Free Peace Education pgrm for your consideration Public Comment from Dan StrattonAimee Brunckhorst
From: dojodanl
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2022 8:43 AM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Free Peace Education pgrm for your consideration
I am reaching out to you to make you aware that I have developed a comprehensive Peace Education program and offer
it free and without any obligation whatsoever to whomever may want it. It's called Safe Defense and is presented in 4
self -directed You Tube videos such as the one at: hops.//yc�at�aecgteCsKgeE Safe Defense is a conflict navigation
skill set consisting of; Basic Knowledge (Definitions), De-escalation (FOUL Buster), Conflict Resolution (PeaceDNA), and
`move the target' hopping (Peace Moves). It's a 'True' self-defense which means to protect yourself without injuring the
attacker. This unique approach allows the idea of self-defense to extend into the pre -violent actions (verbal attacks) we
all face daily, such as name calling & threats. Safe Defense is the safe & common language we so desperately need. I am
hopeful that you will watch the video curriculum and then share it with those in your family and community, perhaps
lead your church or after -school groups or, at least, pass it on to a colleague.
My intention here is not to sell anything, to deceive or 'hook' you into anything besides considering making Safe Defense
accessible to our youth groups, workforce cultures and each other. There are no 'cookies' involved, and your contact
info is not requested. This is truly an altruistic mission. The somewhat amateurish animation is my best effort making
this unique Peace Education content accessible to the world. Go ahead and laugh at the animation but take the content
seriously. I'm sure you'll find the :05-minute lessons valuable and easy to transfer within a group. Simply watch the
video lessons, over a period of time, along with your small youth group. Follow up and debrief is no more than openly
discussing afterwards. Light lifting. There are teaching tools (suggested group questions, posters, exercises) available on
my website. These things too, along with everything else there, are free and without any obligation. My website is at:
Please take a look and use as much or as little as you want. There is no downside for you, only a Peaceful approach to
self-defense based on and inclusive of Conflict Resolution. Enough with the violence as the only choice as self-defense!
Enough with the definition of self-defense as limited to a counterattack (offense) because 'they' started it or you 'had to
do it'. Enough with the Fight/Flight dilemma! How about'Figure It Out' with innovative Safe Defense? Watch with an
open mind and see a new way forward that makes sense. Like I said, there is no downside. If you have any questions,
concerns or whatever, I'm a reply away.
With respect,
Dan Stratton (Bully)