Leistiko to Patrick/FAA Funding ProgramKalispell City Airport - S27 James H. Patrick, City Manager Fred A. Leistiko, Airport Manager Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903 Telephone (406) 250-3 )065 Fax - (406) 758-7758 December 24, 2007 TO: City Manager City Attorney This information will be beneficial in planning our program improvement of the Kalispell City Airport over the next year. This schedule pretty much repeats itself every year. We just need to know where to plug ourselves into the program to get into the funding cycle. Some of the documents show how much money is allocated to Montana Airport District Office of the FAA in Helena. Fred A. L tiko, Manager Kalispell City Airport Kalispell City Airport James H. Patrick, City Manager Fred A. Leistiko, Airport Manager Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903 Telephone (406) 250-3065 Fax - (406) 758-7758 DATES FUNDING ACTIONS January 2008 NW Region ADO's meet in Seattle to review and prioritize major projects scheduled for FY 2009 — 2011. Deadline for projects was June 2007. April 2008 Notice will be given that all applications and preapplications be submitted to the ADO no later than May 1, 2008. This includes a valid Environmental Assessment; a current Airport Layout Plan; and any airspace actions needed to move the project forward. May 2008 Based on Capital Improvement Programs submitted in August 2007, the NW Region will submit its request for funding to the FAA Headquarters in D.C. June 2008 NW Region submits its FY 2009 discretionary funding candidate list to the FAA Headquarters. June 2008 Bid Openings for Grants using Discretionary or State Apportionment funds should be held no later than June 1, 2008. July 2008 Bid Openings for Grants using Primary or Nonprimary funds should be held no later than July 1, 2008. July 2008 Grants for projects, including land acquisition projects, using Discretionary or State Apportionment funds to be issued no later than July 1, 2008. August 2008 Grants for projects using Primary or Nonprimary funding "only" to be issued no later than August 1, 2009. August 2008 All airports must submit their CIP requests to the Helena ADO for review. September 2008 Helena ADO will develop the FY 2010-2012 Airport Capital Improvement Program for Montana airports based on CIP submittals received in August. FY-2007 (Total millions) • FY-07 State Apportionment = $ 5.65 • FY-06 SA Carryover = $ 1.03 • FY-07 Nonprimary = $ 7.89 FY-06 Nonprimary = $ 2.65 FY-05 Nonprimary = $ 0.77 FY-04 Nonprimary = $ 0.07 Total GA Funds Available $18.06 Total GA Funds Used = $13.15 Total Discretionary Granted = $ 1.65 Total = $14.80 General Aviation Funding Federal Aviation 2 October 3, 2007 10 Administration I 111, 1111111772, 11 FY-2008 (Total millions) • FY-08 State Apportionment = $ 5.80 • FY-07 SA Carryover = $ .00 • FY-08 Nonprimary = $ 7.89 • FY-07 Nonprimary $ 3.80 • FY-06 Nonprimary $ 1.06 • FY-05 Nonprim ary $ 0.17 Estimated GA Available $18.72 Estimated Discretionary $ 1.50 Estimated Total $20.22 General Aviation Funding Federal Aviation 3 October 3, 2007 10, Administration 1 Print Date 10/112007 IYI1 Nonp1'i1 try tnt1t11911 ent 1UUb'Luua b1,mwary as of VGtoDer 9r 2ou FY-05 NPE FY-06 NPE FY-07 NPE Estimated FY-08 NPE11 Estimated No. City FY-0b Nan Primary Entitlem't Used Sal Carry over to FY- 08 --� FY-08 Non Primary Entitlern't Used Bat Carry Dyer to FY- 08 FY-07 Nan Primary EntBiemY Used Bal Garry over to FY- 08 111a.1 fl'-08 Non Primary EntitiomR Used Estimated Available I FY-08 06, oz Funds Avaitabie In FY-08 1 Anaconda s150,000 S150,0o0 $0 so $o $0 60 $0 $O_ ;O so 560,400 S16,0G6 SU SD SO $0 50 $150,000 $150,0DO 1150.000 $6111il $16,667 S56,667 $150.000 $60,067 $0 5150,000 $143,333 r;65,444 SB6,889 $150,000 $150,000 3150,001) $32,133 $5,989 $150,000 $35,062 $0 $W.W7 $150.000 ie0.9e7 so $0 $0 W.- $86,989 $150,000 $150.000 S69,925 $117.967 $144,011 50 $26,050 $16,667 $0 So SO 50 $150,000 $143,333 50 $0 SD $0 $60,075. $150,Wo $150.000 5150,000 $160,wo $146.368 $150.000 _S77,021 $I 1a,6O0 $150,000 $150,0o0 51D6,579 $150,000 5150,OD0 5150;05D 5150,000 5150,OW s0 S0 $5,016 S0 $19.896 S56,667 $77,027 553,'3.70 $150.00D _ 50 SO $150,000 S50,000 $150.000 $134,900 SO $150,QO0 $150,000 $144,984 $160,000 $126.472 $93.333 SO i23,044 So $150,000 $706,579 $0 Sto0,D00 $0 $15.700 $150,000 $150,000 $150.000 515D,000 $1e0,000 3146.368 $150,000 $77.021 *118,000 _ $150,000 _ 5150,000 S106,579 $150'Wo $15D,000 V50,0D0 $150,0W $160,000 $0 $0 SO s0 SO $0 $0 $0 SO $0 SO so so $0 30 S0 $150,000 $150,000 $150,D00 Sim,= $146.366 $15D,000 $77,021 4116.60o $150,000 MUM $106,579 $150.000 $150.400 $150.000 $150.000 $150,000 S417,867 $444.011 $294.984 $326,059 $289,507 $243,333 $77,021 3141,b44 S150,000 $510.400 $372,497 5150,OE14 S250,000 1150,000 S165.100 $360075 2 Baker S151),000 $150.000 3 Big Sandy $150.000 $150,000 4 91g Timber $61,111 $61.111 5 Broadus s �$16.666 $16.666 6 Chester S56.667 556,667 7 Chinook S150,0DO $150,000 $ _ Ciwtcau $05,0G7 $OG,CiG7 9 Orde s0 so 10 COISI"P 5750,000 S89,600 11 Columb0a 5143.333 $12-1,327 12 IL nra0 565,444 585,44a 13 ICulbertson $86,889 S66,889 14 ICut Bank S150 = $150.000 15 1 deer Lodge s150,000 $150.000 16 10illon 5150.OW $150.000 17 jEkWaxa $150,0D0 $150,000 50 $150,000 $150,00o 18 Ennis $150,000 $150.0D0 _ so 515o,00o S150,000 19 Eureka 5150,000 $150.000 50 515.= $150.000 20 Forsyth $150.000 S15p,D00 s0 5150.000 3150.000 21 Ft. Benton $76,667 S76,667 $0 $761667 $76,667 22 1 G "gow S150,000 5150,0DO $0 $150,000 ' $150,000 23 Glandive $150,000 $150,000 $0 $150,000 $150,00o 24 Hamiton $150,000 s150,000 50 $150,000 $150.000 25 Harlem $150.000 $150.000 SD W50,000 7150,ODO 26 Hanowton $76.667 $76.657 s0 $76,667 576,667 27 Havre $150.000 5150,000 $0 50 S1OSA78 316.667 $105,078 516.567 29 Jordan 116.566 S16.666 29 Kalispell City $150,000 $150,000 Sol 5150,000 3150,0W SO $150,000 S125,662 $23,338 5150,D00 s0 $150.000 $173.338 $0 $150.000 $102.306 $47,694 $150.000 50 SIM.= $197,594i, $0 S150,D00 $43.994 $106,006 $150.000 $0 3150,00D $256.006 $0 5150,000 $73.669 S76,331 S150,00D W $150.000 $22%331 s0 $150,000 555.685 '594,315 5150.000 SO Si50,000 $244.315 $0 $150,000 $93,793 $56.207 $150,000 SO $150,000 S208,2D7 SO $150.000 5150,000 SO $150.000 - SO S150,000 3150.000 $0 $150,D00 5150,000 s0 4150,000 $0 $150,000 $150,000 $D $150.000 60 $150,000 3150.D00 So $150,(J00 $300,000 $0 5150,000 5150,000 S0 $150,000 50 5150.0DO $150,1301) 60 $133.165 50 $133,165 $150,000 S0 $150.000 $283.165 SO $95.000 595.000 $D S95,000 SO S95,000 $95.000 $0 5150,000 $D $t50,o00 $150.000 so 5150,0o0 5300,000 30 Laurel $150.000 $150.000 $0 1 $150,000 $110.837 sn'163 $150,OW $0 $150,000 $150DW s0 $150000 $339163 31 Lirmslown $150.ODO $150.000 $o $15o.Doo 5150.00o SO 70 $0 W $0 S150,000 $150,000 $145200 $150,000 $150,0OO $o $120.038 5748,240 $37,278 $450,000 $isn.Onn $29,962 $0 $112.722 $O S4sn.non $0 $150,400 SD $148,2DO 50 $150,000 so $150,000 SO $1soow $150,000 $148,200 $150,000 $150.OD0 $300.000 $179,962 $148,200 S262,722 I S450-000 32 Libby $150.000 $150,000 $0 $150,000 $150,000 33 Lincoln $116.667 5116.667 $0 $116,667 $116,667 34 Livingston $150,000 s15o,000 $0 $150.000 5150,000 35 AAa1ls $132.222 1 5132,222 S0 $132,727 5132,222 36 ideas city $150.000 $150,000 $0 SiXOM $79,996 $70,004 $150.000 SD $150.000 $0 $150,000 so Sit so $150,000 $o $370,004 so 37 Phil atiurg so s0 $0 $0 So so 50 $0 38 Ptains $150.000 $150.000 so s75o,0Do $15O.Wo $0 s150,000 $150,0D0 SO $150,ODO so 4150.000 $15000 39 Plantywood 316,GW $16,666 $0 $16.667 $16.687 s0 $100.000 3116.305 331,096 3150,000 30 7100,000 $181,696 40 Poison $76.667 $41,967 $34,700 $76.667 $0 $76,667 5750,000 $0 5150p00 1 $150.000 SO $150,D00 $411.367_ 41 POPiar $0 SO s0 So $0 $o SO $ri $01 SO $0 SO 50 42 Ronan $76,667 S74,111 $2,556k$76.667 $76,667 SO 5150,000 $150.000 $01 $150,000 SO 3150,000 5152,556 43 Roundup S41a,DDa 81:O,OOo a0to,aad y11o000 S0 s130o00 712Ei.trftl Se3,Wb4 b1Stl,tim SD $15D,000 5173,96444 ScoWy $16,666 so $16,886el.W9 SO $61.569 S101.098 50 S101.096 $84 M SO 584 767 SjR7RIF 1. 45 Shelby $127,778 $127.778 30 $127,778 $127,778 5o $0 SO 50 slea,mo $15aX0 $150ADD 5135,853 5150,OOo $147,664 $134,862 $135.853 SO $2.336 $15,118 SO $150.000 50 Mo.= $0 S159,DW 50 S135,853 So $150.000 $150,000 S150,000 $135853 _ $150.000 $152,336 $155,118 $135853 46 Stanford $BO,DOo $80.000 $0 $60.000 $80,000 47 stevenavise 1150,OW 5150,000 50 $150.000 515o,00o 49 Superior $16,666 $16,666 $0 $16,667 $16,667 49 Terry $30,089 SO 538,889 $38,089 so "11,889 $78,600 SO $78600 $78600 $0 $70600 $234978 50 7hamp Fam s150,000 smoo0 1 30 1 SD s0 I SO $150,DDD 1 r$150,000 I 5150-,000 $72,222 1 $150.000 S92,345 5150,000 572.2n SO 1 357,655 30 SO 1 $148.632 5150,000 $150,000 1 S150-ODo 1 $0 30 $7.071 $150.WO $148,632 $150.000 $142,929 $01 5146-632 50 $150,000 SO $150,D00 $0 S150.000 7D $148,832 $297,264 $150.000 $357.655 $150,000 S292,929 s150000 s4snnnn 51 ThreeForks $150.000 $450,000 52 Townsend $15D,000 5750.000 53 Turner 57 .= $72222 54 Twin Bridges S150,000 $146-191 $3,66A 5150,000 5150.000 50 3150.OM $131.315 50 S750,000 $150,000 S57,6(18 5150,ODo $0 $0 $150,000 5150,000 $18,685 1 SO $1$0,000 50 5150,000 $150,ODO $150,000 $150,DOO 5o $0 SO 30 $150,0W $150.000 $150,001) $150,ODO $172494 1150,000 1357,688 $150,000 55 lWesiYellowsl 3150,000 $159,000 $0 S750,00 $150,000 56 WWI. Sulphur 593.0o0 $93,000 $0 $93,000 $38,312 57 WotPoint $150,WO $150.000 So $150.000 $150,000 Totals $6,311887 $5.966.361 $173.026 S6,311,B92 $5,102.225 $1,059.667 $7,689,116 $4,086,807 $3.802,309 37,889,118 s0 $7.W9,118 $12.924,118 I Estimated NP 2008 based on 2007-2011 NPIAS Report and AIP legislation prior to October 1, 2007 V It. Q L t h'k wAF O m 0 !1 w O. A W N a 6 m 0 +4 W VI A W P. .u+ P -4 m y ;a R A to tit + p m m V W ih A W N� r r rn on m S r m C) T A S 'n O N r m 7� pP .�PP o a C S m N A A 7 0 T -k G) n C m m C �. C7 'G S 2 S x [> >3 [hj o� of _C 3 �Z S CL n m m Q rt -• A gyp. 0• ro a 0 S G 0 m 3_ C Q. 3 n m ' W gY 'm rya 4 n m m � m m 9 _ 0 17 O G �' p a C) 7 -n v m 0 fA CI o fi o 0 c_ 0 C) n o Fj of ? C) c st I C7 m Y O p 8 4 a m m m o Ri 4 0 0 0@ S rt m A o Q en a G1 G m O c_ $. 'N t0 C C ti m N N m w w a V c6 pa q O N A Itip m m P m N to. A .CD N O r v V V V V rn d W u V uqi N tnn {h a a a' V Cqe� CA InNY N .41 V 7 Ln z $P o a � m a o upi 6 N p W a Q on m p G ry,t. 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