08-09-22 Architectural Review Committee MinutesMINUTES
DATE: Tuesday, August 9, 2022 @ 7:30 AM
Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Ave E
MEMBERS PRESENT: Julia Pierrottet (Chair); Robin Spear; Mark Pirrie, Cara Lemire,
Susanne Wigginton
OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff – Kari Barnhart
# Of Guests: 5
Hear the Public: None
Approval of Minutes: Susanne objected to the minutes and stated that they read like a
transcript. She would like the minutes to highlight the points that
were made followed by the motion. Mark agreed that the minutes
were long. Susanne motioned to not approve and to have them
redrafted, Cara 2nd, approved (5-0).
New Business:
Signs: None
Skalsky Hangar – 90 Ryan Lane – new hangar – Kari presented plan. Susanne asked if
there was lighting; Dan Skalsky confirmed there is no lighting. Site review was approved.
Mark moved to approve, Cara 2nd, approved (5-0).
North Clark Hangar – 100 Ryan Lane – new hangar – Kari presented plan that has 2
bays. Susanne moved to approve, Mark 2nd, approved (5-0).
South Clark Hangar – 30 Ryan Lane – new hangar – Kari presented plan. Mark moved
to approve, Susanne 2nd, approved (5-0).
Old Business: None
Other Discussion:
Aaron Wallace presented a revised plans with L shaped buildings and less parking spots.
He confirmed to Susanne that there is 1 elevator for each 112-unit building. Kari stated
that the owners had a lengthy discussion with Jarod and PJ last week after the 7/26/22
ARC meeting and that they like the revised plans. Susanne gave feedback and feels
raising the corner sections to five stories would be an interesting addition and make the
roof look not so squatty. Aaron explained why there will likely not be a 5th story. Robin
asked how the change affects outdoor amenities; Aaron replied that they are being
discussed. Julia had comments regarding the roofline and use of lighter materials. Mark
would like to see 2 more stories. Aaron stated that the developer will not go higher than
60 feet for cost reasons. Robin had comments regarding lower-level privacy by the
parking lot. Aaron will move forward and come back with more detailed plans.
Glacier Bank - PRELIMINARY COMMENTS – Ned Halling and Jon Ruonavaara from
Jackola presented plans. Julia had comments regarding a Main St. entrance and use of
glass. Susanne had comments regarding redundant signage. Jon asked the committee if
they could add a mountain goat or bus to the bridge. Cara suggested a window mural and
less grey on the bridge. Kari provided Jackola a copy of the Downtown Design
Standards. Robin had comments regarding use of artistic lighting for the sky bridge.
Susanne suggested viewing the Eagle’s Lot rendering to get a downtown feel. Julia and
Cara had comments regarding bricks at the pedestrian level. The committee would like to
see a Main St. entrance to give more presence and gave Stockman’s Bank and First
Interstate as examples. Julia commented that she would like to see a more historic façade.
Cara had comments regarding bringing brick around the corner, awnings, cornices, and a
parapet wall. The committee would like the building to have a Main Street presence (i.e.,
western historical). Mark had comments regarding the existing brick on the north
building. Cara had comments regarding the recessed door on the north building on Main
St. The committee would like the FedEx box relocated off Main St. Jon and Ned will
come back with an updated rendering based on comments received.
2022 ARC Awards – Kari presented the 2020 and 2021 Building Projects for ARC
Awards. The committee selected several projects to review and discuss at the next ARC
meeting on 8/23/22. Kari will send the updated list to the committee today.
Meeting Adjourned @ 8:45AM