02-22-22 Impact Fee Advisory Committee MinutesIMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (IFAC) MEETING MINUTES Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 4:17 — 5:20 P.M. Location: City Hall Council Chambers Attendees: Board members ® Jeff Zauner (Chair) ® Brandon Theis ® Brian Plunkett ❑ Nancy Cunningham Others Present: ® Susie Turner ® Terri Loudermilk ® Doug Overman ® Dan Pearce Jeff Zauner called the meeting to order at 4:17 PM Approval of Minutes: Jeff asked for a motion to approve the City's minutes from October 22, 2020. Brandon motioned to approve minutes and Brian seconded motion. All voted in favor to approve. Public Comment: None. Agenda Items: Introduced new IFAC member and Fire and Police Chief's. Reviewed IFAC's role and parliamentary procedure. Discussed cost -based methodology of current Police and Fire Impact Fee Reports. The 2022 Fire & Police Impact Fee Reports will use same format as last reports by updating the exhibits using current planning information and capital costs. Doug Overman discussed police space needs planning, costs, and comparisons with other Montana cities. Also discussed police call log ratios and the increase in commercial calls versus residential. Dan Pearce discussed fire call log ratios which also shows an increase in commercial calls. Dan presented mapping of additional stations needed in the 20-year planning period, construction costs, and additional capital equipment needs for future growth. Also discussed Jarod Nygren, City's Development Services Director construction trends/projections for commercial development, growth projections through the year 2040, and population projections utilizing a 2% growth rate. Old Business: None New Business: Next meeting April 26, 2022 to review Fire & Police Exhibits. Jeff adjourned the meeting at 5:20 P.M. Page 1 of 1