03-09-22 Urban Forestry Committee MinutesKalispell Parks & Recreation
306 1st Ave E. P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997
(406) 758-7718 Fax (406) 758-7719
Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 4 - 5 p.m.
In attendance: Erin Stieber, Judy Rosenfeld Cox, April Vomfell, Martin Ripens and Staff-
Cotler H, and Fred B.
Public Comment:
No public comment was given
Approve Minutes:
• Judy made a motion to approve the February minutes, and Erin 2nd. All approved.
Current Business:
• Arbor Day
o Theme “Healthy Trees, Health Me!”
o Kids- Erin
▪ Send Erin past examples of communication with schools. Also send Bette’s
contact information to Erin.
▪ Bette will assist with IB students
o Sponsors- Everyone
▪ Board reviewed letter and provided feedback. Fred will mail out the
following day.
▪ The new Stockman Bank was mentioned as a possible sponsor.
o Environmental Stations- Tony
▪ Tony not present, but FEC and Audubon have reached out and are excited to
participate again this year.
o Food- Judy & Barbara
▪ Colter Coffee offered 40 cups of coffee for $24 which is half price
▪ Krispy Kreme said to call when we are a couple weeks out. Talk to Ryan
▪ Jimmy Johns said a patter feed 30 for $70. Talk to Ryan and Amanda
▪ Need to review numbers and decide what our participant # is.
o T-shirts- Fred
▪ Logo designer suggested sage for a t-shirt color.
o Ceremony- Fred
o Logistics- Colter
▪ Reach out to Aly about tree seedlings.
▪ Discussed replacing 10 red oak trees and 9 elm trees that did not survive last
o Volunteers- Martin & Colter
▪ Teletec has contacted us, and they would like to participate again this year.
o Media- April
▪ Discussed using media campaign to form news story
▪ Fred needs to send April past examples.
Kalispell Parks & Recreation
306 1st Ave E. P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997
(406) 758-7718 Fax (406) 758-7719
o Community Outreach- Judy & Everyone
▪ Discussed past outreaches, Bias was suggested as a possible partner.
▪ Someone mentioned FEC might be doing an Arbor Day coloring contest
• Tree Billboards- 1st billboard was supposed to go up March 1st, that did not happen as
there was a problem with scaffolding. Lamar believes they have a fix and it should
be up any day. They will prorate us.
• Urban Forest Committee Board Applications- If you plan to reup please do so as
applications are due.
• Promote 50/50 Tree Planting Program- We have roughly 15 cost share trees left over at the
25/75 grant price. If you know anyone interested, please let them know.
• Arborist Update – Colter- Now working in Silverbrook and have started 6th Ave E from 14th
ST moving north.
• Cc: City Clerk