04-14-21 Urban Forestry Committee MinutesKalispell Parks & Recreation 306 1st Ave E. P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 (406) 758-7718 Fax (406) 758-7719 STREET TREE BOARD Minutes Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 4 - 5 p.m. Public Comment: Members introduced themselves to new board members: April Vomfell and Erin Stieber. No public comment provided. Approve Minutes: There were no minutes to approve. Current Business: Arbor Day 2021 updates Fred gave an overview of the Arbor Day event and how it will be different this year from past years. Tony discussed educational booths this year and who has signed up to be filmed ahead of the Arbor Day event. Booth presentations will be loaded onto the City’s YouTube channel and shown in the third graders classrooms. Fred discussed having the formal ceremony broadcast to the classroom via Google Meets live from Woodland Park. A spruce tree will be this years official Arbor Day tree. Logistics was discussed with Colter as far as lining up tree planting location and supplies to plant the tree. Ali mentioned that tree seedlings would be arriving next week. Fred discussed coordinating the tree seedlings with having the woodshop students place them in sandwich bags. Media was then discussed, Ali is going to ask Jamie K. if something at the state level is available for us to utilize. All Tree Board members were invited to attend the tree planting ceremony in person. Council Meeting April 19 Fred discussed that we have been invited to come to council and make an Arbor Day presentation on April 19. Tony agreed to read a letter from the tree board to council, Martin agreed to be there as well. Ali cannot make the presentation and will ask Jamie K. to attend via zoom and present the City of Kalispell its 34th TCUSA award. May 8th Community Tree Planting event Fred discussed that the community tree-planting event is part of a grant received from the DNRC to plant trees in the boulevards surrounding Kalispell’s homeless shelters. One hundred and eleven homeowners were identified has having potential planting locations within the area. All were sent letters, 12 have opted out at this point. This 40-tree planting Kalispell Parks & Recreation 306 1st Ave E. P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 (406) 758-7718 Fax (406) 758-7719 project will be combined with leftover tree replacements from the May 31, windstorm event from last year for a total of around 100 trees going into this area. A Ray of Hope has agreed to host the event, allowing us to use their parking lot for a meeting point and lunch. Three volunteer groups have been identified to help plant these trees. Erin volunteered to reach out to local pizza places for lunch donations. The challenge of watering of trees was discussed. Cost Share Trees Members were thanked for helping canvas areas of town in need of trees, hanging door hangers on property owners doors advertising the program. To date 12 cost share trees have been claimed with 40 more available. Arborist Update - Colter Finished winter pruning schedule. In total, 1,200 trees were pruned over the winter. Currently pruning on 4th Ave E between 10th and 11th Street. Next week will be planting 12 trees in the downtown area for the BID. Misc Martin is working with a group that would like to donate a tree(s) at Woodland Park. He is researching a variety of Cercis canadensis, eastern redbud that is a zone 1 tree. Cc: City Clerk