 8.30 AM — 10.00 AM Location: Kalispell Chamber of Commerce Conference Room 8:30am — 8:40am - Call Meeting to order — Kisa Davison, Chair Approval of Agenda — September 6 Approval of Minutes —August 2 8:40am — 9.00am Financial review Executive Coordinator Report — Pam Carbonari City Report — Katharine King 9.00am — 9:45am - Progress Update/Next Steps on Goals Goal #1: Create a list of specific constituents in a Google doc, to complete by August meeting. DONE — Next step Goal #2: Establish KDA liaison to attend meetings — DONE: Kisa Davison BID Rep Goal #3: Establish a cohesive brand for DTKP by May 2023. Board vote Goal #4: Organize and sponsor a Friends of the Parkline exploratory meeting by July 1, hosted at Sunrift Brewery. DONE — moved to Independent Development Committee 9:45am — 10.00am - PUBLIC COMMENTS 10.00am - 10:15am- Discussion/Decision Items Facade Improvement grant request — Ceres Bakery Memberships — Chamber, NW Mt History Museum 10:15am — 10:30am NEW BUSINESS Newsletter schedule and content ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting — Tuesday, October 4, 2022 P. O. Box 1997, Kalispell, Mt. 59903 * (406) 253-8941 * pam(a)-downtownkalispell.com www.downtownkalispell.com