07-14-21 Urban Forestry Committee MinutesKalispell Parks & Recreation
306 1st Ave E. P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997
(406) 758-7718 Fax (406) 758-7719
Wednesday, July 14, 2021, 4 - 5 p.m.
In attendance: Judy Rosenfeld Cox, April Vomfell, Erin Stieber and Staff: Fred B,
Colter H
Public Comment:
No public comment was given.
Approve Minutes:
As a quorum was not present minutes from the June meeting we not approved.
Current Business:
➢ Tree Walk- Judy
• Thursday July 22, Woodland Park meeting at Lagoon Pavilion
• Trees were reviewed and discussed. Whitefir was removed and Box Elder was added to the
list of trees to visit on tour. Members volunteered or were volunteered to talk about different
o Ponderosa Pine- Martin
o European Beech & American Beech- Fred
o American Linden- April
o Box Elder- Colter
o Chinquapin oak- April
o Kentucky Coffee Tree- Erin
o Cottonwood- Judy
o Englemann Spruce- Tony
• The idea of putting together a pamphlet of trees was discussed. In the end it was agreed to
put together pictures and allow room for notes to be taken.
• The idea of doing a tree planting demo was discussed and Colter H believes it should be
possible. A container tree was recommended as that is the mostly widely boughten type of
tree by homeowners.
• Fred talked about how the event is being promoted via facebook and community calendars.
• The idea of doing a practice walk was discussed and Wednesday the 21st at 6:00pm was
agreed upon.
Kalispell Parks & Recreation
306 1st Ave E. P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997
(406) 758-7718 Fax (406) 758-7719
➢ Review Work Plan- Fred
• Fred reviewed the work plan the board had worked on at the June meeting. Articles were
further discussed and some topics were assigned.
➢ Red Oak Review- Martin
• Martin was not able to attend the meeting today but has completed a review of the Red Oaks
on the East side of Kalispell. He will share results with Fred tomorrow.
➢ Arborist Update – Colter
• Continuing pruning on 4th Ave E, currently on the 200 block. Staff and volunteers are
watering trees five days a week with the water truck. Colter reminded everyone to water,
water, water as trees are in desperate need of water. Past cost share tree owners have been
emailed reminders to water.
➢ Misc
• Board asked about the status of the billboard, Fred said he would send out the latest version
• Erin requested an updated species diversity list for the City. Fred will run that report before
the next meeting and email out to everyone.
Cc: City Clerk