Housing Public Comment from Bradford FenchakAimee Brunckhorst From: e-mail <ckfeedflathead@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2022 5:09 PM To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment Subject: EXTERNAL housing The affordable workforce housing problem is far from new. When Community Kitchen -Feeding the Flathead started in 1989 it was to serve those working or on fixed incomes who could not afford housing, meds and food. Kalispell is now reaping the "reward" for ignoring lower income housing. The city"s businesses are reducing hours, services and even shutting down due to the staffing shortages. The dearth of workforce housing is forcing workers to move away. Even in 2020 the disparity in percentage of income spent on housing is large. https://data.census.gov/cedsci/table?q=housin/20KaIispelI/20MT&tid=ACSST5Y202O.S2503 It is highly discouraging that the council is not coordinating with CAP. Why duplicate what has already been done? Disheartening as well was that there was no discussion of amending city code to facilitate less expensive building costs,i.e. shipping container apartments, https://www.discovercontainers.com/container-apartments/ altered setbacks, and transported in housing as in Evergreen. https://daiIyinterlake.com/news/2022/apr/24/real-estate- agent-moves-apartment-building-evergre/ Without the lower echelon wage earner, quality of life will continue to deteriorate for all. The lack of services and availability of services is becoming more and more readily apparent. Please utilize this opportunity to alleviate the exodus of workers and keep Kalispell's economy viable. good tools for stats httos://www.census.eov/auickfacts/fact/table/kalisr)ellcitvmontana/PST045221 https://www.nwmt.org/resources/nwmt-impact.pdf https://www.capnm.net/ files/ugd/e99820 ec6118f29894499cbd799e73c3593ea1.pdf https://www.montanabusinessquarterIV.com/montanas-unaffordable-housing-crisis/ Thank you, B. Bradford Fenchak