Proposed Increase to Eagles Lot Proposal Public Comment from John HincheyI August, 2022 Kalispell City Council 201 First Ave. East Kalispell, MT ?M'IrT "It f-t7l-lf rj-I'G NITIViL =17. approved 4 story parking garage on the Eagles lot. I am not opposed to the parking, the retail component, or the housing component of this proposal. My issue is with the new 8 story variance request I do not believe that an 8 story structure is appropriate in the Kalispell Downtown Historic, where currently structures approximating 3 stories dominate the landscape. Even the apartments currently under construction at the former Grain Silos are only 6 stories, and they are not in the Downtown Historic District. I have been restoring downtown buildings and numerous residential properties in Kalispell for today. An 8 story building, dwarfing the Kalispell Grand and Western Outdoor along with the numerous 100 year old shops in the area will be detrimental to the character of the Historic District. Being concerned about this proposail, I recently contacted the Montana Historical Society in Helena, with whom I have worked for many years, to get their input on the Eagles lot proposal as it applies to the Historic District. I spoke with Peter Brown, who said that the Historical Society would be eager to comment on the proposal, if asked to do so by city management. I therefore encourage you to contact him in Helena, for his input. He can be reached at: Peter Brown 225-N. Roberts St. Helena, MT 59601 Ph. (406) 444-2694 I hope you will obtain the perspective of the Historical Society on the impact of this proposal on our Downtown Historic District, before making any decisions that will forever after the character of the District. Thank You Zo nyHincheyy 534 4th Ave. E. Kalispell Cell 406) 261-9494